Chapter 6

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Shoto glanced around the area, being faced with trees filled by beautiful flowers or delicious fruit hanging with the leaves, some scattered on the dirt with patches of grass everywhere. He was careful to step over the over grown roots of trees. Ever so often the sound of little forest creatures scampering around could be heard. The dual male had his hands locked with Ashido and Denki, the blonde felt left out when he saw the other two connect hands. Katsuki and Eijiro were leading the way with Hanta following behind the group taking in the scenery.

Todoroki took notice of the way the flowers now growing from the ground and how the patches of grass were becoming large soon only leaving patches of dirt to be seen. As they continued on the flowers aligned with each other making a path as the dirt was no longer visible only grass and beautiful plants. The trees were becoming sparse allowing more sunshine to flow through, the warmth felt good on their skin. They could notice bunny heads pop out to watch them, squirrels playing with baby bunnies while others crawling up trees.

Birds flew from tree to tree and a fox chased after it. They continued on for a minute or two Sero had placed his hands over Todorokis eyes during the time as the group led him safely.

"We're here," a gruff voice announced, Shoto recognized it as Bakugou's.

Hanta removed his hands, giving the younger a view of the area. The land was a large patch of grass, the trees surrounding it creating somewhat of a circle around the area. Beautiful and unique flowers scattered around, ever so often they would be seen flying by with leaves in the wind as if they were dancing. There was a water fountain planted in the middle of the field. Todoroki smiled softly at the calming sight, oh it was just beautiful, breath taking!

Shoto stepped forward a few feet, a clear spring found it's way into his view. There he could see silhouettes of colorful fish in the calm clear water. He glanced back to the fountain taking notice of the stone pathway leading to the structure sprouting water. He was soon led towards the fountain by an ash blonde, who kept a gentle hand on the peppermint males back. The group followed after the two, Todoroki was stopped at the end of the path while the others stopped in front of the fountain.

Instinctively, he whipped around to the sound of rustling behind him he locked into contact with innocent brown eyes. Small antlers poked out of the creatures head, its snout leaned forward to sniff at Shoto's neck attempting to collect his scent. The male stayed frozen, his breath hitched in his throat, in order to not scared the frail creature as it examined him and the group behind him. The bi colored male turned towards his friends for guidance only to find them kneeling on one knee as if to propose to him.

Katsuki was in front of the group, a small case in hand propped open with a ring sat on the white cushions inside. Sero, Kaminari, and Kirishima each had a hand on the ash blondes back while Mina had one on his spikey locks.

"Get your hand off my head, asshole," Bakugo demanded, calmly.

"No," Ashido said, as she sniffled she seemed comedically emotional.

The vermillion eyed blonde grumbled a few insults before piping down. The deer behind the dual male used its head to nudge Todoroki towards his friend, said male approached his friends his cheeks rising as he became a bit flustered. No, he felt more than flustered, he felt cared for, loved, wanted, and he'd just met these people! Thank you, Ashido. Bakugou took the ring out of the case, he held the delicate peice of jewelry that held more meaning than to look pretty.

Placing the case down, he held out his hand out while using the other to hold the ring with his fingers. Shoto took this moment to place his hand on the others, who gently caressed it and ran his tan thumb over the males pale soft skin, internally Todoroki was screaming as his cheeks began to heat up even more. What was killing the younger male the most was that stupid sincere smile the ash blonde wore on his dumb handsome face. A weight on his shoulder stopped the male from letting out an overwhelmed squeal of flustered frustration, his eyes glanced over to the deer then back to Katsuki, he felt himself relax a bit.

"Well, Icyhot, you're not that much of a hassle like these idiots behind me. You're not as annoying and you're cute in my book you pass," Bakugou began.

"You're a pretty cool guy, ya know! We haven't driven you crazy, yet, Jirou left after the buggy test," Kaminari chuckled.

"You're manly, bro! Did we mention you were cute?" Kirishima said, leaning onto Bakugou while making a flirty face.

He received a growl from the blonde and a wack to the back of the head from Sero. Hanta gave a bright smile to Todoroki.

"Don't listen to these three idiots. It's gonna be great having you here, man! It'll be a fun ride learning more about each other I guarantee," Hanta started before sending the male a scandalous look, "and if you ever need to hit cloud nine I'm the one to come to," he grinned.

It was now Mina's turn to speak, a silence drifted between the group. She wore a bright smile as she had tears trickling down her cheeks, she tightened her on Bakugou's hair who in return contorted his face in a painful expression. The brown skinned girl let out a serious of squeals, yep, that's all she had to say.

"Uhm, Ashido, you're pulling his hair," Todoroki chuckled.

Said girl loosened her grip, allowing the ceremony to continue. Katsuki took a chain out of the case, opened it then looped it through the ring. He stood up the others followed, releasing him as well. The deer backed away a bit as the ash blonde placed the now necklace around the dual males neck. Dual colored eyes locked with vermillion colored orbs his panic was covered by such a content feeling, a safe feeling he could feel those cherry colored eyes speaking to him. God, he felt butterflies too.

Without looking away, Bakugou took the males hand in his own again. He stepped aside a bit as Hanta pranced over to them taking the males hand in his own before gently placing his lips onto it. This caught Shoto's attention as he felt pacing surge through his veins.

"Welcome, mí amore," the black haired male grinned.

Sero released the male stepping aside, before the other could calm down a new pair of lips were pressed against his hand by a certain red head.

"Welcome, bro!" Eijirou exclaimed, beaming at the male.

He stepped away allowing Kaminari to kiss the males slightly trembling hand. Before kissing it, Denki turned the males hand, finally, he placed a gentle kiss on the palm of his hand. The electric blonde smirked with a wink as he moved over so Mina could get her affection in. He really thinks he's all that, oh boy, if this wasn't BakuTodo-

Ashido, ran to the younger male, pouncing on him before giving him a big forehead kiss. The heterochromatic male smiled as he wiped away the joy filled tears slipping down the womens cheeks. She beamed at the male before manoeuvring around him to hug him from behind. As she pressed against the male with her arms wrapped around his waist she shot Bakugou a sly look before whispering something into the Todoroki's ear who's face flushed in result before she receive a sheepish nod.

The curly haired girl grinned, "Hey, BakuBickity, kiss his face!" She exclaimed as she squished Shoto's cheeks.

Internally panicking once more, his legs nearly gave out but he had just enough strength to not make himself look a fool.

"Tch, I wasn't gonna kiss his hand after you losers, anyway," Bakugou grumbled as his cheeks turned a light pink color.

He approached the shorter male, using his hand to tilt his head up. The butterflies in Shoto's stomach became restless as the taller came closer and closer and soon there was barely an inch of space between their lips. Bakugou could feel the heat in his cheeks rising, yet he kept a cool, level-headed, calm demeanor. His half lided eyes seemed to be glowing a crimson color as they examined rosey plum lips, he was tempted, but no, he couldn't they'd only just met and from what the blonde gathered, Shoto's going through some kind of crisis and the last thing anyone needs is an awkward relationship.

Internally, he groaned having a fit with himself as he strayed away from those entrancing lips. He leaned forward, planting a gentle kiss on the males cheek, oh so close to his lips.

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 09, 2021 ⏰

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