Chapter 10

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November 19th, 5:56 PM

Nessa's POV

"Nessaaa!" Chase says grabbing her arm and smiled 
"I'm so excited for the thanksgiving party today." Chase exclaimed to his crush smiling more at her, "Me too I'm excited too." She replied as the two saw everyone arrive and she was more than excited for the party, they had rented out a small party venue for everyone, and everyone just had to bring their own dessert and a side. Nessa frowned seeing Christian and Mads walk in, but she didn't mind seeing them there. What had surprised her the most was to see Josh and Jaden, and their significant others walk in. Nessa turned back to Chase and flashed a fake smile to him "I'm going to go see if everything is okay in the kitchen." She quickly says and walked into there

"Oo these Mash Potatoes smell so goodddd!" Mia exclaimed as she added butter and heavy whipping cream to the bowl of mashed potatoes, "Hey Ness all the tablecloths and everything is set up out there?" Mia asks and Nessa nodded, "Yup all set we just wait on the food now, I'm so excited it feels like Halloween was just yesterday and here now its thanksgiving next thing you know it's going to be Christmas then New Year's." She shook her head smiling mor and started to help out with what she could in the kitchen. They were feeding a lot of people like Bryce, Thomas, Addison, Charli, Chase, Dixie, etc. So, a lot of food had to be made ahead of time and heated up in the ovens the girls had access too.

"Nessa!" Avani exclaimed "Okay I need your help this is like super important, but I can't carry the trays of cookies I made for the group and Anthony isn't here yet soo can you help me carry them please?" Avani batted her eyelashes toward Nessa, and the female nodded following Avani as the female had popped her trunk open causing Nessa's jaw to drop "Avani! - This is like three trays of cookies!? We don't have that many people!" She helped carried the cookie trays in and shook her head. "Right sorry but you never told me how many people were showing so I just assumed a lot I mean I can find out what to do with the rest of them don't worry." Avani replied setting the tray on the table and she smiled, "How are you holding up? Y'know from the drama and the party and everything." Nessa just shrugged "I guess if you're asking emotionally and mentally, I'm okay, I guess. I'm just kind of living life, all I can do and let people get over it."

Avani nodded and giggled, "Soooooo any boys?" She questioned "Or girls?" She added quickly just causing Nessa to shake her head. "Nope no one, why does everyone keep asking me that?" She asks confusedly and sighed, "I hope the foods almost done I'm getting pretty hungry." A small growl could be heard from her stomach, and she blushed rubbing it lightly. "Me too I hope it's done soon." She crossed her arms "And I want my boyfriend too I miss him, and I haven't seen him all day." Nessa smirked "I'm sure you'll get to see him soon." 

Madison's POV,  6:34 PM

Mads sat next to Lauren as the two began to talk and catch up, however Madison smirked as she had a plan to drive Nessa... right... out... of... LA. "Okay so I got a question... Do you want to help me embarrassed Nessa? I'm going to harass her about the drama until she cracks and can't take it anymore." Mads whispered keeping it on low so nobody could hear them, Lauren smirked and nodded, "She did fuck with you so why not, how do we start?" Mads giggled "Just go talk to her but start talking about the drama bring it up and start calling it her fault." She says quietly as the two got up and got their food before going to sit down.

Madison snickered shooting a glare at the girl before digging into her food if only she knew the shit that was about to happen, it was going to be a hellhole...

Word Count: 708 Words

(P.s Im writing 11 right now as well)

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