Chapter 27

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He didn't lock the window.

HAHA brother.

"Angelo." I greeted.

The music continued to play. Angelo was on the bed and was watching- oh.

He was watching some footage that he took with his twin when they were younger.

He's eyes never left the tv.

Has he shower for the past 4 days?

I climbed onto his lap and wrapped my arms around him.

He tensed for a moment but hugged me back and started crying.

I didn't say anything. I just held him tight.

We stayed like that until his sobs became sniffles.

"Tell me more about him. When he was younger." I began as I settled next to him.

He thought for a moment. "We used to always pretend we hated each other in front of everyone when we were 4 so mum and dad wouldn't buy us the same candy. Then when we were alone, we would hype up each other, share our candy and apologize for the mean thing we said." He gave out a soft chuckle.

"We kept doing that until we were 10, the year we met Adrian. Antonio was the outgoing one. He became friends with Adrian and made me shake his hands or he threatened to steal my candy when I'm asleep."

I giggled.

"A year later, the three of us became really close. When he wasn't around, Antonio and I would always annoy our brothers. Especially Luca. He was the youngest and we threatened to kill him and steal all his gummy bears if he didn't play football with us. It was really funny. He was running and playing while crying. We also have a cardboard baby of you sitting in the corner. We imagined that's what you would do if you were with us."

I smiled at him. He seemed better.

He looked at me and asked, "Did you know that he made mum name you Lucia?"

I nodded. "He told me."

"Did he tell you what it means?"


He smiled. "It means 'light' in Italian. You're like the missing light that he needs...that we all need. A light who would lead us through the dark. I think it's a Spanish name that's why our parents denied it. Antonio kept crying until they gave in and named you Lucia."

"He must have been really cheeky."

"Mmhmm. He was."

"We're having a family time later today. After dinner. If you're ready, come join us." I said and kissed his cheek.


I stopped at the door. "Hmm?"

"You're really a light that we all needed in the dark."

"I'll always be here for you. Also get a shower. You stink." I giggled and he laughed.

"Yes ma'am."

I went to the living room and saw Isaac on the couch watching tv so I sneaked up on him.

"ATTACK." I jumped onto him and we both fell.

"Owwww. Luciaaaa." He whined.

He attacked and started ticking me.


"Geez you two. I'm trying to eat." Wyatt complained.

He slumped on the couch.

"What happened to you?" Isaac asked as he got off me.

"Flavio tried to kill me. What are you two doing?"

"Choking your girlfriend."

"Choking me to death."

We both replied.

"Okay." He continued eating the ice cream.

"ICE CREAM." I cheered like a baby and stole it from Wyatt.

He pulled me back by the waist. "Sit."

I sat on his lap and ate the ice cream.

"I'm guessing y'all succeeded." Lily mumbled as she came in.



"Flavio tried to rip my heart out."

"How'd it get with Matteo?" I asked.

"I had to slap him, lost count of how many times, to get him to snap out of his world."

So we'll probably see them all at dinner in 3 hours." I summarized.

"Wait, how'd you manage to talk to Angelo? He wouldn't let anyone in."

"I climbed through the window."

"I wanna be surprised but I'm guessing you've done this more than one." Wyatt mumbled.

I shrugged. "I'll see y'all at dinner."

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