Chapter 2

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Shouto loved to come off as cold and intimidating to people so they wouldn't try to socialize with him and Micha is one of those people.

"W-Where'd you get your dress from?" Micha asked nervously chuckling.

"It belonged to my mother." He replied calmly.

Micha composed himself before speaking. "You look nice."

"...Thank you."

"My pleasure, what are you doing after this?"

"Going home?"

"Well could I get your number? You seem like an interesting person."

Shouto sat on the question for a moment he decided just to give it to him he just wanted to be with Mina and their friends. "Sure." He replied Micha handed him his phone letting the younger insert his number and save it when he recieved his phone back he closed it then placed it in his back pocket.


"Ow! Wh-What are you doing?! Get off of me!" Shouto exclaimed anger and a hint of fear mixed in his voice.

(Rape warning)

The large male continued letting his hands explore the 21 year olds body. Shouto tried to push the older off of him but was slapped in return.

"Don't push me away! You were letting a random man touch all over you why is there a problem now?!" Enji exclaimed angrily.

"There was nothing more than dancing and I'm an adult but I'm still your son not some whore for you at a wild strip club!" Shouto remarked as tears ran down his cheeks.

"I can do whatever I want with you I create you I will touch you however I want and you will not fight it." Enji countered coldly.

Shouto once again tried to push the man off of him but to no avail the large man held the youngers arms above his head using his free hand to force his son to look him directly in the eyes sending shivers down the youngers spine. Enji began to attack the males neck leaving hickeys Shouto was far from being in pleasure he was disgusted. "If you continue to fight me I won't hesitate to severely hurt you." The red head threatened before letting his hand that held the peppermints chin roam his body allowing himself to rub the youngers inner thigh he scanned Shoutos face the whole time. Shouto couldn't keep eye contact he bit his lip to keep his sobs in his throat.

"Look at me. "

He did not.

"Look at me."

Shouto obeyed his vision blurred from his tears. Enji slipped his wife's dress off of his son his hands traveled down to his sons boxers before he literally ripped them off. He unbuckled his pants his erection feeling uncomfortable under the fabric he took his drawls off as well before positioning himself at his son's entance what a sick and twisted man he is. Nearly an hour had gone by Enji called Shouto many inappropriate names while he violated his son.

(Warning over)

When it was all over Endeavor was asleep holding onto Shouto with a loose grip the younger Todoroki took this as a moment to leave he grabbed his phone threw on some clothes then ran out heading to the only place he could go, Minas. It was a 40 minute run Shouto was exhausted and just wanted to sleep when he arrived. Grabbing the key under the mat he unlocked the door entering the home he passed by the living room oblivious to how much of a mess he looked and the 5 people watching him with concerned looks. Shouto had eye bags tear stains messy hair and a very sorrowful expression.

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