41: Prosecution

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It was the constant buzzing from the alarm that brought Janice out of her slumber. She was known for her attentiveness even during her sleep, but the latest medications prescribed to her were giving her a hard time to stick to her expertise. She was in a placid dream of events from the past and those that never happened, when a buzzing sound filled her awfully quiet environment. After what seemed like a good eternity does she opens her eyes, her eyes adjusting to the already dark environment of the room easily. She glances towards the clock at the nightstand and frowns.
 It showed a quarter past six in the morning. She was supposed to have freshened up by now, and here she was in her bed with no recollection of when the alarm had rung. 

Her heart almost leaps into her mouth when a loud groan from beside her surprises the living hell out of her.
"Shut it off Janice!"
 As if on reflex, she quickly gets out of the bed, shutting the alarm, and rushes into the washroom. Her heavy sleep might become the cause of her death some day. It was getting frequent now, her not waking up on time and not realizing when somebody had slipped into the bed beside her. William had grown familiar with sleeping with her once he was bored with seeking pleasure in other's bed. But it was the sleeping next to her part that still bothered her. As a psychologist, she could easily tell that it was the loneliness within one's soul which would lead to such minor acts, but with William, she was never sure. It could be him air-poisoning her to death, and not the loneliness to begin with.

Splashing some cold water on her face, she starts with her morning routine and gets ready to leave for work. It is when she has gone past a few hours of lecture in the university, has the news been broken to her and the ominous feelings surface. ~*~

"I am terribly sorry to break this to you Mr Wrethmeir, but I'm afraid I cannot look into your case." the lady in the gray suit speaks from behind her desk. "You're the best criminal lawyer in the entire UK Linda, I need your help." says William stoically. "I'll pay you handsomely."

"It's not about money, Mr Wrethmeir. I have my reasons. And I'd prefer if we address each other by our last names. Thankyou very much." 

 "Look Miss Atkinson, I would hire you as my company, Wrethmeir-Co's representative along with providing you a considerable share just please help me on this." 

"Mr Wrethmeir, I don't need to represent a company whose shares are already experiencing a downfall, for my benefit. It is just that your case is too complicated for my reputation. All I can advise you is make the prosecution take over the case." says Linda Atkinson. She then gets up from her chair and struts over to the glass wall overseeing the city, "or you can work your connections with the mayor and get me there, into the prosecution."
 "Everything comes with a price, Mr Wrethmeir, and here is mine. Even if you are the culprit, I can prove you innocent, but..." she says, playing her ultimate card, leaving her sentence hanging for her listener to take the lead. "Deal." says William getting up from his seat as he buttons his coat, "an agreement will be sent to you by ten, I hope you stand your ground firm." with that he brings the meeting to an end.


Once returning to mansion, Janice quickly face times her son Jaden. She was in the middle of her lecture when she received a text from Minho stating Jaden was sick. That's all it took her to experience a panic attack. Not only did she had trust issues but also when you have already lost a child, you can barely withstand a miniscule scratch on the other. A heavy weight was lifted off her shoulder when Jaden told to have caught the mild flu because of travelling. Only to be replaced by another burden, when William entered the living room, followed by a lady in a grey suit. She appeared to be in her mid-thirties, having a natural charm with her perfectly tanned skin. Disconnecting the call, Janice now averted her attention towards them, as William introduced the said woman.
 "Miss Atkinson, meet my wife, Janice. And Janice, this is Miss Linda Atkinson, the best..." "Criminal Lawyer in UK. Nice to meet you, miss Atkinson." Says Janice, cutting her husband mid-sentence.
She shakes the lady's hand, hiding her confusion behind a warm smile. "Likewise."

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