Chapter 20

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--------back at the room--------

I insisted that I'm fine and that I needed some rest.

Still unsure, my brother left me alone.

I showered and slumped onto my bed.

Why would Bob try to kill me?

I swear he died.

Why would Aleksei want to kill me?

Didn't he make an alliance with Matteo?

Someone knocked on my door and came in without waiting for my response and jumped onto my bed.

"Sure, come in and make yourself comfortable." I grumbled.

"Hey why that attitude? Come on, cheer up." Wyatt attacked me with hugs.

I didn't have the strength to shoo him away.

I mean. I like his hug ya know.

He settled down and handed me sour patches.



It's my turn to attack him with hugs.

"Okay. Now tell me what you're thinking." He sat beside me.

I sighed.

"Do you think the Russian mafia's trying to kill me?"

He looked at me confused.

"Huh? You mean Aleksei?"


"Princess, you know they made an alliance with your brother. And why would they wanna kill you? What'd you do to them?"

"I don't know. Those people back there they aren't the Spanish. They're Russians."

"How'd you know?"

"How'd I know?! Wyatt the guy, the one who you moved, he was Russian. My second guardian."


SO?! Really, is he on my side now??

I sighed.

"Let's just forget that I ever brought it up."

I lay down and off the light leaving him sitting there confused.

How can I explain to him?

I'm not sure myself.

But.... they have to be working together somehow.

What if Harry really isn't dead? And they're behind it.

The Russians

Maybe it's just a coincidence.

Wyatt layed down and cuddled me.

"Look Valencia-"

"I don't wanna talk about it anymore."

He sighed.

"I wanna be on your side but we need proof."

"That's the problem. There's no proof. Not yet at least" I yawned.

"My supposingly dead guardian is alive, tried to kill me then died again. Maybe all my guardians are in the Russian mafia because that's all they ever talked about to each other is mafia stuff. Then the de Leons just somehow coincidentally got into a car accident the same day when the SSA found my biological brothers. Maybe it's just all a coincidence. It's probably just all in my head."

Wyatt didn't say anything, he just pulled me closer to him.

I snuggled closer.

Maybe it is just all in my head.

--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Heyyy sooo this is a short chapter... hope you enjoy it. 

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