Chapter 43

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I slumped back down onto my beanbag in the closet. Why am I so nervous?? 

Oh right. I'm going on a date with Zeke.

A few seconds later, Antonio and Angelo's girlfriend came rushing into my room. "What's up. Who's dying?" one of them asked. 

Even their girlfriends likes to kill. I wonder where my brothers found them.

"I need an outfit. Also what's your names?"

"Crystal." the first girl said. 

"Alisha." the other one replied. 

"Cool. Which of my brother is your boyfriend?" 

"Antonio." Crystal said at the same time Alisha replied with "Angelo."

"Anyway, Casual? Fancy?" Crystal asked. 

They ended up spending half an hour dressing me. Thank me for calling then an hour before 6. 

"Bestie you look gorgeous." Crystal grinned as they admired their results. I walked over to the mirror. Well they did a pretty good job. Not gonna lie.

"Thank youuuu." I cheered and hugged them. 

We walked to to the living room. Urghhh I still can't get use to the huge ass mansion. 

"MARTINA." I yelled and jumped onto her. Thank god she wasn't very old. 

"Girl- you're gonna break my bone one day." she complained as Gael laughed. 

"Be glad you at least get a hug." Gael said, wiping his fake tears. "All I got is being ignored."

"AWWW Don't be jealous." I said and fall next to him. 

"I see you're finally going out. About time. Not that I want you to move on from Wyatt but you gotta."

"Little sis you look amazing." Antonio admired as he walked in with Angelo. It's funny how they always enter and leave together. He fall onto the couch pulling Crystal with him. 

"I WAN A HUG." Isaac whined as he entered with Luca. I smiled and make baby grabby hands to him and he collapsed in my arms. 

"Luca your twin is stealing your boyfriend." Martina said. 

"You'll learn how to get use to it soon." Luca shrugged and slumped down next to her. 

Gael and Martina are now like the mum and dad of the family. 

"I can't believe it's been almost 4 years and you two are still dating." I said, pointing at both of them. Isaac grabbed my hands and placed it back on his hair. "I can't believe I keep repeating the same thing."

"VAL VAL VAL." Dandelion screamed as she ran in, jumping onto Isaac who let out a huge breath. That little monster has a habit of calling me that whenever she likes. It's either Aunty Lucy or VAL VAL VAL. I don't even know how she manage to read my name when she steal my letters. Like SHE's ONE. CAN ONE YEAR OLD EVEN READ???

"Hi buddy." I carried her and Isaac whined. 

"Throw her away." he groaned and I hit his head lightly. He whined again then rolled to the floor and towards Luca. 

She pulled out a pack of candy from her pocket. And gave one to me. HOW DID SHE KEEP ALL THE CANDY IN THAT SMALL POCKET???

I thanked her and she started playing the spaghetti strap that connects to my dress.

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