Chapter seven: Centuries long 2/2

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Holy crap the pilot face to face class in my school starts on 28.... Help me I don't wanna go-----

Fair warning: the names are weird cuz I don't want to confuse myself so bear with it


Has my brother really done such a thing? Abandoning one's family for power, how utterly disappointing.
A woman with black hair with reddish tips said as she continued to walk through the woods.

He has really let go of his own dignity for such a endless cycle of desire... His dreams of becoming a true Deity is no longer reachable.

Stopped her feet and looked at the small hut.
She sighed and knocked;

The door slid open to reveal a woman, in her mid 20's, long brown hair and purplish eyes.


This place she was in was different from her home.

Everything was advanced but there the woman she met said something about her abilities.

' All you're abilities as a god of death came from someone who died during the revolution against the deities who rule every reality there is. But since I have some work to do, could you do me a favour check up on her husband? I'm sure that I've heard people saying he adopted some children.'

She looked around and saw a house, it was sure was different from hers and the woman said it would look;

Much more modern than the home I have.
She whispered to herself.

She walked closer to the house and saw a man with a strange looking clothes, green hat and with raven like wings in the garden, watering some flowers.

The man's eyes turned to her direction and he put his watering can down and waved.

Oh! I didn't expect anyone to visit here! Nice to meet you...
The man paused looking at her.

Midnight, just call me midnight. And if may ask, is you're name Philza?
Midnight asked.

Oh yup! Oh, you must the woman Outer said! Please, come in dear guest.
Philza fixed his hat and opened his garden door and let Midnight in his house.


Philza poured some tea on a cup and handed it to her.

Midnight accepted the cup with both hands and took a sip.

I am actually here to talk about someone, but I need to know if you are comfortable with it, Sir.
Midnight said as she laid the teacup on the table.

Don't worry, if it's someone important then I am fine with it.
Philza reassured her.

I see, it is actually about you're wife, Kristin. The previous god of death.
She spoke, her face was serious yet it was filled with a bit of empathy for the man.

The wined man's eyes soften as he looked at his tea.

Ahh, I see then. What about her?

Well, when she was near on dying, she passed down her role and abilities to me. I only gained full understanding when I didn't look older when I turned 50. I thought this look of mine would change in time, but...
She sighs as she took another sip.

Now I am near  eight hundred years old and not only that I accidentally summoned my scythe, I saw spirits of the dead wondering around my estate.
Midnight spoke and looked at her tea.

Oh, I didn't think she would pass it to someone not withing her bloodline but, I never really know a lot about her, even after we got married.

She was always out, delivering the spirits to the afterlife. But it didn't mean we never spent time with each other though.
Phil said as he remembers his memories with her.

I am sorry about her death, even after near a century. But another question, Outer asked if it's true-
Both Philza's and Midnight's conversation was interrupted with a small boy running down the stairs.

DAAAAAAAD!!!! Techno keeps talking about the art of war crap again!
A young boy with brown, fluffy hair whined to his dad as another boy came down.

the young boy has pink hair and his ears has sharp ends.

Boys, calm down. We have a guest here. Be polite.
Phil said as the two boys looked at midnight with eyes filled with curiousity.

Miss, who are you?
'Wilbur' asked.

Are you some kind of samurai from the the sengoku era of Japan? You dress like one though!
'techno' asked the lady.

Midnight and yes, I am from Japan, you are quite good at identifying clothing aren't you, techno, was it?
She replied to the boy's questions.

Techno nodded and sparkles appear on his eyes. It was very obvious he wanted to know more.

Wait, isn't that a long time ago? Does that mean you are a grandma no- OW!
Wilbur gets smacked in the head by his older brother.

Don't say such a bad to her! And even if she is, she looks like she's much younger.
Techno scolded him.

Sorry about them, I didn't know they were still awake.
Philza apologized to her.

No need, I was about ask about you adopting children was true, it turns it was.
Midnight said as she stood up.

That is all I am here for, goodbye.
Midnight begins walk to the door.

Aw. I wanted to ask her about things in her time.
Techno's ears lowered in disappointment.


Okay after this it's back to the present!
Word count: 884

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 22, 2022 ⏰

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