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(Emma's POV)
We all thought that mom and dad would be gone for sure after Eli's big burst but we were so wrong they came over once a day to 'check on Eli' but non of us were ready for today

I am currently In front of my locker about to go to 5th period when the twins walked up to me

"Hey did you get Ed's text" Ethan blurted out and I shook my head no and grabbed my phone seeing the notification that read

'Had to go home can y'all get Eli from physical therapy?'

And after that was a text from Evan

'Yea sure!'

I looked at the boys with confusion "why did he go home?" I asked

"Hell if I now" Evan answered and I shrugged guessing he just got sick or something and walked to my class

About 2 hours later the final bell rang and I walked up to my locker to face a angry Sophia leaning against my locker

"Why are you avoiding me?!?" They steamed And I faced palmed in my head I have been so busy I completely forgot about my best friend

"Oh my god Sophia I'm so sorry I've been so o up with Eli and Dawson and my Parents and everything I forgot to see you I'm so sorry" I said and they seemed shook

"Wait hold up what about your parents" they asked and looked down

"They showed up a few days ago out of the blue" I said lowly my voice small I heard a small gasp from them and was quickly enveloped in a hug

"I'm so sorry Emm tell me if you need anything ok" they asked stroking my hair and I nodded they pulled away said by and we parted I quickly stuffed my stuff in my locker and ran outside knowing very well that my brothers would leave me if they didn't feel like waiting I ran out and hopped in the car

"Took you long enough" Evan said and I flipped him off through the mirror

We drove to the clinic and the boys got out soon enough they came back helping Eli in the car and u hugged him

"How was physical therapy?" I asked and he shrugged

"It was ok but I hurt a lot"he responded rubbing his left leg

"Well thats good it means your getting better" I giggled and laid my head on his shoulder

We drove a few miles and finally parked at our house we all got out helping Eli out and walked to the front door but right when we got to the door we heard yelling I could only make out one phrase before we walked in though

'YOU CANT DO THIS' it was clearly Edmund we all walked in quickly and found Ed mom and dad in a heated argument we all watched not having the courage to speak I was to scared and I could tell the twins were to Eli clearly felt he had to break the silence being the oldest

"What I-is g-going on" he asked and all three heads snapped to us Edmunds face fell and he sighed walking over to us

"Nothing buddy go on upstairs and rest all of you I'm sure y'all have had a big day" he said softly but that just seemed to piss Eli off

"NO s-stop treating me like a baby Ed just tell me" he said sadly and Ed sighed in defeat

"You heard him tell him" dad blurted out and Edmund shot him a glare

"Emm,E, Ev go upstairs" Ed said and we all stood definitely

"No we deserve to hear" I said

"Fine Emily and Richard are-" he was interrupted by dad

"That's mom and dad to you, you disrespectful shit" he seethed and Edmund rolled his eyes

"Whatever mom and dad are trying for custody" he said looking down and we all gasped and Eli took a step back it was silent for what felt like years until we heard a chocked sob from Eli

"No" is all he said tears running down his cheek

"Eli I-" Edmund tried but Eli threw his cain and ran upstairs tripping a bit Ed looked at us and the twins just hung there heads choking back tears and walked upstairs Ed sighed and looked to me I walked up to him and put my head on his cheek with a small smile I brought him into a tight hug

"It's ok we will get through this" I whispered and kissed his cheek we departed and he nodded to me and I walked back up to my room as I shut my door a slid down it hugging my knees and sobbed into them and that's all I remember as I fell into a sleep by my door

I guess I had shifted a bit in my sleep because I know was to the side of my door Ethan slipped into my room and picked me up and put me on it covering me in a quilt

"Thx" I mumbled and he smiled and kissed my head

"A lawyer is coming in about 10 minutes if you want yo go down and be apart of it and I nodded with a smile and he left of course keeping my door open because what brother would he be if he actually closed it

I got ready in my bathroom quickly and ran into the kitchen were everyone was I sat in my chair and held Eli's hand underneath the table to sooth us both

"Ok so you two want custody back?" The lawyer asked pointing to our parents

"Correct" my dad said

"Ok well sir do you have the adoption papers that were Signed" she asked Ed and he nodded went into the office as came out with 5 different papers for each kid and handed it to her who looked them over "ok Edmund how old are you?" She asked


"And your birthday?" she asked

"November 20 of 2004" he answered

"Ok well legally the state law is you must be 18 to take custody or adopt children so legally these children were never yours and seeing as you signed this November 20 the day of your birthday when you had just turned 17 you also belong to Richard and Emily Hart and will be until your 18 birthday Wich is after your senior year so there is no need for a trial" she explained and we all went silent as she grabbed the papers and a pens she started writing on one and speaking "Wich means Edmund Garrett Hart is in the custody of Emily and Richard Hart" at that Edmund balled his fist and sneered at his parents who smirked she pulled another paper and did the same "Eli Grayson Hart is in custody of Emily and Richard Hart" Eli let out a sob and dig his face into Edmunds shoulder who rubbed his back the lawyer grabbed another paper "Ethan Gage Hart is in the custody of Emily and Rachel Hart" she grabbed another paper "Evan Galen Hart is in the custody of Emily and Richard Hart" at those names the twins held each other crying Wich was shocking since they usually never showed there emotions they were like Edmund in that way she finally grabbed the last paper and I held my breath knowing it was me but still somehow hoping it wasn't "and finally Emmaline Grace Hart is in the custody of Emily and Richard Hart" she said and I let out my breath crying into my hands the lawyer packed her things and left quickly

"Alright enough with yalls dramatics go upstairs and change we are going to a party!" Dad boomed and we all chocked on our tears and got up groggily and went upstairs I walked in my room started my shower and just sat there fully clothed not even crying or doing anything I wasn't even feeling I was numb how could this happen no... why would this happen why, why to us, just why.

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