Chapter six: Centuries long 1/2

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Phil was in the front yard, watering the glaze lillies while humming.

Just as he was about to return to the house, he hears his wife enter the front yard, Phil sees hear and sighs. He knows that it's something important when his wife is wearing a black dress, with dark violet roses around it and has her face covered.

She was always busy but still manages to spend enough time with her husband, but of course, being the one who decides whether or not people with go to the after life is a something she could not just quit at. After all,
She is the God of death.

Her name, Kristin wore a sad, yet serious expression on her face. Now Phil knew something big was happening. He puts the watering can down and greeted her.

Kristin walked to her husband and told him the words Phil never wanted to hear.

This, may be the last you wil see me, Hun. And I am sorry for that.
She said as his eyes widened at she said and she held his face with tears building up.

I know it's gonna be hard for you by to live yourself but, it's either that... Or all of us will disappear.
She said as she lifted her vail that covered her face and kissed him on the forehead on last time.

Phil, who had tears rolling down his face, nodded slowly knew it was indeed the last time she was gonna be with him, hugged her.

For you, my love, I'll make sure I won't forget about you.
He said as he let go and Kristin turned and manifested a portal, and glanced at him as she was about to enter and smiled as she walked through it and it disappeared.


She ran. She couldn't handle their screams and arguing. She hates it. Who gets the money? Who gets the treasures? They fought and screamed at eachother and even though her face shows no care about the subject, she hates how much they fight over such a meaningless topic. Why would fully grown adults fight infront of a child?

She thorough the forest and she ran, she felt her legs finally giving up as she began to slow down. She stopped running and due to exhaustion, she slept at one of the wooden trees, not caring wether or not if it was safe.

How? How did it turned like this? At first, they had the upper hand, and now all of the people who thought that were now dead. Their corpses laying the battle field as those 'Gods' slaughtered them in cold blood.

Kristin tried to held some of them but was left with no choice but flee as she received a fatal wound from one of them, who managed to get the knife of thorned spirits and stapled her.

She was dead, she knew it but she has to do something quickly before she passed on. This revolution has been lasting centuries, and she knew she has to make someone take the task of making it successful.

As she limbs around a dark forest, she saw a girl fast asleep, and she sighs.

She didn't want to do it, after all it was child and if she is planning on putting her God abilities on to the little girl, it also meant she would be forced to watch her loved ones die as she experienced too. Kristin kneels Infront of the young girl, panting and quietly apologizes as she transferred her remaining powers to her.

Once it was done, with tears in Kristin's eyes, she disappeares, leaving only a trace of violet roses in her place.


Okay, that's the first time I actually wrote something that detailed I guess????

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