39: Stay

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With the hard-drive secured in his coat pocket Jeongguk gets inside the sleek black car. Jeffery, who was seated behind the steering wheel, hands him a tablet as soon as he settles in his seat.

The tablet had a file opened on it which contained the recent stats about Harris, his schedules, his meetings and even his family.
Going through the data, one thing that Jeongguk notices is how Harris's family doesn't live with him. He has a wife and a son, both of whom live in Boston now.
In some sort, that arises suspicion.

"His family...?"
He asked Jeffery who nods in return, focusing on the road ahead as he speaks,

"Yes. Quite equivocal. Don't you think so?" He asks back, and when the other remains silent, continues,

"Like how his family immediately shifted to Boston, not much later then when Harris started working for William along with working for Nathan at the same time."

"Could the Wrethmeirs not afford separate secretaries or they simply didn't want to." He made a rhetorical question which Jeongguk answered anyway.

"The second option sounds at least plausible."

"Ofcourse it does Jeon. Look at his wife's profile. Owns a stable boutique at the main market, suddenly closes it down and rushes to Boston! What could have made them do that? And as far as we looked, deeper into his family, he has no relatives in Boston either."

Jeongguk simply hums in response.
For some reason, he couldn't point out the trail of every detail they've gotten by far now.
"Are you implying that his family's hiding away?" He asks Jeffery.

"Yes, I am. Not surely, but I think it is that way."

"The interrogation seems slacking too. By far we have no new information through that."
Jeffery fills him in further.

"But we still need to keep it going. Sometimes things don't click plainly. Going over and over helps.
Have you shortlisted?" Asks Jeongguk.

"Yeah. But didn't send the reports to officer Bails."

"He didn't question?"

"Oh he has been. But I'm trying to buy us some time. We need something solid. Like about the poison, and how it got in. That's a must. We cannot go around branding flimsy circumstantial evidence now, can we?"

"Yeah. Very much. So whom did you shortlist?"

"First, William ofcourse. It's not going to take him any longer to bring his lawyer in. Second, Harris, for he stutters a lot and along with the current information we have gotten our hands on about his family, that makes him ace in our suspicion.
And the missus, Janice. The way that she repeats the exact same words every time I'm interrogating her, strikes me off. She of all people would definitely know how to play with people, being the psychologist she is."

Jeffery stated as a matter of factly and somehow Jeongguk found himself snapping his head towards Jeffrey. But before he could let his anger get the best of him a sudden doubt surfaces his thoughts, wondering if she was actually just playing innocent hiding it all behind that smile of hers, as she did years ago. But refrains himself from believing it anyways.

"Everyone's innocent, until proven guilty." is all he says. Convincing Jeffery or himself, that he wasn't sure of.

"I'm driving to the Wrethmeir Mansion. Have got questions with the missus and staff for the day pending. They agreed to conduct today's routine at the mansion, so we'll grab dinner after that, at Pierre's, if that's fine with you." he said briefing a glance at him.

Jeongguk nodded in agreement before he loses himself in his thoughts. Of the case, himself, Taehyung and Janice.

He wonders, how Taehyung would have dealt with Anna after meeting him today. Had she really thrown a slipper at him as he usually tells- she does, whenever he messes up or was that just a joke?

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