Chapter 1

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🎶 Well, good for you

You look happy and healthy, not me

If you ever cared to ask.🎶

That's my alarm if you're wondering.

I slammed my fist down on it but continued playing.


I threw it across the room, letting it smash against the wall. I'll just buy another one later.

🎶We came from the bottom then became the problem

Now everything's out of control.

so hey. Are you with me? LET'S GO🎶

That's my ringtone. I love that song.

"What?" I said as I picked up.

"Get your ass up now, I'm outside." Wyatt replied.

I sat up on my bed. Wyatt isn't outside. He moved away a year ago with his adopted family.

Sighing, I went to the bathroom and did my morning routine and changed into today's outfit.

Sighing, I went to the bathroom and did my morning routine and changed into today's outfit

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Walking downstairs, I greeted Gael and Martina.

They're my adoptive parents. Gael and Martina adopted me 2 years ago. They're literally the best guardian I've had so far.

I've had 2 different guardians but they all died.

"Buenos días Lucia, date prisa y come o llegarás tarde a la escuela." Martina said quickly as she pushed a plate of pancakes in front of me. (Good morning, hurry up and eat or you'll be late for school)

Gael just chuckled.

"Ooooo Pancakes! Thank you Martina." I smiled.

"Hunny, I'm serious. You're gonna be late if you don't hurry."

"Love, give the girl a break. Let her enjoy the food." Her husband said.

I smiled at him. "You're the best Gael."

"Hey what about me?" Martina said, putting her hand over her heart and fake hurt.

"Oh of cou-"

"Nope, eat. Don't talk." She quickly interrupted.

Boi, you have no idea how much I love them.

"Aigh, I'm off, see ya later." I gave both of their cheek a quick kiss

"Wait," Martina called and threw a pack of sour patch at me.

"Ahhhh THANK YOU. You both are the best." I yelled as I headed to the garage and to school.

" I yelled as I headed to the garage and to school

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^^ her bike

School's boring. What do I learn there? Nothing really.

What are we supposed to learn in school?

My first lesson was Spanish. I already know everything thanks to the de Leóns. I'm only joining it cause I like the teacher.

The bell had already rung when I reached, so why not make an entrance.

I kicked open the door to my class and smiled. "Halo, mi profesor favorito." (My favorite teacher)

The bald-headed professor turned towards me.

"Lucía de León, ¿Por qué llegas tarde?" He asked, knowing what I was going to say. (Why are you late?)

"Ya ve señor, llegué tarde a mi propio nacimiento, ¿cómo diablos se supone que iba a llegar a tiempo para una clase de a las ocho de la mañana?" (you see sir, i was late for my own birth, how the hell am i supposed to be in time for an eight o'clock class)

He shook his head and smiled. "Toma asiento de León." (Take a seat de Leon)

I smirked at him and took a seat near the window.

The bell rang and I decided to skip the next lesson and chill in the cafeteria cause why not?

"Hey Lucia," Julia, my favourite school cook said as I walked into the kitchen.

I smiled and sat on the counter. "Julia, my favourite cook. How are you?"

"I'm good, thanks for asking. ¿Jugo de naranja?" she asked and threw me a packed orange juice.


I sat and talked to her while she prepared food for lunch.

"How's the new home treating you?" she asked.

"Aw come on, Julia. You know they're the best. Oh maybe you should meet them one day. You'll love them too."

"One day." she smiled.

"You'll get along so well since Martina's about your age and-"


"Girl, what did you do now?" the cook playfully glanced at me.

"Nada, I swear. I'll see you later." and left the cafeteria.

"LUCIA VALENCIA DE LEÓN PLEASE COME TO THE PRINCIPAL OFFICE NOW. I REPEAT, NOW!!" the voice spoke again, more annoyed this time.

Patience old man.

I knocked twice at the door and entered after a "come in"

There were 2 men at the corner of the room, both in their twenties. One was wearing a suit and the other a hoodie and jeans. I decided to ignore them.

"Harry, my favourite principal," I said and sat on a chair as I put my feet on his desk. "What did I do now? Wait no lemme guess. Is it about the pranks for the last few days? NO, you would have called me in by then." I mumbled the last part.

"Or is it because I broke the guy's arm? Wait no, he started it, not me. Because I was late? No can't be. Because I fell asleep in class? Nope I do that all the time. Ohh it is because I skipped class and went to the cafeteria? Wait no, you know how much I love Julia but no need to call me here for that. Dude, I didn't even do anything new today."

When I was done, I heard the men behind me snickered. Harry chuckled.

"Lucia, it's Harold to you not Harry. Why do you even call me that? Harry and Harold are 2 different things." he said.

"Nuh-uh I remember you introduced yourself as Harry."

"I introduced myself as Mr Harrington. Anyway, that's not why I called you here." He looked at me for a moment.

Not that look. My eyes widened. "Wait no. NO. NO. NO. I know that look. Do not look at me that way."

He swallowed. "Lucia, I'm gonna say this in the nicest way. Your adoptive parents, Gael and Martina, died in a car accident."

"THEY WHAT?!" My heart skipped a beat. No. No way. They can't. No I must have heard it wrongly right?

"You heard me correctly, Lucia."



Harry pulled me into a hug.

"I'm sorry."


Hey besties, I hope you enjoy the first chapter!

Feel free to leave some ideas!

I sound so weird. SKHFJSFJ I'm so sorry. This is my first time writing a story that is more than school's exam words.  Which is like 500??? IDK.

Oh ya don't forget to comment and vote :)

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