Chapter 35

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Hey friendss Thank you so much for almost 11000 views. I appreciate it a lot! You have no idea how happy i am now <3 Hope you enjoy the chapters :)

Wyatt POV

I ran toward my building, building C. It's been a while since I blew things up. I  miss doing this shit. Especially with Lucia. That girl probably go knocking on the door and yell 'PIZZA DELIVERY' or pretended to be an FBI. It crazy how she wasn't scared and somehow the people who are gonna die always play along. Maybe she's too nice to be a threat. 

I gave up using the stairs at the fifth floor and took the elevator instead. there's a weird music which make the ride up to the 10th floor annoying and weird. I held out my gun, preparing to shoot anyone in sight but before the door opened, the elevator was filled with gas. WTF?!

I woke up on the cold concrete floor. As my vision came back, I saw armed men and women filled in every corner of the room. What's going on? Looking closely, they weren't just armed . They were armed with bombs on them. I looked around for an escape.

"There's no point looking. There isn't one. This whole building is filled with it. every entrance, every floor." A guy said quietly. I looked at him and saw fear in his eyes. 

I tried to sit up. "DON'T." half of the people there yelled. "You're sitting on one." Now that he said it, I realized I was. 

"Is this thing even gonna go off?" I asked. 

"Yea. No sudden movement or it goes off. In five minute time, it's going off too." Shit. 

"You're kidding right?"

"No." a girl said. Huh. The bombs going off no matter what.

"You do know that you'll all die too right?" I question weirdly. 


"And you're okay with it?" 

"We didn't have much choice. She gave us no choice." the she again.


No reply. 

"You know, you're dying whether you tell or you don't right?"

No reply. 

"Dudes, come on. A second ago y'all were willing to talk to me now you're not?" 

"We don't know her. she came to us through text." a boy replied. 

"And she's willing to sacrifice all of you?"

"We were people who she just decided to text."

"So she's a hacker?"

"I think so."

I nodded.  There was no way out of here. I was right this whole time. A hacker. The world's best hacker. Not anymore. few days ago, I managed to hacked into her system after a two whole months of trying. Guess she isn't as good as she thought she is. I knew there was no where out of here. Slowly, I stood up, making sure I'm putting weight on the bomb below me. Two more minute.

"I'm done." I heard her say through the ear piece.

"Dude. Finally." Luca and Matteo groaned.

"Val, you know I love you right?" I spoke, my voice hoarse. "Even if we're not dating, I still fucking love you. From the moment I saw the little girl in the playground, sitting alone on the sea-saw, I knew that you were a friend I always wanted. I still remember the day I walked up to you. The first thing you decided to mumbled after I said hi was 'I'm gonna fucking burn you if you don't leave.' I could help but laughed. You were four Val. FOUR."

"Wyatt, what's wrong?" I can hear panic in her voice. I looked out the window. At least she's safe. she was running out from her building.

"I knew from that day, you'll be my best friend no matter what happen. I knew I'm gonna follow you wherever you go. And I did and always will. I wouldn't even second guess or doubt your decisions. I'm sorry I left without saying goodbye. You have no idea how much I regretted it. I'm not gonna make the wrong choice again."

"Wyatt Garcia. What the hell are you talking about?" Isaac demanded. 

"Take care of her for me Isaac. There's bomb placed in every entrance and corner of the room." I started to explain and heard gasps. "It's gonna blow up in a minute. Any sudden moment will also set it off."

"Wyatt I love you. Please stay there." She cried as she moved towards my building.

I caught her attention and held her gaze. "Don't come after me Val. You wouldn't survive. I've never regretted any choices I make for and with you. I love you Valencia. Even if the world ends, I fucking love you."

"Wyatt. You're gonna be fine." Matteo said but his voice broke halfway.

"Wyatt, I love you. Please don't leave me."

5 seconds. 

"I love you too Val. Until we meet again."


Lucia POV 

The moment I heard Wyatt's voice through my ear piece, I ran straight for the exit. 

"I love you too Val. Until we meet again." He said and the building blew up. LIKE IT FUCKING BLEW UP. I know I like blowing up stuff but NOT WHEN I HAVE SOMEONE I LOVE IS INSIDE. We flew backwards and landed hard on my back. I recovered quickly and ran towards the building. I tried. Isaac's arm wrapped around my waist before I could take a step. 

"LET ME GO." I screamed as I struggled against his hold. I managed to get out before another arm grabbed me. Then another and more arms grabbed me. "NO NO WYATT."

Everything was a blur, I couldn't see clearly, tears filled in my eyes. He's still alive. He must be. "LET ME GO YOU BITCH." 

"Lucia, Lu, listen to me." Matteo voice said in my ear, making me shivered. I felt like someone just dropped a bomb on me. Oh wait. They did. "LUCIA. the bomb is made from VX. If you go near it, it'll kill you." 

"Wyatt." I trembled. One word means a whole fucking sentence.

"I'm sorry."

That bitch had to say that. "FUCK YOU. LET ME GO."

I managed to break from their hold but only to be grabbed by Isaac again. "Please..." I sobbed.

He pulled me into his chest. I fought to get out of his hold but he held me. He just held me there.

"He's still alive." I whispered. He has to be. I can't lose anyone else. I've already lost my brother. I can't lose Wyatt too.


IHEFKJHSGF I'm so sorry if this chapter is confusing.

AHHHH I kill him. I cannot believe it. I'm sorry friends but like JSJGS I have to kill one of them. I knowww I meann.

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