Chapter 6

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The book lay there, looking as if it had been completely untouched by the flames.

The two girls' eyes widened.

Sophie reached for the book.

Agatha held up her hand to stop her, the book could burn her hand, but she had already grabbed it.

Sophie's hand trembled, as she held it.

Sophie turned towards Agatha, confused.

''It's cold'', she whispered.

''Give it to me'', muttered Agatha, snatching the book out of Sophie's hands.

It was cold.

Agatha shuddered. Very cold.

She squinted as she scrutinized the surface of the cover. The fire hadn't made a single mark on it.

''Why didn't it burn?'' she murmured softly.

''It's magic. We should've known'', said Sophie, now sitting on the bed, with her head in her hands.

Suddenly, she got up. Her eyes lit up as a look of realisation dawned on her face.

''We could ask the Coven for help!'' she exclaimed, using the name that they had given to Hester and her friends.

''I told you'', sighed Agatha. ''We can't tell anyone''

''Hester and Anadil are the smartest nerds in the school. They can help us!'' Sophie protested.

''And don't tell them that I called them that'', she added, after a few moments''

Agatha turned away from her, thinking it over.

After some time, she nodded her head slightly.


Sophie smiled, before setting her eyes on Agatha's hand.

The bleeding had completely stopped, and all the blood had dried up.

''Are you sure that your hand's alright?'' she asked hesitantly, grimacing at the horrific sight before her.

''It's kind of weird'', Agatha said. ''It doesn't really hurt anymore''

''You should probably change the bandages'', Sophie remarked. ''I really can't stand the sight of... all that''

Agatha rolled her eyes as she made her way to the bathroom.

Agatha opened a drawer and got out new bandages.

She softly took off her old bandages.

Agatha frowned, as they came off. She could've sworn that she had gotten cut right over her knuckles. But there was nothing there.

She continued taking them off, her jaw dropping as she did so.

In all the places that she could remember being cut, there were no scars or cuts.

No traces at all.

She pulled off the last of the bandages.


No cuts, no... anything.

Agatha gasped.

It was as if it had somehow ... healed.

She stumbled, immediately clutching the edges of the sink with her other hand. Agatha gaped in awe at her newly healed hand.

''Sophie!'' she cried out. ''Sophie! Come here!''

A few moments later, Sophie came running into the bathroom, looking flustered.

''What is it? And won't your mom hear us if you're so loud?''

Sophie stopped short, seeing Agatha's hand

She stood silent for a minute, gawping at it.

After some time, she spoke again.

''It has to be magic'', she said softly.

Agatha nodded.


They stood there for a few more moments, saying nothing. The silence was unbearable.

''It's kind of strange, you know?'' Sophie blurted out, breaking the silence.

''What is?''

''I mean, we know that the book is magic, but we're still surprised when something magic happens'', she said, making gestures with her hands.

Agatha snorted.

''What do you expect, Sophie? It's only been one day. Of course we're surprised! A few days ago, if someone told me that magic existed, I would've thought that they were crazy! ''

Sophie rolled her eyes.

''Wait'', she said.


She looked up.

''Did you by any chance, see what the book wrote?''

Agatha frowned.

''I only caught a few glances. Why?''

''I thought that we could get some clues from it. Could you try to remember whatever you saw?''

Agatha folded her arms, looking upwards, deep in thought.

''There was something about... a lake, I guess?''

Sophie nodded.

''Uh-huh. Anything else?''

Agatha nodded back.

''Yeah. There was something about someone called... Professor Sader, I think''

Sophie's eyes widened.

''Are you absolutely sure that it said that?'', she asked, glaring at Agatha.

''You're sure that it said Professor Sader?''

''Yeah. Why?''

Sophie sighed.


She paused.

''He's our history teacher''


Author's note:

I'm sorry that this chapter was a bit shorter than the other ones. I was in a hurry to finish it, because I have these  tests in a few days, and I haven't studied anything at all. I'm also not going to be able to update for more than two weeks because of the tests, so sorry about that.

And also. it would mean a lot to me if you guys voted and commented on this. Constructive criticism is also appreciated. 

I also changed the cover

This is the previous one ⬆️ 

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This is the previous one ⬆️ 

The new one was made by the amazing RoseRainbowHeart


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