Chapter 3

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October 31th 10:30 Am PST

Madison's Pov
"Is she still being a bitch to you?" One of Mads's friend asks while they walked through a costume shop. "Yea and guess what? We literally went bowling last night, you know Christian and I..and they were there. She gave me mean looks the entire 5 minute we were talking." She replied and took a sexy looking nurse costume off the rack. "Ew." The girl replied. "Her or the costume?" Mads asks tilting her head slightly "Nessa and the costume is good..who knows maybe you'll score some dick all night and maybe tomorrow." The girl giggled causing Mads to blush heavily.

"Yea yea let's get this stuff and get out before you embarrass us or anything." Madison huffed and the girl nodded paying for the costume and they quickly left.


"Baby I'm home!" The 18 year says walking inside the messy modern styled home and started looking for her now boyfriend of 1 year. She clutched the plastic bag finding him in the shower and she just waited for him to get out but in the mean time turned on some Doja Cat. She was a huge fan and loved the planet her album but she thought it needed work. She took some bags of candy and started dumping it in the large bowl on her nightstand. It was for the tick or treaters since they usually had massive amounts of them in the neighborhood.

She set the bowl back down and got up to throw the trash away but was immediately scooped up by a soaking wet Christian. "CHRISTIAN!" She screamed and frowned "You scared me!" She exclaimed "And your gonna get my outfit wet!" She adds crossing her arms. "Relax babe, we can toss it in the dryer or something besides I just wanted to say hi because I missed you." He says frowning softly and set her down. He grabbed some clothes putting them on then smiled "Did you get your Halloween costume yet? We have Thomas's party we're attending."

"Yes I got it don't worry I'm going as a nurse.." she says plopping on the bed and smiled softly "Let's just hope Jaden and Ness aren't there, god especially her I fucking hate her with my guts!" She rolled her eyes at the sound of the high pitched voice she had. "You know as much as I love you I really wish you would stop hating on her..the drama happened months ago and even though what they did was wrong it's time to let go." He says sighing.

"Whatever." She replied pissed off and got up slamming the bedroom door shut and walked out. She wouldn't let go. it hurt, the pain she suffered for a month after was hell and she knew karma would eventually hit the blacked haired girl and her ex.


October 31st, 8:27 pm PST

Nessa's POV

She adjusted the strap to her costume, and glanced at herself in the mirror. She put the devil horn headband on her head and did a small spin and giggled to herself. She was happy with her costume and at least it's not last minute either. She looked down at her shoes and smiled the party started at 9. She started getting her stuff together, her phone, keys, wallet, just in case she needed to get an Uber home from getting drunk or something. She didn't plan on getting drunk but she didn't know what would happen.

She retouched her makeup and hair one more time then began to walk to the dining room table. Nessa sighed as she made sure her oven was turned off, so were the lights and other things. She left the apartment and began to walked down the flights of stairs she had to take and was trying to be careful since she was in heels and she was slightly afraid she was gonna fall. She did make it somehow and got in her car and smiled softly turning it on and left to the hype house...

Kinda a short POV sorry)

Word count: 688 words.

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