Find Me

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Randy's POV

"Hunter grab her!" I heard Steph yell as I looked over and saw a woman collapsed on the floor. I ran to them to help in any possible way I can.
"What's your name?" Hunter asked as we picked her off the ground.
"Alexis." She said as she could barely hold her eyes open.
"Call 911!" Hunter yelled as Steph pulled out her phone.
"What happened sweetheart?" I asked as she could barely talk.
"I got jumped by two men." She said as her brown hair began to fall in front of her blue almost faded out eyes.
The ambulance got to the block we were on and Steph decided to ride with her while Hunter and I got in his black Cadillac behind it. Zipping through traffic trying to keep up is a hastle. Especially in New York City. We got to the hospital and they rushed her to a room. We sat in the lobby and waited for the doctor to tell us we could go in.

After 30 minutes of sitting in the lobby pacing the doctor finally came out.
"We got her on medicine. Her story is crazy. Police will be here shortly. Long story short, violent ex boyfriend went crazy on her and brought his friend with him." The doctor said as I could feel my rage build up.
"You guys saved her. Would you like to have a conversation with her?" He asked as Steph smiled and went in there.
"Holy shit you're Stephanie McMahon!" She said as her face filled with joy.
"Yes ma'am! What is your name?" Steph asked as Hunter and I walked in.
"Alexis Hollow." She said as a year went down her face under the cut on her eye.
"Well, I'd like you to meet my husband Triple H and one of our employees Randy Orton!" Steph said as I hugged her.
"It's nice to meet you!" Alexis said.
Suddenly we heard a knock on the door.
"Hello, we're NYPD, can we have a word?" A police officer with gray short hair asked as he stepped inside the door. Alexis nodded as she knew she had to give a testimony.
"We watched some footage, do you know the men who jumped you?" He asked as she broke down.
"My ex Chris Tamney and his friend Blake Pyle. They were upset because I wouldn't help them find the drugs they were on. I've been trying for three years to get them clean. When I went to walk out the door he hit me upside the head with a picture frame. I got up to leave shoved him into a wall. By the time I got out the door, Blake shoved me down the stairs at the apartments. I finally got enough strength to leave. As I was four blocks away from Time Square, I felt something hit my head, that's when I looked up and saw them two kicking me in my ribs, stomp my head. I blacked out. Then I woke up as I heard a woman screaming and blacked out again after telling someone my name." She said as all of us had a tear go down our faces.
"You know, we could use someone as tough as you on WWE." Steph said as she wiped a tear off her face.
"Are you sure?" Alexis said as she smiled and cried.
"Yes. Between Randy and I, and all the security teams we have. We can protect you." Hunter said as Steph looked at me.
"For the first few months, we'll have Randy training you during the week. Mondays, Friday's and occasionally some Sundays you're going to be an announcer. We just need to come up with a name." Steph looked at Alexis as she started crying.
"We can protect you sweetheart." I said as I wiped a tear from my eye.
"Thank you!" Alexis said as the doctor came in and gave her the papers.
"When do I start with you guys?" Alexis asked.
"Tomorrow I will have two men pick you up, Seth and Dolph. We're going to pay for a hotel, we'll be right down the hall." Steph said as we all began to walk out.

The next day
Alexis POV

I heard a knock on the door and noticed it was time for Seth and Dolph to pick me up. I looked out the peep hole to make sure  to make sure it was them and it wasn't them, but it was Randy.
"Hi." I said as I came out the door and noticed something was wrong.
"Are you okay?" I asked as he started crying.
"I just can't believe you went through all of that. Like no woman deserves that." He said as he wrapped his arms around me and I felt a tear go down his face onto my neck.
"I'm okay. I promise, is that the car?" I asked as he looked behind him and nodded.
"Yeah it is. I'll meet you guys at the arena." He walked me to the car as he leaned in and talked to Seth. "Precious cargo man. Keep her safe." He said as I got my bags beside me and put the seat belt on.
We started driving and Dolph started bringing a conversation on.
"Man, Randy doesn't look good. Looks like the divorce is taking a tole on him." He said as Seth nodded.
"Yeah he's broken." Seth said.
"He's getting a divorce?" I asked as I was shocked.
"Yeah. He's hurting bad. She cheated on him." Dolph said as my jaw dropped.
"He has such a gentle heart. How is that possible?" I asked as shock tan over me.
"Well, he is crazy sometimes." Seth said.
"What do you mean?" I asked.
"His entrance song, isn't just about his persona on WWE, it's his real life problems. He has psychological issues. Hears people talking when no ones talking." Seth said as I noticed he was right. Depression does that to people as well.
We pulled into the arena as I saw Randy walk out and he looked upset.
"Randy, are you okay?" I asked as I ran behind him.
"I'm fine. Would you like to know where you're going to be talking at the announce desk? You'll be speaking with Shawn Michaels and Edge." He said as I was excited to be at the announce table with two legends, but I want him okay.
"Randy, you're protecting me, I want you to be protected as well. Seth and Dolph told me. I want to be there for you. Just speak to me please." I said as he broke down and turned to me.
"She's leaving me. I'm not a good man. I never will be." He said as I wrapped my arms around his waist and hugged him tight.
"Thank you." He said as he hugged me back.
"Is this Alexis?" We heard someone ask as I turned around and noticed it was Shawn Michaels.
"Yes it is." Steph said as she gave a questionable look.
"Hey he just needed someone to talk to." I said as Steph hugged me.
"It's okay if you open his eyes we'll have much respect for you." She said as she winked.
"Come on Randy." Steph said as they walked away and I turned to look back at him and noticed he did the same.
Time to walk down to the ring. Time for the show.

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