Chapter 2

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October 29th, 2021 4:30 Pm PST

Nessa smiled walking into Red Robin with Chase, Mia, Dixie, Thomas and Charli. Charli and Mia currently talking about the current trends on tiktok, and Dixie and Thomas talking about the hype house and stuff. "So..any new boyfriends and girlfriends we should know about?" Chase teased gently poking her with a small smirk on his face. "No nobody and probably not for awhile." Nessa says "I'm not really interested in anyone right now and I don't think another relationship is exactly what I need right now." She adds as she follows everyone else to the table they were gonna sit at.

"I'm so ready for some unlimited garlic parmesan fries!" The now 17 year old exclaimed and started squealing earning odd looks from the people around them. "Now now Charli calm down you'll get your fries but we don't need looks from other people." Mia replied carefully studying the menu trying to decide between a Margarita or Pepsi to drink. Nessa smiled looking at the couple "So any weddings or engagements I need to know about?" She teased, earning a small blush from Mia "No no no not yet- I wanna sober myself up more before I think about marriage and maybe not take care of 20 6 year old's who can barely take care of the house."

"Hey Hey hey I did the dishes last night!" Chase threw his hands up in defense "Alex.. on the other hand couldn't even vacuum!" He says. "I'm so glad I don't live in the hype house god all the chaos that would happen everyday no no for me." Nessa replied chuckling a little. "It's hard but at least Kouvr the mom is here, y'know? Otherwise we would all be in trouble." Thomas smiled laughing.

"Hello my name is Alexis, I will be your server for tonight, what can I get you to drink and to eat?" The waiter replied smiling sweetly at them and wrote down what they wanted and walked away to put it in. "Mia? I thought you were trying to sober up- why did you get a margarita?" Charli asks staring at the brown haired female and patiently waited a response from her. "I am believe me I am it just takes time Charls- I did it before and even though I went back to smoking and drinking for stress reasons I'm gonna fully fully quit now." She replied with confidence at the end


"Here's your food!" The waitress replied and with another waiter set the food and stuff down. Charli, who didn't care if her fries were hot or not immediately dug into her's causing Dixie to be slightly embarrassed about her sister's eating habits but decided to let it slide for tonight. "Well that was certainly fast- maybe they have extra staff tonight or something." Nessa replied taking a bite into her royal burger the gooey yolk running down her chin.

Chase chuckled as he wiped the spot of yolk off of her chin so it wouldn't get on her shirt- he would hate for her shirt to get dirty considering paparazzi were almost around all corners they had to look presentable at all times in public. "Thanks Chase you didn't have too but thanks." Nessa says smiling and looks at Charli who was giggling. "Mind explaining whats so funny Charls?" She asks. "You and Chase you guys would be pretty cute together." She looks at slightly chocking Mia and a panic Thomas. "Breathe Mia we don't need you to die yet." Dixie says and Mia finally spoke after almost needing help. "That just almost caught me off guard, I mean? Them don't get me wrong if you guys were down go for it but I would've never seen it happen."

The Charli, Nessa, and Chase drama never happened btw)

October 29th, 6:57 Pm PST

"Heyyy Thomas!" A tan, muscular 20 year old says, while his arm was wrapped around the waist of an 18 year old tan slim female. "I wasn't expecting to see you guys here tonight." He adds, "Hey Christian, Mads nice to see you both here and we were just out for a game care to join us?" Thomas offered since well more the merrier. "No no this girl and I were out with our families ." He says "Thank you for the offer though some other time maybe." He replied and look at Mads who was glaring at Nessa giving a disgusting look at her.

Nessa looked away- sad expression appearing on her face. She knew what she said was wrong, it was selfish, disgusting she wasn't surprised. But even after 5 months she wouldn't stop bashing her on social media or anything. Josh had been dating Lauren Kettering. Jaden met this one girl at a party and they had been hitting it off. But nobody knew the real story or what actually had happened. Everybody knew what happened online but in her perspective it just didn't exist to them. "Ah alright best get back to them before they assumed anything." Christian says winking slightly then started noticing Nessa's expression then Mads. He didn't do anything that Mads did he didn't want to be known like that.

"Come on Ness let's bowlll!" Charli says grabbing her hand pulled her off to their land with shoes on and such. Charli was up first and Nessa was up second followed by everyone else. Charli bowled and almost fall but she was fine, she ended up getting a spare which towards her luck was okay but a strike would've been better, Nessa bowled after and scored 19 points. So on and so on.

The game eventually ended, everybody was tired and ready to go home. Nessa smiled as they walked out to the car and Thomas started dropping everyone off- which just so happened to be Charli and Dixie first then Nessa last. Mia, Thomas and Chase obviously living together. When Thomas pulled up Chase insisted on walking with her to make sure she was safe. She just shrugged it off and smiled "Well we're here at my door." She replied slightly nervous. "look I had to fun time, we should do it again some other time." Nessa nods and unlocked her door "Sounds like a plan just text me when." She replied walking in and waved Chase goodnight and shut the door.

Word Count:1069

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