Chapter 2

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Hester and Anadil walked in, hand in hand. They both sneered menacingly as they made their way to Agatha. They plopped into the seats beside hers, now grinning.

''Agatha, is that you ?'' asked Hester, her lips curling upwards.

''Yep. The one and only''.

''Wow. You haven't changed at all'', remarked Anadil.

''I can't say the same for you. Is that a tattoo Hester?''

''It is''

''What else has changed?''

Hester blushed red, as did Anadil.

''Well, Ani and I are sort of dating now'', spluttered Hester.

Agatha's head shot up, as her eyebrows rose and her jaw dropped.

She gaped at them dumbly.

''What?! Why didn't you call me and tell me something? That's great!''

Anadil rolled her eyes.

''We didn't have your number, you idiot. You changed it when you moved, remember?''

''Well, why didn't anyone else tell me? Why am I just hearing about this now?''

''We kind of wanted to tell you ourselves, so we told the others not to tell you''.

''Still. This is great news!''

The door opened again, just as Hester was about to reply.

Two men walked in. The one on the left was balding, with small patches of white hair, and the other had a full head of jet black hair. They looked identical, like twins, except for their hair. And the fact that the one on the right looked terrifying.

The bald one cleared his throat.

''I am Professor Pollux, and I will be your English teacher for some of you this year. Your homeroom teacher, Professor Sader, has called in sick, so I will be substituting for him today''.

''And I am Professor Castor. If you kids don't behave, I will make sure that each and every one of you gets expelled!'', he snarled.

''Quiet Castor'', Pollux snapped. ''I'm sure that none of these wonderful students are going to misbehave''.

Castor made what sounded like a growling sound.

''Well then'', said Pollux.'' Is everybody here?''

After what seemed like an eternity, Pollux finally let them go.

Agatha headed off to her french class, leaving Hester and Anadil, who had geography.

Kiko had given her a map of the school, so she used it to find her way around. Agatha finally found her class and tried to sit on an empty chair.

The girl next to it put her hand over it.

''Sorry, this seat's taken'', she said, her voice laced with venom.

''Agatha! Sit here!''.

She turned around to see Kiko waving at her, patting the seat next to her.

Agatha made her way over to Kiko, who scooted aside for her, and sat down.

''Thanks'', she said.

''It was no problem. I have no idea how they can be so mean. She wasn't even saving that seat for anyone!''

''Oh okay'', said Agatha. ''Umm, how's that boy you were talking about?''

''Tristan?'' Kiko's face fell. ''It turns out that he likes Beatrix. Every boy likes Beatrix'', she huffed.

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