5.The Punch

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(Emmalines POV)
I woke up and went down for breakfast to see Ethan eating sending glares at Evan, weird, Eli wasn't there obviously he was probably still pretty broken suddenly Ed walked in looked at the boys and broke the silence "guys what's wrong?" He asked


"I DIDNT MEAN TO" even defended

Ed sighed and sat down in his chair while I grabbed myself a drink "Ethan we can get u a new skateboard ok don't worry about it!" Edmund said with a long frustrated sigh suddenly Eli walked down with his hair all messed up and his eyes bloodshot red "hey bud how are you feeling" Ed asked with a sweet smile

"I-I'm ok I guess" he said sighting down in his seat

"Ok well we all need to get ready for school so everyone go change" Edmund demanded and we complied

I got changed after stealing a jacket from Ethan and Evans closet

We all went downstairs and started driving to school when we got there we all got out of the car and immediately saw Dawson and Ben talking on the steps to the school I gave Eli's hand a squeeze of reassurance and we made our way up there Dawson w...

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We all went downstairs and started driving to school when we got there we all got out of the car and immediately saw Dawson and Ben talking on the steps to the school I gave Eli's hand a squeeze of reassurance and we made our way up there Dawson walked over and gave me a kiss while Ben walked behind him my brothers all joined my side as Ben walked up

"Hey Eli" he said with a sheepish smile how dare this guy

Eli scoffed throwing his head back "don't 'hey Eli' me you dick" he spat back crossing his arms

"Hey watch it" Ben snapped and all my brothers steeped up ready to punch him

"Guys it's ok I can handle him" Eli said pushing them back "do you understand what you have done to me Ben!!" He screamed

"Oh come on Eli like you actually liked me I was just getting a taste of some better that's all"Ben smirked and at that Eli slapped him "you ass" Ben screamed and punched Eli square in the forehead right when his fist made contact with Eli's forehead it knocked him out sending him to the floor we all circled around him as Edmund and Ethan went after Ben

"Evan call an ambulance EVAN NOW!!" I yelled stroking Eli's hair out of his face as Evan called a ambulance"it's ok Eli you will be ok" I whispered after a few minutes the ambulance got there right as Ed and Ethan walked back out

"Ok guys I'm going to ride in the ambulance with Eli Ethan drive my car to the hospital I'll meet you guys there" Edmund said as he threw the keys to Ethan and kissed my head and got in the ambulance

We all got in the car bringing Dawson along to and driving to the ambulance when we got there we asked the front desk what room and all went in except for Dawson because only family was allowed back

"Hey guys" Ed greeted when we walked in before we could say anything the doctor walked in with a clipboard "so you know what's wrong with him?" Ed asked

"Yes we do after all the brain conditions he has had in the past-" the Doctor started but was interrupted by Ed

"Wait what brain conditions"

"Well it says in his file that he has had surgeries on his brain before because of conditions he was born with" the doctor explained and Ed scoffed

"Of course mom and dad don't tell us that"

"Well because of his brain damage in the past when that boy punched him right in the forehead he hit a nerve in his skull now we are going to do a surgery that will repair the nerve but there will be some physical and mental damage after trouble walking, speaking, mood swings,memory lose and other things of the same nature" he explained and Ed nodded

"Ok how soon will u do the surgery" he asked

"Right now if you sign here" the doctor said pulling out the clipboard which Ed quickly signed and nurses wheeled Eli to a surgery room and I broke down crying as Evan held me close

About three hours later we were finally allowed to go see him we all walked back and saw him hooked up to so many cords and IVs that my heart broke "when will he wake up" I asked the nurse

"We put him in a medically induced coma he will wake when he wakes" she said and walked out I quickly moved into the bed next to him and cuddled into him crying when he wakes up he won't even be able to speak or walk and what if he doesn't remember us there are so many what if's I'm just really hoping he remembers me.

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