26: The Night Is Still Young.

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Tossing the quilt over the head,
Pushing the cushions tight,
Turning to the left ,
Turning to the right.
Sleep was never something,
For which she had to fight.

Yet here she was , thinking about who was there. In that guest room.
The only plausible explanation she could find for this was Wrethmeirs. Could she?
She was never told about anything that has to do with them. And it kept eating her inside out.
Was William there?
Or Mr.Wrethmeir?
If yes , then why?
Were things supposed to go downhill?
She knew it was to happen , but prayed for the delay always. The sleepless night has made her so alert that she could hear the faint sound of crickets from the garden, she has never heard before. Or was it just her brain?
The sound of AC kept her sane, though the sweating feet and palms told otherwise. She contemplated on going downstairs , and forge the fire of her anxiety by peeking a little into the matter her brain couldn't stop itching her about, or lay there , waiting for the storm to take her away. 
Neither the excessive numbness of her fingers in that descent whether nor the burning of her now chapped lips could avert her thoughts from those.

The hair on her neck stiffened,  when she heard foot steps climbing up the stairs to her floor.
Her room being the closest to staircase gave her the clearest sound she could get in her dog-alert state. If that thing even exists!

She gulped hard pulling the covers closer under her chin. The steps were heavy , as if a man was walking. By now she was sweating hard , her heart hammered against her ribs, making it easier for the person approaching, to kill her , just by saying a mere  'peek-a-boo',
if he intended on doing so.
It was a he , that she was sure of , and the steps were approaching closer, making her eyes shut tight.
She could hear the person's steps drawing closer to her door , but they didn't stop.
They walked farther down the hallway , and she could here a knock or two on the door to Tzuyu's room. Throwing the covers aside , she tip-toed upto her door , placing her ear to the wooden surface , she tried processing the exchange of words that took place. Or to be precise , better say the exchange of kisses. Her face scrunched up in disgust at the sound of a feminine moan followed by a deep manly groan. She now slapped her head for even focusing on the footsteps let alone leaving the bed.
Quickly hiding herself under the sheets , she heaved a sigh of relief. Relief from her poking thoughts. Relief from the stress of the guest room. Relief from her sister's lie, which basically wasn't a lie , but surely seemed like one , since her motives for the night were so fantastic!

Relief?  That was the last word in her dictionary now. It hadn't even been a minute and the sounds from the room across made her stomach churn , she had this sudden urge to vomit , that she rushed out of her room , down the two set staircases into the kitchen . The action took her barely a minute , and she wondered why it took her an eternity all the other times. 

It was dark in the mansion, the only source of light being that of vintage lamp posts in the garden, seeping through the glass windows. The house was scary , and she didn't like it. Parks could make good money if they lend the mansion for horror-film shooting. 
The nausea she had felt seconds ago subsided , exhaustion finally making it's way. Chugging down a glass of water , she walked to the stairs, but stood there at it's foot , looking up at that guest room. Lights off , door shut , locked from the outside , but the Ac could be heard. 
Glancing across she found the office locked too. 
"He might have left the AC on."  she mumbled to herself  whilst going up and decided to switch it off herself , but  her hands froze on the handle at the thought that she might invade someone's privacy , and that too of her horny sister's boyfriend. 
Shaking her head in disapproval she instead went up . At the top stair she stood still , timidly praying for the voices to be absent.
And they were.
But she didn't want to take chances , so she took her phone and quilt from her room and went downstairs again.
The other side of the mansion had a library. One of her grandmother's whom she never met.
It was old but cosy. The library was dark and uncared for because no one in the house was into reading except her. Once in a week the house staff  would clean it or Janice would, but  lately she had been pretty busy with pretty someone. It's been a while since she last got here and lost herself in the gorging emotional rollercoaster of those books.
But today she wasn't here for that either. She was here to sleep in serenity and on the massive relaxing- couch the library offered. It was at the right end from the door and she didn't even bother to flick the lamps on, the light seeping through large glass windows covered with pecks of dust was more than enough. The weather was modest so she left the fireplace the same cold way, plus she didn't want to go back from there to wash the coal wood off her hands. Dusting off the couch she made herself comfortable in it. Draping the quilt delineated she placed her cell phone on the side stand which faced the side of her head directly, and gave ease to operate the device lying on the back, though at the cost of straining her neck muscles in a long run , so she turned to her side and switched the device on. It was already past one and the message-notification from pretty someone ensured that it wasn't the time to sleep yet.
With an excited smile adoring her features she read it.
Hardly did she read the text when the messenger was already calling her.
Accepting the call , she adjusted her head in the palm of her hand, which gave her an upright position to face the camera.

"Hey"  he said faintly which made her drew closer to the device.

"You're awake." She said chuckling and her voice reverberated in the large library. One might be scared to be in such a place all alone with so faint light that the only visible thing was black and silhouettes of unknowns, but she couldn't care about it.

"Oh am I? I thought I was dreaming about you finally having time to read my text." He said making up a funny face.

'Irony'. His words were pure irony.

"Oh is it so, then I won't interfere in your dreams." She said making her point which earned a glare in return. Had she knew about his dreams she wouldn't have dared speaking like that. He ran a hand through his messy hair in frustration.
"I feel like........" He said gritting his teeth . He didn't complete the  sentence but clenched his jaw with a sharp breath instead .

"You feel like what?" She asked curious. For someone with such good grades, she was pretty dense at times.
And it tingled him from insides in a way he couldn't express. But that was another thing he adored about her. He adored how she wouldn't delve too much into the meaning behind his words but her pupils would dilate and her lips would part away so lightly as the realization sinks in her dense head and she quickly locks her eyes with his , as if doubting her thick brain. But he would smile sweetly , not pushing the matter further , leaving her in her own dilemma.  

"Why are you still awake?" He said diverting the conversation other way , or diverting the thoughts for conversation didn't take place to begin with. Either ways he couldn't help but smirk at the flustered look on her face. 
On the contrary, his question made the gears in her brain jammed , as the instances she just fled away from flashed through her mind and even more pink stole up her cheeks.
She bit her lower lip staring at the lit screen , unconsciously not staring at anything in particular. Her eyes just freezed as insane images of her sister and her boyfriend flashed through her head. She shut her eyes tightly hoping for the dismissal of those thoughts. She was sure that her face resembled a beetroot by now. Jeongguk on the other hand had started getting a glimpse of the reason behind her flustered state. He had grown used to it in past few months.
"What is it Monchéri?" Her eyes shot open , so round that he could see her pupils dilated widely. He had deliberately spoken in deep-husky voice and he could already see the effect on her. She wanted to speak , to do , anything , to ease the wild beating of her heart , but she couldn't. She was captivated, by those brown orbs , which seemed to look past her soul, by the very deep voice , by the warmth he brought to her . By him.
She stared ,
so intently , into his eyes . The sleep and exhaustion , now all banished by her witcher.
Silence engulfed them , but there was no lack of conversation.
No words were exchange but that didn't stop from feelings being transmitted.
The soft smile spreading across his lips made realisation hit her like a hail stone on head.
"I could stay like this forever."  He mentioned softly, tilting his head to the side and picking up the guitar that lay there on the bed.

"You wouldn't. A call for free lamb skewers and you will dump me." She said sarcastically.  
He laughed at her and the sound filled her in. She turned, lying on her stomach , propping her head on the back of her hands, it was more comfortable this way. More adequate to fall asleep while talking. No longer had he started playing a rythm than she was already in a new world.
Far from the house , far from worries , far from uncertainties , far from the thirsty sister.
But close to him.
That place was Mi Casa . With him she just felt rich. 

He smiled sweetly at her, playing a comforting music , lullaby to be more specific according to the  current scenario. Her lips in a pout , and the cheek squished up as she rested her face sideways on her palm.
She had kept even her shadow away from him the whole day practiaclly , but now he had whole night with her. Though not the same bed , neither under the same blanket . But they were under the same sky , under the same spell casted on them by the Cupid itself.
Though the day was dull , but the night was still young.


The door was locked from outside . That was ensured, but the oblivious person behind the locked door had no idea of being put like that. 
Heavy silence hung over the air in the mansion. So quite that the AC being turned off could be heard. The sound which could be heard a while ago now ceased . Had someone been there , would have freaked a little. Had timings been a little different , this could be witnessed . But by now everyone was succumbed into their sleep , and the movements behind the locked doors remained unseen.


Thankyou for reading.

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