Chapter 4

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It was completely blank.

''What the-'', exclaimed Agatha.

''It's blank!'' cried out Sophie.

''Thanks for the input, Captain Obvious'', snided Agatha.

Sophie huffed frustratedly, crossing her arms.

''I'm just surprised. It's not what I expected''

She picked up the book and started to flip through it.

''The whole thing's blank!'' She cried out in frustration, as she threw the book to Agatha.

''Woah, wait'', exclaimed Agatha, as she reached out to catch the book.

She placed it on her lap and flipped it to the first page.

Sophie looked at her, clearly confused.


Agatha slapped her hand to her forehead, shaking her head. She pointed at the page.

''Oh, I see now'', Sophie muttered, realizing.

There was a picture on the page. It was of two girls, sitting on the shore of a lake. The first was dressed in black, flicking matches into the water, while the other was pretty and blonde, holding a satchel filled with... cucumbers?

Sophie gasped. ''Is''

Agatha frowned, furrowing her brows. ''I don't know. It looks like us, but when have we ever gone to a lake?''

''But it has to be us!'' protested Sophie. ''Look at the satchel. It's filled with cucumbers. You know that I love cucumbers''

''That doesn't prove anything'', Agatha defended. ''It must be a coincidence!''

Agatha stared into space, thinking deeply.

Suddenly, Sophie hit her arm excitedly.

''What was that for?'' yelled Agatha, cradling her arm.

''Look!''yelped Sophie

Agatha turned her gaze to where Sophie was pointing.

Words were starting to appear on the page.

''Once upon a time, there were two girls'' it read

Agatha and Sophie stared at it eagerly, waiting for more words to appear.

Nothing happened.

''That's it, I guess'', muttered Agatha.

''Who are they? The two girls, I mean?'' muttered Sophie, her eyes scanning the page.


Sophie looked up, as her eyes widened with horror, trying to process this information.

''Impossible'' Agatha spluttered. ''It's just a coincidence?''

''That there's a picture of two girls that look exactly like us?'' interjected Sophie.

''Um, yeah'', said Agatha, unsurely.'' That's what happened''

Sophie scoffed. ''Sure'', she snided, her voice laced with sarcasm.

Agatha sighed. ''Why would anyone even want to write a story about us'', she exclaimed, throwing her hands up into the air in exasperation.

''I don't know'', said Sophie.'' but it has to be about us. The two girls in the picture are definitely us''

Suddenly, more words started to appear on the page.

Agatha tugged at Sophie's sleeve, gesturing towards the page with her head.

Sophie turned around, and the two girls set their gazes on the page, as more words appeared, blood-red on the faded yellow of the page.

''One was beautiful and beloved and the other was a lonely hag''

''I like our story'', Sophie said.

Agatha glared at her.

Sophie shut up.

Out of nowhere, a song started blaring.

Well, good for you, you look happy and healthy, not me

If you ever cared to ask

Good for you, you're doin' great out there without me, baby

God, I wish that I could do that

The song seemed to be coming from Sophie's purse.

Agatha looked at her curiously.

Sophie reached into her purse, and drew out her phone, pressing it against her ear.

''Hello?'', she asked.

A voice answered her, but Agatha couldn't make it out.

The voice said something, and Sophie nodded her head, understanding.

Sophie put her phone back inside her bag.

''My dad wants me back home. We're having dinner with his stupid girlfriend'', she muttered, sneering at the word 'girlfriend'.

Agatha nodded.

''Alright. See you later'', she said, giving Sophie a small wave.

Sophie smiled and turned to leave.

''And Sophie'', called out Agatha.


''Not a word of this to anyone'', Agatha said, her voice stern.

Sophie nodded, stepping out of the room and closing the door behind her.

Agatha got up, and opened her drawer, placing the book inside it.

She turned the key in the lock, making sure it was locked.

No one could find it there.

Agatha sighed in contentment, as she sat down on her bed.

She didn't notice the light emanating from the keyhole, pulsing bright.

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