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Our car downshifted in front of a huge wrought iron gate that had 'JK Palace ' written over in metallic blocks.
Guards on both sides bowed and let the car pass. It rounded a vast fenced lawn that had beautiful flowers stretching all throughout.

The wheels came to a standstill infront of the sky scrapping hotel, with a similar nameplate as the front gate. It's colossal door was guarded by a couple of men on both sides , who were no less than six foot.

The door on his side was opened by a chauffeur, who bowed and the closed the door. I hold onto the dress and the purse in one hand, which was a terrific job for my small hands, and went to open my door, just when open for me.
My eyes rounded in size at the unexpected pleasant surprise of being helped by the devil himself.

Mr. Jeon brought up a lip expression which was the closest to a smile he could get, and presented his palm for me to take. Total gentleman I had got there.

Examining the surroundings and the guests arriving , the event seemed large scale and something important . But surprisingly there wasn't any paparazzi or reporter, despite being a huge scale affair.
Something felt wrong. And terrifying.

Right after the reception area, we were directed to a hall , so big that it could fit-in two soccer fields in it. The number of guests attending wasn't any less overwhelming. I felt nervousness brewing in the pit and unknowingly tightened my grip on his arm. But the heat radiating from beneath his dress suit was somewhat distracting me fairly.

Mr. Jeon leaned in , just a handspan away from my ear , his warm minty breathe fanning my side profile.
"Just relax. Take a deep breath and smile. And remember do not say a word until given permission. "ー His deep voice was rather gentle than sarcastic or angry.

I nodded and breathed in a gallon . It had immediate effect on my nerves. The nervousness simmered but the bubbling unknown feeling terrified me inside.

The huge hall could be easily described by words like huge, sophisticated, luxurious. The designed false ceiling had turned bluish from its original white due to the lighting of the night. It had a colossal chandelier overlooking the centre of the hall, and atleast twenty other smaller ones , scattered within its vast boundary . Series of mountainous pillars were supporting this gigantic room. Ceiling length glass windows on the right wall, that had navy blue curtains over them, exhibited the garden on the other side of the wall.

Everything here seemed to show money . The dress worn by each of the individual costs no less than the hall itself. Everyone had silks, chiffons , diamonds on them. Their faces caked up, fingers clutching purses that would worth more than my annual salary and fake smiles for each other.

The world I entered just minutes ago was totally opposite to my world. This was his world and I would leave this as soon as possible.

Mr. Jeon walked in and started talking to people. As we walked the crowd parted and bowed to him. It was just like how they showed in movies and dramas and honestly it felt so uncomfortable, rather a busking in lime light feeling. 

All his conversations were figuratively same. They started with a bow, then a hello/ how-are-you and then straight to business. Some of them stayed from 'hello' till 'hope work's going well' . The more special ones, the ones who could be identified even by a fool as the supreme ones in social ladder just by their extra expensive accessories, got to stay till the 'hope we would work again in future.'

Mr. Jeon introduced me to his special ones as 'his girlfriend' . It was shocking to say the least. They all smiled, introduced themselves and their work relationship with Mr. Jeon, and then complimented me for my innocent beauty, which by the way I didn't knew the meaning of.

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