Chapter Four: neighborhood and the new members!

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It had been a day ever since they all arrived at the SMP. Their first night, they slept on the came they made and woke up to the birds chirping.

Avianinnit said that they could build their houses anywhere but as long as it doesn't break the rules. And them being too afraid to be too far from eachother, so they decided to be neighbors.


Tubbo was collecting wood for the house and for Phil. Due to him not wanting to destroy the nearby trees near the soon to be house, he went further away from the area to find old trees and fallen ones to use.

He was actually close to the border when he found the wood and started to collect it. He made sure he had water with him, or Ranboo was sure he wouldn't get dehydrated.

A sudden movement from water, outside the border was noticed by the bee hybrid. Out of curiosity, he went closer to the edge carefully.

He looked at the water and some kind of person in it. He looked closer to the water and a suddenly, his head collided with another.

Tubbo yelled in pain as he held his head.

Omg! I am so sorry! I d-didn't mean to-
The person said but cut herself off when they noticed who the person they bumped into.

They said, they were shock to see someone on the same place where they were going to.

Niki?!?! Is that you?!?!
Tubbo let go of his head and looked at them.

Yeah.... I was fleeing the place and I thought I could see what the new found SMP.
Niki said as she rubbed the back of he neck.

Well, me and the others actually fled here too. Wait..... You're a mermaid?!?!?
Tubbo said, excitement filled his eyes as he found out what species his friend is

Yup! But I can't be in my form when I'm on land because I can't breathe air, but human form can!
Niki explained to the boy and she saw his bee like wings.

And I'm guessing you are a bee?
Niki asked him

Yeah! I was collecting wood for the house me and Ranboo are building when I heard something here!
Tubbo said.

Wait....who are the other people with you, Tubbo?
Niki wondered how many of them are in the land how they got out of the DreanSMP.

Well there's me, Ranboo, Michael, Phil, Ghostbur and his sheep friend, and Techno!
Tubbo said as he looked at the sun, which was setting already.

Hey, uhm... Come with me, I'll ask the owner of this land if you can stay!


Phil was fling around while instead of building his house, he was searching for treasure. And since he couldn't go underground for ores, Ranboo was the one in the mines.

Avianinnit or Chickeninnit as they started to call him (much to his displeasure), was building his and Phil's house. He wanted to be roommates with Phil and it reminded Phil too much of Tommy begging him in the past so he couldn't say no.

As for the reason he has not yet build his own house, was because he said he arrived there, it was very stormy and he didn't want to be strike by lightning. And the wind was strong.


Techno decided to go the nether for some gold or even netherite. For safety reasons, he left Micheal with Ghostbur, that way ghostbur would have some fun while Micheal can have someone guarding him. But he made sure that they are near someone like Chickeninnit.

He entered the nether with ease as he always  brings a flint and steel and some obsidian (the main reason why he was the slowest when travelling in the boat).

A couple of minutes of finding some ores, he heard something fell.... He being him, he went to check it out and heard someone cursed some words and when he got closer and saw the figure was familiar, well except the part of it's body was on lava.

He drew out his sword and came closer.
Hey! Who are you?

The figure turned around and was revealed to be Jack Manifold himself.

W-woah there! I mean no harm! I was just-- TECHNO?!!?!
He opened his eyes to see the blood god standing right Infront of him.

Jack? Aren't you the person who Niki is friends with?
Techno asked as he put his sword back and Jack nodded.

Yeah, but uhhh.... Dream was kinda going to far there and me and Niki were kinda had enough so we decided to travel and find a place to stay!
Jack said nervously as he rubbed the back of his head.

So you're a blaze hybrid?
Techno asked as he examined Jack's burning skin but the fire wasn't doing anything to hurt him.

Yeah, me and Niki decided to go to the same location but in different ways.

Techno was still suspicious of jack because he knows how much he hates Tommy.

You know what? You can't just stay here in the nether jack, come with me in the overworld.
Techno motions to him and Jack followed.

But uhh, it's not raining...right?
Jack asked nervously as they walked back to the portal.

I don't think so.
Techno replied.


After Tubbo and Techno found both Niki and Jack, Niki followed Tubbo the new land by swimming in the connected lakes while Tubbo made sure that he was close by and of course with flowers. Some for the pollen for food and for decorating his house.

Techno lead Jack out of the nether and luckily they were back and near the Phil so they chatted a bit about how things wee going on and how they wanted to find Tommy.

Jack, surprisingly wanted to find Tommy too and apologies for things, but didn't want to tell Techno about it.


Once Niki and Tubbo neared the new house being built, they also saw the Avian, who happens to own the land.

Avianinnit Avianinnit!
He yelled as he ran to his direction while Phil was still busy working.

'Avianinnit? That's a strange coincidence...'
Niki thought.

Oh? Hello there Tubs! Is there anything you need from the big man Avianinnit?
He asked the bee hybrid.

Tubbo pointed at the water and Niki rose up in the water and looked at the Avian.


Tommy hid the fact that he was shocked that the person that tried to kill him.


I am so sorry for taking a long time uploading this....

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