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July 21st, 3:57 PM, 2022, Long Beach, California

Nessa's Pov
Nessa held a baby carrier softly by her side, a lot had changed in almost a year. The night that she fled was the night that caused everything to change. She disappeared completely from the internet until a few weeks ago. She wasn't the only one who had fled though. Chase fled as well, the two went back to Chase's house and stayed there. Chase's parents treated her like family and knew that the two were going to get together. Nessa attended some intensive therapy which seemed to help her with her emotions and some disorders. She felt happier now being surrounded by love and support, and over the course of her and Chase's relationship they got a small house together and adopted a sweet baby girl. Emerald was her name; she was 5 months old and an absolute angel. Nessa and Chase were walking along the shore just getting done with doing a family photo shoot and were enjoying the quiet time while the baby slept.

A little bit from the shore consisted of a group of friends, and some little ones as well. Everyone had moved on, ended the Hype and Sway House. They had all started their families, Mia finally had her own baby, and some couples were engaged. This is what they did monthly, meet up, hangout and catch up. Nessa nor Chase didn't expect them to be there, however a little girl running up to them was surprising. "Your hair is pewtty." The girl says softly with a smiled and pointed at Ness's hair. "Thank you..." She didn't know the name of the girl but bent down to her level "Allie" she says smiling and giggled. Nessa nodded smiling "Well Allie, nice to meet you my name is Nessa, where are your parents?" Allie looked like someone she knew however her mind couldn't place who exactly, she started thinking, wondering who the small child had remined her of.

As if on que a worried and panicked voice could be heard in the distance, "ALLIE REEVES!" Avani yelled, "You can't run off from your father and I like that!" She scolded lightly closing her eyes before turning to Nessa and Chase "I am so, so sorry if she caused you any trouble- NESSA?! CHASE!?" The female yelled lightly grabbing her daughter "Avani?" Nessa smiled sweetly, "Long time no see huh?" She giggled, "Yes, yes that's us Chase Hudson and Nessa Barrett the one and only." Avani looked at Chase "Soo did it happen, are you guys together?" She exclaimed excitedly and Nessa nodded "Yes, we did get together, and we have a child too." Nessa commented softly referring to the baby carrier, Allie saw her dad walk down to them and she ran to him "DADDY!" She exclaimed giggling "Hey Allie, Voni they aren't- oh hey Ness, Chase- wait." Anthony paused blinking "Holy sh-" he stopped himself "Child there but uh hi." Chase chuckled doing the handshake with him "I take it you guys aren't here for long?' Avani replied frowning, "We live in L.A permanently now." Nessa giggled, "It's a long story but we're here now, okay?" Nessa says tilting her head and smiled

"Do you guys want to join us? Everyone is over there I should warn you some of us have kids like toddlers and babies so be okay with that." Avani giggled and Nessa nodded as her and Chase made their way to group, "Guys, guys look who I stumbled upon!" Avani says revealing Chase, Nessa and Baby Emerald. Thomas looked up from talking to Christian and his jaw dropped - "I thought you guys would never come back." He exclaimed, "And Ness has a child?" He exclaimed more. A little coo could be heard, and it seemed like Emerald has just woken up. "Oo come here, Sweetie, nice nap huh?" Nessa cooed to the baby as she took her from the carrier and immediately started to cradle her, just then a soft sounding voice took Nessa by surprise that voice none other then


"Ness? Do you mind if we talk... uh alone?" Mads replied nervously, in to which Nessa agreed and immediately the two females walked off to the water. Nessa smiled waiting patiently to hear what Mads had to say. "Look Nessa I'm sorry for the waited I've treated you- I've treated you like absolute shit and nothing hell apologizing won't be even enough to make up for my actions and words- and I completely understand if you don't want to forgive, I just wanted to say that." Mads replied in one breath as she took a deep breath and waited nervously to hear what Nessa had to say. "It's okay Mads, I didn't treat you the best and I'm sorry as well, so I forgive you as long as you forgive me, friends?' Nessa questioned as Mads pulled her into a hug and they both hugged it out for a while before making their way back to the shore there was still one person who needed to make right with her.

Josh looked nervous; it was his turned. He managed to make right with alcohol addiction but he would never make peace with himself for the way he treated Nessa. "I guess it's my turn." he looked at Nessa, "Look Nessa I'm absolutely sorry for everything, for pushing you, getting drunk, breaking up, everything now you may have made peace and right with Mads, but hell I absolutely understand if you don't forgive me... hell if you want to make a report to the police I understand." He replied looking down with his face in his hands and Nessa looked at him, "I'm not going to forgive you, but Josh don't let this hold you back because there is someone out there for you, I'm sure." He then heard Mia speak "Photo time!" Mia quickly exclaimed as all the children gather and sat on the sand, Allie & Cameron Reeves, Ava Petrou, Tyler Hall, Maya Cyr, Mariana Beck, and Baby Emerald sat in the middle of them and all of the short then the tall adults behind, Mia set her phone to 20 seconds then quickly rushed into the photo behind her daughter. A click could be heard before Mia quickly rushing over to check the photo and it had looked absolutely perfect. It was quite amazing actually to see how everyone had regressed over a year.

In a way it's crazy, how friendship can be,

A little act of Jealousy can do so much as to tear two souls apart,

Two souls completely opposite of each other torn apart over a drunken hookup, and some horrible phrases said,

Both souls jealous for almost no reason at all,

In way its Jealousy, Jealousy, two rivals being Jealous of each other.

I tried to Rhyme bear with me^^

Anyways that will conclude this book, but first I have a few shoutouts to give too

The first one is miaispreety101 keeping me motivated to finish this book, she's an amazing friend and I just have to thank her because I probably wouldn't have finished this book without her

Next shoutout I want to give to is a person whose name or user I don't know but used to read my chapters for me and give me feedback, we may no longer be friends but I hope you're doing okay and I don't know if you'll see this but I miss you))

I have two other books in the works, they'll be updated as soon as possible, but for now all I can say is remember the children's names mentioned :)


                      Mia/Alice/whatever I'm known by

Word Count: 1267 Words

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