1.Just one more night

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"Give it back!!" I yelled I was currently on the back of my brother Ethan he had just stolen my phone,again. I kept beating his back with my fist as he tried yanking me off.

"Get off me you nerd!!" He yapped as he tried to push me off. Eventually he got me off and threw me to the marble floor. He looked at me with a evil glint in his eyes I new what he was going to do but luckily I beat him to it.

"EDMUND!!" I yelled and Ethan threw me a hard glare. He new he wasn't going to win this fight he didn't have his little partner in crime Evan. Usually if one of the twins and I get in a fight the other twin is there to back that one up so I always get in trouble, but not today. Today Evan is at a friends house so Ethan is all alone. Edmund came rushing in probably scared I was hurt or something he scanned the room in a panic but when he realized everyone was ok he visibly relaxed.

"What is it now I was making dinner" he said with his arms crossed

"Ethan took my phone again!" I wined I could tell he was annoyed at how many times this happens but it's not my fault so I don't know what to tell him

"Give the phone back E" we all have nicknames for each other Ethan's is E.Ethan threw my phone at me and stomped out of the room. I quickly got off the floor and made my way to the kitchen with Ed.(Edmund) i hopped on the counter as he spun the spaghetti sauce in a pot.

"Ohh it smells really good Your such a good cook Ed" I said with a innocent smile. He looked up at me with his eyebrows raised.

"Ok Emma what do you want" he asked and I smiled

"Can Sophia come over for dinner so we can pick out a outfit for me to wear tomorrow for the first day of school" I asked quickly

"Umm yeah I guess Eli is already having a friend over so sure" he said and my eyes went wide

"Wait what a guy friend or a female friend" I asked and he smirked

"A guy friend"

"Oooooo" I cooed and he laughed Eli is gay so every time he has a friend over that's a boy we love to tease him when that happens

"Yeah so go bother him about that I'm busy" he laughed and I pouted

"Ok rude" I said jumping off the counter and racing to Eli's room I knocked on the door not wanting to walk in to anything going on in there a few seconds later the door opened and I was met with my older brother who was wearing a t-shirt and sweats I visibly frowned.
"Are you really wearing that for your date?" I asked looking him up and down and he groaned walking back in his room and so did I

"It's not a date Emma he's just a friend" he said laying on his bed and I sat to. if we are being honest Eli is my favorite brother we are really close and he is really compassionate and sweet, but that doesn't mean he doesn't get on my nerves from time to time.

"I will believe that when I see it" I said laughing

"Ok whatever so are you excited for your first day of high school tomorrow" he asked smiling and I looked down

"I mean I am but I'm also nervous" I said and he sat up in his bed

"Why are you nervous" he asked his eyebrows furrowed in confusion I laid  down next to him cuddling into his side as he rubbed my back

"I don't know I'm just scared like what if I don't make any friends or what If I get bullied" I said my voice shaking

"Ok first of all you have Sophia and second do you really think that people are going to mess with the younger sister of the quarterback and caption of the football team and the little sister of the prankster twins" he laughed and I frowned he always did that he always puts himself at a peg below everyone else

My life with my annoying overprotective brothers (discontinued)Where stories live. Discover now