Chapter 7

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November 4th, 2021 10:08 Am

Mads POV
"Christian.." The girl whined softly feeling him suck on her neck and leave small hickeys "I love you but not now please I'm not in the mood." Mads heard him groaned and she set up. "I'm going to meet the girls for brunch." She replied softly running her hand down her neck feeling the hickeys her lover had left.

After about 15 minutes or so she was ready, they were going to this cafe that served both breakfast and lunch. Of course Nessa was gonna be there the girl was friends with everyone and she was gonna try and embarrass her, make her have an episode in public because well she hated her guts and she needed to see the revenge from what happened at the party and to which she still wasnt over that.

Mads arrived at the cafe they all agreed to meet out, to her it was also a little sudden, normally they would've planned something out in advanced but this was sudden to her and she didn't understand why but didn't question. She heard a faint singing voice as she enter and spotted the table seeing Nessa sing to Kouvr, Avani, Mia, Dixie, Avani. She smiled a fake smile "Heyy." She replied making the black hair female stop and go quiet

"Soo how is everyone doinggg?" She questioned sitting next to Avani and smiled trying her best to cover her hickeys but still did attempt to show them off in a way to make Nessa feel bad or something

Nessa's POV (I'm going to be switching Pov's a lot sorry!)

"Cause I never hold a perfect thing and not demolish it, What am I thinking? What does this mean? How could somebody ever love me?-" Nessa sung Forever is a long time to the girls and smiled but hearing Mads voice made her stop suddenly. She sighed going quiet and played with her straw in her milkshake glass. Letting the female have her chance to talk and sighed.

Besides Bipolar and Anixety, Her Eating Disorder was something she struggled heavily with. When the drama started now almost 7 months ago her eating disorder took control of her and she really did go days without eating. However being away from Social Media and putting herself in the right friend group helped a lot, along with therapy and other things. She was improving a lot and she was happy that she was.

However slowly since the bowling incident she could feel herself relapsing. Over the last week she noticed that she was simply wasn't as hungry or wanted smaller portions of something that was normally her favorite, for example Beef & Broccoli and Chicken Lo Mein. She debated to bring it up to her therapist figuring maybe it was a period however she didn't know yet.

She knew the correct thing to do would to get help but Nessa struggled with that part the most, her reason well? This is why

Flash Back May 20th, 2020 3:38 AM

"J-Josh?" Nessa asks her eyes widening seeing her boyfriend of 5 months walk or we'll stumble home drunk. She looked at him and walked over towards him attempting to help get him cleaned up "Thanks Bryce I can take it from here go back with Addi." She says smiling at the other male with him and she sighed leading Josh to the bathroom. "look babe I know your drunk but seriously quit please it's the 3rd time of the week, and you get mean, horny and I just don't know how to help." She says quickly hiding the pregnancy test that sat on the counter under the sink

"Whatever." He rolled his eyes attempting to get up "Ness Move I wanna go lay down I don't need your help I'm fine." He shoved her hard causing the female to flinch, this side of Josh was new to her, " What's wrong? You've never acted this mean to me.." she mumbled which made Josh freak out. "I told you Nessa Barrett I am fine!" He brought his hand to her face slapping her and groaned before stumbling to their bedroom leaving Nessa there.

She didn't understand- she was hardly a month pregnant, her boyfriend of 5 months was coming home drunk 2 or 3 times a week, and he just hit her? It hurt but the pain seemed to kick in later she was in shocked couldn't comprehend how she managed to get here. She grabbed the razor and well you know what happened next.

End of Flashback

"Nessa!" Kouvr exclaimed seeing the female go wide eyed like she saw a ghost, "Honey are you okay?" Mia asks rubbing her back "It look liked you saw a ghost." Nessa nodded calming herself down "Yea..Yea I'm fine." She replied "I just had a flash back that's all." She faked a smile and looked over to Dixie and Mads talking away.

November 4th, 2021 12:02 PM

Mads POV

"Omg what a bitch!" She hissed out trying to see if Christian would let her get a dog, She looked at Nessa "Oh sorry hon I don't mean you either even though yknow you are one." Mads smirked seeing everyone go quiet, literally dead silent. Everyone ignored it though they didn't know how to respond and Nessa just seemed off since the cafe incident.

"Anyways how do you guys convince your boyfriend to let you get a dog?" She asks softly and frowned and then smiled at Mia's response "Get it then don't tell him that's what I did with Raven." She giggled softly and smiled she was a cat lady.


Im gonna end it here, since it's 9:30 and I'm tired I'll pick up tomorrow if I can

Merry Christmas and happy new year to  all of you, Special Thanks to ameliaabaird for giving me motivation write this chapter, she is also starting a new story so I'd really appreciate it if you guys would go check that out! I'm so excited for that book!

This is it i will write more soon! Good day and good night!


Word Count: 1058 Words.

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