Chapter 7

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🦋Forgotten Memories🦋


I opened my eyes and I saw I was on the ground in a cave? I think. There was nobody around. I was alone.."How did I get here? I thought I was at the festival and then..I fainted again. Y/N! Why do you always have to do this to yourself?! This is terrible!?" I stood up and started walking around. I kept walking but I didn't find a way out. It seemed like an endless loop until I found the one and only gloxinia with Drole. "Oh shi-" I screamed in my head and Suddenly got cut off by Gloxinia moving he's head and staring at me. I was about to run but then Gloxinia stopped me by grabb my hand. "Oh your finally awake.." Gloxinia smiled at me. "What do you want from me?!" I scream at him. "Y/N I want you to remember something.." I stopped moving and then looked at Gloxinia with confusion. "I- what do you mean? exactly.." I asked him waiting for an answer. "Well y/n.." He let go of my hand the showed me the same ring that was on his hand. "W-What..". I was so shocked and confused. "Just trust me..I can help you remember those forgotten memories..". "Memories? What memories are you talking about?" I said to him. "About us and everyone" I looked at his eyes and said "fine.." He looked me with surprised but happy eyes. He then placed his finger in my forehead and chanted a spell that was unfamiliar to me. Suddenly my eyes went blurry and then I slowly started to fall to the ground.

Everything was dark. Then suddenly I woke up but not in the cave. I was laying down in a tree. I had a book in my hand. "W-What.." I said outloud. Then heard a voice "y/n.." I looked at my side and saw the most shocking thing to me "Gloxinia?!?" I quickly stood up and looked at him with pure shock. Gloxinia started to wake up. He sat up and looked at me with confusion. "Uh y/n are you alright?". Gloxinia looked different he's eyes were hazel and the vibe was more calmer.."y/n? You there?" Gloxinia said suddenly at me. "Wha? Oh yeah I'm fine.." I said nervously. "If that's what you say darling~". Wait WHAT darling?! "u-um darling?" I spoke. "huh?" Gloxinia looked at me with confusion. "Y-You just c-called me darling.." I blushed while saying it. "Well yes. I mean that's what a couples usually say to their beloveds" Gloxinia explained to me as he looked at the sky. "couples?!" I looked like a tomato. "yes I mean we are a couple" As he said that my head went crazy "Wait what?!? Huh??? This is so confusing but why I'm I blushing so hard?!". "y/n your acting very strange right now. It's quite cute" Gloxinia smiled at me. I almost fainted again. "I-I uh...thanks..." I didn't even know what to say. I was so red. "Y/N!!!" I heard somebody call my name. "peww that sucks I wanted to spend more time with you *sighs*" Gloxinia said with a fake sad face. "y/n! It's time!" A familiar fairy said. "Wait..Your the girl from the fight festival?!" I spoke suddenly. She looked at me with pure confusion. "y/n your really bad at making jokes..hmph!" Joke? What does she mean? And who is she? "Can you just tell me your name please?.." she face palmed her faces and looked at me "gosh y/n where do you get these ideas from like I'm I suppose to believe that." I smiled awkwardly at her. "*sighs* fine, it's Gerheade..Anyways we were supposed to bake cookies. Did you forget again?" Gerheade asked me. "Um sorry I forgot about it" I told her. "It's alright. Come on let's go now!". I nodded.

It's been a few hours and I started to remember things little by little. I didn't knew Gloxinia had sister well I never asked. *sighs* "hey y/n!" I heard someone say. My eyes widened what I saw.."Elizabeth?!". "Why is she her?!" Elizabeth started walking towards me "Hey y/n! How are you?". I was shocked by how different she looked..she had wings that look like an angel and her eyes are orange..This is confusing. "O-Oh wha? Me? Well I'm well thanks for asking...". Elizabeth smiles at me. Silence had entered the room. "This is so awkward..What should I say?!". "Soo Elizabeth-" I was cut off by small yellow boy saying "Elizabeth!!" My Eyes widened more and shocked me. "MELIODAS?? WHAT IS HAPPENING??!" My mind was going crazy at that moment. "Is there a something you need Meliodas?". Meliodas looked at me then Elizabeth. "They declared war..". Elizabeth's eyes widened in shock. "I guess we need to prepare..". I stood there confused in what just happened. "Um what war?" I spoke. "holy war..". "Did he say HOLY WAR?! Wasn't that like 3000 years ago?!?". Everything was happening so fast. "Y/N you should tell Gloxinia about this" Meliodas said to me. "O-Of course" I started flying to gloxinias house. I told Gloxinia everything. He looked surprised but he calmed down and looked at me and said "Don't worry y/n I will protect you.." I blushed and smiled at mind started to remember those memories and suddenly everything got blurry and then it turned dark.

I woke up and saw Gloxinia sitting beside me. "I remember everything..." I said quietly. Gloxinia hugged me tightly "y/n I missed you.." I hugged him back. "I miss you too darling..". I finally remember everything..

( Drole is being the third wheel rn- )

Author Note :

Ayyyyy you got your memories back!! Yuhhh. Hope ya enjoy this chapter and also HOLY MOLY I GOT 130 READS!! LIKE DAMNNN TY TY!! I didn't thought people would actually read my book TvT but anyways have a good day/night see ya next time. 😗💅✨

🦋End of Chapter 7🦋
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Forgotten Memories  // Gloxinia x Reader [ Discontinued ]Where stories live. Discover now