Chapter 4

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"Shoto?" Mina, called her voice laced with concern as she watched her best friend dissociate from the world while he sat on his bed. "Hey, bubs you in there?" Her voice was soft as her brows furrowed upward softly her eyes half-lidded yet filled with sadness. Finally, deciding to snap the boy back into reality she placed a gentle hand on his shoulder before getting the chance to shake it a bit Shoto inhaled sharply through his nose as he flinched quickly turning his head in Ashido's direction. His quickened breaths calmed themselves as his eyes fell dull placing his hands in his lap he allowed his eyes to examine them though only to not to make eye contact with anyone. It was not that the girl's presence disappointed or disturbed him, but it was that keeping up a conversation served as a workout for him at the time. He knew and trusted that Mina would not force him to speak although the possibility still scared him resulting in silence and a tension that grew thicker by the second. The pink-haired girl sighed softly closing her eyes while her brows furrowed a bit opening her eyes again she placed a hand on the males right cheek rubbing her thumb over the soft surface already used to his strangely frequently cold skin.

The male did not react feeling not worthy enough to meet her gaze he was weak simply put he was too weak to save his brothers, his mother, sister, or even himself. His father in his older ages now and still he couldn't defend himself he knew he needed to be stronger.

"Look Shoto, you know I won't force you to tell me what happened,"

Said male slowly placed his attention on the older women.

"And I know you know that I'm worried about you. I can tell that you're starting to shut people out again," her voice became unbalanced as it quivered and tears began to gloss over her eyes she tried to toughen up her voice becoming slightly aggressive as she tried to compose herself, " and I know that you're just trying to cope with whatever it is that happened when you went back." She took a shaky breath in. " I just don't want you to shut me out again." She finally broke her tears that held her pain from the first time the dual male shut her out, the months of worry and sorrow, the regret all of it ate at her bit by bit until one day she broke down in front of him. Now she was doing it again her hands clung to the fabric of his shirt tightly as she trembled trying to control her sobs. Shoto kneeled his face holding sadness and regret having made his best friend cry- no sob, sob, sob, and sob just because she was all too afraid to lose him. He took his own shakey breath in as tears glossed his own mix-matched eyes. Todoroki pulled Mina into his arms allowing her to sob as he gently rubbed circles on her back attempting to comfort her.

"Promise me you won't shut me out! You won't undo our progress! And you won't forget about us!". The brown-skinned girl begged her voice loud as she sobbed returning the embrace making it tighter with each request. She felt the other nod as he ran his fingers through her curly hair.

"I promise."

. . .

"So, are you some kind of murderer?" Shoto questioned as he sipped through the straw that punctured his box of juice. His head tilted upward in an attempt to meet the eyes of his new spikey blonde friend.

"Hmm? What makes you think that?" The taller questioned as he tilted his head downward to meet the younger heterochromatic eyes.


Well, you often give off the impression that you wanna kill everyone you see." The dual male replied.

👁️ 👄 👁️

Katsuki scoffed mixing it with a chuckle as his arms crossed on his chest. He leaned forward bringing his face closer to the half n half fellow who in response widened his eyes a bit a the smirk displayed on the tanner blondes peach lips sent blood running to his cheeks turning them a pink color that contrasted with his pale skin.

"Well, Halfie you don't see anyone bothering me, do you?" Bakugou seemed to tease with the tone of his voice and the smirk that aligned with it. He took notice of the blush that crept its way onto the pale cheeks of Shoto.

. . .

I apologize this stopped out of nowhere and went so long without an update but I'm gonna put this baby on pause for a little. I have to put my stories on hold for Baby Steps which is another story of mine.

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