Chapter 3

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Shouto sat quietly on his phone attempting to be interested in an online story he had been reading only to clear his mind of the misfortunes of the day before. Mina and Kaminari whispering to one another as they examined the peppermint male that sat across from them trying to ignore their concerned glances. Katsuki and Sero also scanned the male eyeing the same things the other two were. They had their concern on the purple occasionally mixed with yellow bruises that littered his body as well as the visible bite mark in the crook of his neck. Kirishima on the other hand had major balls today and a big nose deciding to stick it in Shoutos business he ask the Todoroki of the marks that littered his body he approached the male keeping a skeptical eye as he held his chin walking circles around the poor male.

"Are those... bruises?" He asked brushing his fingertips over the sensitive skin contrasting from the pale color it would normally be. No words were exchanged as he applied pressure earning a hiss of discomfort as the younger was quick to move away. "That answers my question, but-" a whack to the head stopped his sentence completely as he whipped around expecting Katsuki only to find a fuming Ashido.

"Ouch! What the hell, Ashido?!" He exclaimed nursing the victim area.

"You're so nosey!" She replied smacking him again.

"Agh, okay 'm sorry!"

"Don't apologize to me apologize to Shocakes!"

"...Sorry Todobro I was kinda bein' nosey."

Shoutos eyes widened as his lips parted slightly and a slight guilt washed over him. He never liked being apologized to. "No, no it's fine I would've been curious as well." He stated patting the males head.

. . .

"Were here for what, again?" The electric blonde asked for the third time picking up concealer five shades too light for him.

"We went over this already!" The other blonde facepalmed his forgetful friend getting on his last nerves.

Shouto placed a hand on the hot heads shoulder still having the patience to deal with the boys. "Just need to pick up something." He replied glancing at the back to be sure Sero was still with them when his eyes landed on the concealer that was just the right shade for his pale skin. Taking the bottle from the curious pikachu they payed at the counter before leaving the store. "While we're out do you three wanna go get something?" The dual male asked turning to the taller males that only got taller from the electric blonde to the ash blonde to the dark haired stoner.

"Uh, we could go to Wal-Mart that's always fun." Kaminari suggested examining the others faces searching for denial. "So, Wal-Mart it is?" He questioned quirking a brow earning nods from the three males.

. . .

"I can't believe we're doing this. I can't believe I'm doing this. I must be crazy." Shouto began to rant about how insane he and the others must be to be going through with their plan.

"Alright, Icyhot relax you'll be fine." Katsuki interrupted as he gripped the handle of the shopping cart the younger was currently in.

The peppermint look alike skeptically scanned the blondes face finding him too calm for the situation or maybe it was just him overreacting.

"Yeah man it'll be fine!" Kaminari added stuffing candy into his mouth mid-sentence then handing the bag to the Todoroki. "Right, Sero?" The blonde earned a hum in agreement.

Katsuki began to push the cart forward Kamianri and Sero on the side one foot on the cart the other helping push as if they were riding a skateboard. Shoutos nerves began to spike as the cart began to move.

"Hey! What the hell do you think you're doing?!" Shouted a male voice making the male in the cart jump a bit as a small squeak escaped his lips.

The crimsoned-eyed male smirked. "Time to go." He spoke in a low husky voice A/N:《666 words before taking off down the street fast. They were sped. Cheers filled with pure happiness escaped the throats of the wild boys while the much more frightened boy couldn't choke out a sound his hands gripping the two males hands that gripped the current 'vehicle' everyone was quick to move out of the way afraid to get hit some made snarky comments and yelled at the four.

"Looks like we're goin' down hill!" The raven haired male alerted feeling excitement stir in him as a pit found it's place in Shoutos stomach.

"Hell yeah!" Kaminari exclaimed as they approached the dip.

Before anyone else could put in their input down went the group out went 3 cheers of joy. Small frail arms wrapped around a snatched waist while white and red mixed while pressing into a soft dark colored cloth. Shouto let out a few whimpers his eyes glued shut as he dug his face deeper into darkness that held a soft yet firm wall kind of lumpy as well. The young male trembled slightly as he felt butterflies dance in his stomach and the cool air nip at any exposed skin. Thick soft and slightly rough fingers ventured through crimson red and snow white hair strands mixing them together. Those same fingers soon caressed the pale skin that contrasted with more toned skin the fingers tilted the youngers head up.

"Halfie, open your eyes." A raspy voices demanded softly the tone alerted the male of the others smile.

Hesitantly Shouto opened his eyes meeting vermillion orbs that relaxed him instantly as all of his worries flew away stuck in the wind he examine the features that made the blonde Katsuki Bakugou. The soft and warm feeling that rest in Shouto from just discovering how calming and even cute the olders smile is felt like a drug he couldn't look away as his cheeks warmed themselves and a pink hue rest upon them showing dominance to the pale colored skin he had unknowingly seeming more adorable to the other. No words were exchanged the Todoroki lost in those soft orbs that spoke with his own Katsuki furrowed his brows upward slightly as he held down a chuckle as the younger parted his lips a bit as if he were hit with surprising news. Still heading down hill quickly the wind fiddled with their hair combing its fingers through raven hair pulling back blonde bangs and entangling red with white giving Shouto a cuter look than his usual neat hair.

"Incoming!" Kaminari shouted at a spikey red-haired male that stood in their path his cool turquise eyes met Shoutos as he stepped to the side with the quick second he had the Todoroki waved at the other who nodded in response.

On went the journey the group now on a steady straight road with no dips continued their fun the peppermint look alike calming down enough to look around as they zoomed by people. Finally they began to slow down calming the dual male who unconsciously began to stare at Katsuki once more. The younger stared like a curious puppy scanning the blonde who returned the stare curious of why he was still being stared at.

"I'm irrisistable aren't I?" The cocky blonde spoke smirking as pink tinted the pale cheeks of Shouto.

A pout settled on the male as his brows knitted together while he looked off to the side embarrassed.

A/N: ah that's it for now I rlly needed to pump out a chapter here. Hope u all enjoyed

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