Chapter 1

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I pulled up to my mini mansion. And walked in. Top of the line security. Guard dogs that look like they eat people and steroids for breakfast it was the best.

I walked into my bedroom upstairs and last nights victim was still in my bed. Why not give her something to do before I kick her ass out.

" Zi! " My bestfriend, Osage knocked on the door.

I open it for him. " What? "

" We got a big meeting man "

" ugh I just got home! I want to lay my black ass down! " I argue.

" Yo black ass got shit to do, nigga. Get yo ass in the shower and changed and I'm a get the boys "

When he says meeting. He doesn't mean professional. We mean business in the streets.

" Get her out of here " I went to the master bathroom. This shit coast me bank. When I was young I didn't have shit. Nobody wanted me or showed me love. No I have it all and everybody wants me and now cares.

When you worth millions everybody wants to be your friend. But really they want what you have. I learned that.

" Hey whatever yo name is, you got to go. You ain't got to go home but you got to get the hell out of here! Lets go I'm a call you a cab " I hear him.

I laughed. She knew her time would be up.





" Unique Get yo ass moving and clean these tables! "

I was working to pay of my college funds and live right.

But I really hated working here. I leave smelling like coffee, and chicken and waffles all day.

I collected my tips and whiped down the tables. A group of dudes came in and loudly made they way to a couple of tables.

" Zihir did you see that nigga shaking when you had the gun on him ahahaha ..." I could hear they conversation.

What the hell? Niggas be tripping!

" Can we get a waiter got damn I'm hungry! " I was not in any mood for rude ass people. I will go off on all them!

" you got it. Good luck. You know me and my temper " Mya says. I nod and went to them.

With a fake smile and said my line.

" Damn, sexy! " I rolled my eyes as they continued to order and harass me at the same time.

" Can you please just order so I can do my job " I say.

" I'm sorry. Does the #8 come with yo number? " They all cracked up laughing.

I took a deep breath trying my hardest not to smack his ass.

" No. But you touching me again comes with a big ass slap " I warn. They laughed.

" Leave her alone and let her do her job. Y'all niggas need to order now "

" Osage, its funny! "

" Leave her alone " One of the dudes finally looked up. And we locked eyes. He was well built with a perfect straight white teeth smile neatly trimmed edge up and waves.

He was sexy as fuck to say the least. Of course sexy guys came through here all the time. But he topped them all!

I looked away and they ordered.

" ok give me a minute " I walk off and hang they order.

" it was bad huh? " Mya ask.

" girl yes. They kept talking shit and touching me! I don't get paid enough " we both laughed.

" they cute! But all they asses so childish! " I nod

" I'm tired and ready to clock out. I got night classes!"

" you suck! "

" its life " I reply as D one of the chiefs called me.

I grabbed the plates that was done and took it to them and went back for the drinks and other plates.

" would that be all? "

" so you like top or bottom? " They erupted in laughter.

I just looked at him. " With you? Never in my life would I stoop so low. How old are you!? I'm done " I walked away pissed.



Finally over a hour later they were ready to go. " Keep the change. A tip, ma " Sexy boy dropped a 120 dollar tip on me and walked out. I smiled.

Hey, I did need it and put up with them.

Sexy boy. Sexy boy.

( Ahh so yes what did you think????? I think I'm going to enjoy this. Get ready for a lot of twist, turns, tears, laughs, drama and of course love in here. Don't forget to VOTE, FAN, & COMMENT! it means a lot to me. Thank you for reading)


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