Chapter two: Escaping It

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It had been a couple of days since Tommy had disappeared, at first no one suspected
anything and proceeded like it was a normal day. But the third day, that's when people started to notice that a something was missing. There was no yelling and there was no laughing near the bench.

People, especially Dream who was recently released of prison decided to go to Tommy's house. But when he arrived there, it was empty, just a note saying:

"Big man is on an expedition for treasure and women, don't touch my things! Big maninnit will be back!"
- Tommy

Though, Dream was suspicious of his actions. He knew how the boy didn't want to be here but he knew he couldn't get out of the region without alarming him. Well there is one way.

Dream shook his head, there was no way Tommy knows how to do it properly anyway.

Tubbo has suddenly went in to Tommy's house when he saw that the door was open, hoping it was Tommy. He was met with Dream holding the note as he looked at the ram and bee hybrid.

Jesus! Why are you here Dream?!??!
Tubbo asked loudly as he put his hand on his chest.

Sorry if I scared you tubs, and no I wasn't going to hurt tommy. I was just gonna spook him out because he didn't know I was out of prison!
Dream said as he let go of the note Tommy left at the table.

You do know it won't just spook him out, it will make him have a panic attack..
Tubbo said, whispering the last part of his sentence.

And how about you bee boy, why are you here?
Dream asked as he adjusted his mask on his face.

You do know you left the door open when you entered, right?
Tubbo said as he pointed at the opened door behind them. Dream made an "Oh" sound and continued.

Well, if you didn't know Dream, news started to spread about there being a new SMP in the huge weird land in the northern part of the ocean. They don't know who the person who claimed it is but, I can say they did a lot of sailing to get there!
Tubbo said as he check the house anything was stolen from the house.

That's interesting, who knew someone would actually claim that land. Most people wouldn't even touch that place because they didn't want to ruin the peace in that place.
Dream spoke as he was exiting the house.

Well, are you gonna meet the new one?
Tubbo asked as he also started to walk to the door.

Nope! And besides, there's a lot of things I missed out here, didn't I?
Dream answered and went to the once community house.

Tubbo nodded and stared at the masked person to be out of the eye sight, then he pulled out his communicator. He scrolled down in his contacts and clicked on 'Ranboo'.






Dream said he won't come
to the new SMP!


Calm down Tubbo, we also need
Phil to make sure he doesn't get
alarmed that someone is leaving
the border.

K :^


He smiled and put his communicator back to his pocket and went to the snowy biome.


Tubbo was now walking towards his platonic husband's house and saw he saw Ranboo, Phil and Techno come into view.

Hey, Tubbo! Me and Phil were just talking about where we should go that Dream won't go to!
Ranboo said to the teen.

Since Dream is at L'manburg, he'll most likely won't be exploring out for a while. But that doesn't mean we can just get out of this SMP without him knowing.
Phil said as he began to think about where they should cross the Smp border.

Oh! And how about Michael? We can't just leave him here, dream might know that we left and might take him as hostage!
Tubbo stated to the hybrids.

I was just thinking about how I should be in the same boat as him, because you know... Me and him are the same species.
Techno spoke.

I mean I agree with you, he'll be safer with you than any of us. You are the strongest here.
Ranboo agreed to Techno's words.


After some time, they all finished their plan inside the cottage and was now preparing everything they need, including for how they would get out unnoticed by Dream.

By the time they finished preparing all they needed, a snowstorm began to form not far away from them. It didn't bother because it would help them cover their tracks incase Dream would search for them.


They were now on the island where Tommy was exiled some time ago. Tubbo didn't want to stay for too long, it brings back memories of pillar and how much Dream caused him so much trauma and pain.

Phil and Techno placed the boats on the water and they got in. Ranboo dragged Tubbo to his boat while Techno carefully placed Michael  Infront of the boat, so that if something happens he will cover him. Ghostbur decided to join them and sat behind Phil.

After that, they placed their belongings in their bags, and started to sail away from the once peaceful place, to not only find the teen who changed it and to also find a place where they can show their true selves.



Sorry for not uploading. My parents are once again, being assholes. My brain is currently getting used to writing after resting so uh ye

gamerailyn876 turned into mold

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