49: Execution

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"I hope you are comfortable, Mrs. Wrethmeir." Asks the female officer, settling herself in the chair across Janice. The latter nods in agreement, registering the officer's tired smile and dull eyes as she flips through her files. There is an air of authority around her. The specs of grey in her hair and the permanent wrinkles carved out due to her smile spoke of her age and her experience.

"Shall we start?" She asks, crossing her hands on the table, meeting Janice's gaze.

"Yes." "I am officer Jude Abiodun, and I'll be recording your statement." She informs, to which Janice replies with a nod.

"So tell me, what was your last conversation with William about?"

"It was-" she says, remembering what had happened that day, "It was bizarre. He was drunk, stinking of alcohol. Pungent. He first asked me about where I had been the night before."

"And where were you?"

"I stayed in my apartment in a condominium in the main-city. The Skywerse, it's what that condominium is called."

"Why did you stay there?"

"It's close to both my university and office, and I had some business to run."

"Hmm. Tell me, what else did he say.. or ask you?"

"A moment he seemed desperate and angry, the other he was crying. He said that he did everything that seemed right. But what exactly was he talking about, that I'm unaware of? I went near him, thinking he was frustrated when he pointed the gun at me. Rest is all blank. I remember little of what followed."

The officer hums, nodding her head as she scribbles down on her paper.

"How was you marriage?"

"Sorry?" she asks, astound.

"How was or is your marriage with William, Mrs. Wrethemier?- I asked. You know that he's schizophrenic, right? You're a psychologist." There was a mocking lacing her undertone.

"Yes, I'm aware of that. I caught the symptoms a few years ago-"

"And yet, we get to know about this now! When he's been under custody, expected to appear in trails for being charged for the murder of his father and supposedly planned murder of you and your kids where-"

"I know." Snaps Janice, cutting Jude.

"I am well aware of what he's done. About his schizophrenia, my father-in-law already knew about it when I brought the topic before him. I expected him to chide me for making such assumptions, given that I wasn't having a licensed practice as a psychologist back then. But he told me to keep mum about it. That some things must remain inside the four walls of a house for the better good. William used to take anti-depressants, for I advised. I tried to enhance his mental health as much as I could, but the thing about our marriage. I think you can imagine how it might have been given that he tried to kill me and my kids. Rest-" she says, getting up from her seat,

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