4. Break up

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On Friday night Dawson and Ben were going to come over and hang out so i was getting ready until I heard a nock on my door I quickly slipped on a shirt and opened the door to Eli leaning on the door way

"Hey Ben and Dawson will be here soon and if I were you I would be down before they get here so you can save Dawson from Edmund" he laughed and I chuckled

"Ok I'll be there soon" I smiled and he left I quickly changed into a nice outfit

I ran downstairs right as there was a mock on the front door I ran to get it but strong arms grabbed my waist so I couldn't move I turned to see Ethan  holding me back and down Evan standing back laughing "nope we are going to let Ed handle this" ...

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I ran downstairs right as there was a mock on the front door I ran to get it but strong arms grabbed my waist so I couldn't move I turned to see Ethan holding me back and down Evan standing back laughing "nope we are going to let Ed handle this" he whispered and I growled at him Edmund went to the door and opened it to find Dawson alone

"Umm Dawson we're is Ben?" Eli asked and Dawson looked down

"He is in the car he umm he said he's not coming" Dawson choked out

"What no let me talk to him" Eli insisted walking out

"Wait Eli dont-" Dawson tried but it was to late Eli had walked out and looked through the car window from afar to see Ben with another guy in the front seats

Eli walked over and opened the driver door Bens head snapped to him and that's when Eli realized there hands were clasped together Eli visibly went pale

"Eli I-" Ben tried but Eli put a hand up to silence him

"How long?" He asked simply and Ben looked down

"4 weeks" he mumbled and Eli scoffed

"Wow Ben wow" he said sarcastically "were done" he demanded and slamed the door walked back up the the house and walking in

"Eli what is it what happened" Edmund asked

"He cheated" Eli said with a numb expression on his face and walked upstairs

"I'm going to kill him" Edmund growled and walked to our store closet

"Ed what are you doing?" I asked leaning on Dawson with his arm around me and at that moment Edmund walked out with his old baseball bat in hand and his face completely angered

He stormed out of the house and we all followed he stomped to the car and opened the door to Ben and the boy making out "why hello Ben" he said with a smirk on his face "you should have never hurt my brother" he said simply and slammed the door he immediately started beating the shit out of the car

"Oh my god Edmund!!" I yelled, after making a few more dents he stoped and threw the bat in the grass but he wasn't done he opened the front door and yanked Ben out of the car and slammed him against the garage wall and immediately punched him in the ribs and face

"Dawson help me!" Ben pleaded and Dawson shook his head

"Sorry big bro but you should never have cheated on Eli" he said and allowed Edmund to continue at that moment Eli walked out

"Ed what is going on" he asked groggily and eyes puffy from crying

"Eli I-" Edmund tried to explain but Eli silenced him

"Let him go Edmund" Eli said and Edmund looked at him dumbfounded

"But-" Edmund tried but Eli interjected

"Let him go" as he said that Edmund let go of the color of Bens shirt and Eli walked over and stood in front of him Eli immediately slapped him across the face and started balling crying he started beating at Bens chest "you 'punch on the chest' absolute 'beat on the chest' ass 'beat on the chest'" at that Ethan and Evan ran to Eli and started grabbing him off while he yelled and cried when they got him off I ran to him and held him in the grass while he cried on my shoulder right at that moment Ben ran to his car and made a speedy get away

Edmund sighed and walked over to me and Eli and picked him up bridle style and walked him inside and to his room laying him on the bed and shutting the door we all sat in the living room when Edmund came back down

"How is he?" I asked

"Pretty broken" he answered sadly

We all sat in the living room and I leaned on Dawson as he kissed my head we heard a fake coughing from Ethan and we looked up at him as he pointed at the bat that was leaning on the wall by the door Dawson immediately moved his hand off my shoulder and scooted away from me and I laughed

"Let's watch a movie" I suggested and they all nodded we watched The little mermaid (my choice) and when we finally finished Evan and Ethan walked to there room to go to sleep

"Dawson do you need a ride home?" Edmund asked and Dawson nodded

"If you don't mind"

"Oh I don't mind at all it will give us a good time to talk" Edmund said putting an arm around his shoulder squeezing his shoulder

"Umm Mabey I should come" I said

"Oh no you need you sleep we can go alone" Edmund said smiling a evil smile Dawson hugged me and kissed my head and they walked out to the car I sighed and walked up to my room I took a cold shower to get rid of some of the stress that was going on I got out of the shower and put on my silk blue and pink pajamas u walked down the hall to Eli's room and nocked when I heard nothing I went ahead and walked in to Eli sleeping soundly on a tear stained pillow his eyes puffy and red and I sighed and walked out after kissing his head

I went back in my room and cuddled into my comfy bed and fell asleep with a mix of sadness for Eli and nerves for what Dawson and Edmund where talking about.

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