Chapter three: A new SMP?

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It had been some time ever since they set off and Crossed the DreamSmp region and sailed to the direction of the new found SMP

Tubbo was barely awake while Ranboo was sailing their boat, infront of them are Phil and his dead son Wilbur, or Ghostbur as people call him. The blue sheep is actually the one sitting behind the raven man, and the ghost floating beside it.

Techno was in the lead with Tubbo and Ranboo's son who is asleep while leaning against Techno. Techno looked around and saw an island. He signaled the others to follow him, carefully as he didn't want to wake up the kid.

Once they made it to land, they exited the boat and techno lifted the zombie piglin and carried him quietly. Next was Tubbo, who had  recently woke up and looked around him. he admired the scenery in the island, the island looked like it was home to the animals in there for years too. The birds were singing, flowers were blooming, days like this, reminded him about the old days of the DreamSMP region. Back then there was no chaos, no war or even a government! How did things ended up like this? he asked himself.

Phil and Techno, along with Ghostbur and his pet sheep who is named "Friend". They were all looking for the person who claimed the island. They had to admit, the place was amazing! And the place seemed to be untouched, which did not surprise them at all.

Woah! Dadza look, there's a flying bird!
The ghost said as he pointed at the flying figure. Both Techno and Phil stared at the flying figure and realized that it was flying towards them.

The figure landed Infront of them, revealing a boy with blonde hair, he also had a red strip of hair. His wings were bright red, but the look of the boy somewhat reminded him of  Tommy.


Tommy was panicking inside. The people he was running away from were literally right Infront of him. He was quickly thinking about something that he can say so that they won't know.

He cleared his throat and began to speak.
Woah! I didn't think anyone would come here in my SMP!


Memories about the past began to flash through Phil. His voice was so similar yet so different from him.

He immediately covered his mouth. He didn't mean to say that to someone who wasn't even his son.

I am so sorry! I didn't mean to! Your voice just reminded someone special to me!
Phil apologized to the avian right Infront of them.

My is really that similar? Oh how rude of me! Welcome to the OriginSMP! My name is Avianinnit!
The avian said.

Oh, my name is Philza Watson. The boy here is Tubbo.
He pointed at the boy with brown hair.

Right here is Ghostbur! And his sheep 'Friend'!
He then pointed at the ghost and the blue sheep.

Tommy?!?! Where have you been?!?! You said you'll be back at from you're adventure!
Ghostbur suddenly spoke, making the avian flicnh.

His not Tommy, ghostbur.
Tubbo said with a sad smile.

Ghostbur suddenly became sad and hugged the blue sheep.

So, uh.... You called this SMP of yours "OriginSMP". What does the Origin mean?
Techno asked as the baby zombie piglin was in his arms, still fast asleep.

The origin in the name actually means that this place is where people can show what their actual species is without being hunted if they are rare! No matter what kind you are, in this land that is my territory and SMP, you are always welcome here! But there are also rules.
Tommy explained.


They all were allowed to stay in the SMP as long as they follow the rules:

1. No hurting animals for no reason. Just make a breeding farm, and if the person doesn't eat meat, make sure to make any farm as long as it isn't to big.

2. Never invite outsiders to the SMP without Avianinnit's permission.

3. Everyone can respawn unlimited times, but too much respawn could hurt instead of healing you.

4. Never invite the owner of the DreamSMP.

5. The people named Deo, Bitzel, and Luke are always welcome to the SMP. Even if they invite other people without Avianinnit's knowledge.

6. Don't go to far on pranks, we don't want wars here.

7. You can go and kill the dragon on the other dimension and terraform the end, but not destroy the end cities in the process.

8. Don't destroy the nether too much while building there.

9. If something goes wrong, the oldest will have to take in charge if Avianinnit is not there.

10. No forming governments!

11. It takes a lot of time getting rid of lava casted builds, so please don't that.

12. Build anything you want, just as long it doesn't annoy anyone else.

13. Lastly, don't be afraid and enjoy the land of Origins, be yourself and show who you actually are!


Rule 4. was the rule they found interesting and a relief. But that doesn't mean there were no questions asked to rule 10 and rule 5. How does he even know who those people are? He wasn't even a member of the SMPEarth! They shrugged that one of, thinking that he had met them before the business bay was formed.

But how did he know Dream? No one has been able to the people outside the SMP what kind of person he is. Even if someone wanted to warn the outsiders, Dream would hunt them down and make sure no one knows what kind of a person he is.

But they all just discharged the other questions, and thought they all should be thankful that he let them stay there, despite not telling him the reason why they want there in the first place.


Tommy felt like he was gonna die when he was Infront of them.

It was a good thing Tubbo and Phil only praised him for creating a new SMP at such a young age of 17. Otherwise, he would have already flew away. I know, it was out of character of the great tommyinnit, but remember that the personality he showed towards them was a facade. He never liked attention despite that his persona was opposite to it.


My motivation :'c
Lol I came back to assassination classroom xD

gamerailyn876 got klee
instead of keqing

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