6. the wake

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(Emma POV)
I was currently sleeping on Eli's chest while all the boys were asleep in the uncomfortable hospital chairs it was midnight after all I told Dawson to leave a while ago which he did reluctantly I was dreaming about random things when I felt someone stir under me I immediately realized who it was and sat straight up watching Eli who opened his eyes and immediately closed them to the light a minute later he peeled his eyes open

"Eli" I gasped

"E-e-e-mmmm-a-" he said slowly trying to get it out and I let out a happy sigh

"Yes yes Eli that's me Emma good job" I praised smiling at him

By now all the boys were up and at his side

"Hey bud do you remember me" Ed asked with a warm smile

"E-e—-d—mmumumu" he struggled a lot so Ed stoped him

"Hey it's ok just Ed is fine" he said with a smile "can you say there names" he said pointing out the twins

"Evvvvvv-aaan" he stumbled pointed to Ethan "Eeeeeettthh-aaann"he said pointing to Evan and we all laughed

"Close enough" Ethan said ruffling his hair then a young man walked in

"Oh sorry wrong room" he apologized and left

"W-who wwwas h-he?" Eli asked and we all shrugged "h-he's h-h-hot" he said and we all laughed

"Well at least he remembers his sexuality" Evan said and we all laughed but then Eli started crying

"No no bud what's wrong" Ed said stroking his hair

"Why are y'all laughing at me" he cried

"No no we aren't we promise" I said and he nodded laying down

(Time skip to 3 weeks later when he was allowed home)
Eli is home now and he can fully talk only stuttering sometimes he has to use a cain to walk and has really bad mood swings

Currently we were all playing checkers and Wli just lost and threw the bored at the sound Ed walked in

"ELI WHA-" he started but stoped himself knowing he can't yell at him "Eli come on I'll help you to your room you need rest" he sighed and Eli followed him I picked up the checkers and sat with the twins on the couch

"Is he ever going to go back to normal" I asked and Ethan sighed

"I don't know to be honest" he said but then there was a knock on the door

"I'll get it" I said and walked to get the door when I opened the door I found the least people I wanted to see my mother and father

"I'll get it" I said and walked to get the door when I opened the door I found the least people I wanted to see my mother and father

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My life with my annoying overprotective brothers (discontinued)Where stories live. Discover now