3. The project

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Class finally ended and I walked out and to my locker were Eli and Edmund were talking I walked over to them and started rummaging through my locker

"Where is your little boyfriend" Eli asked folding his arms purposely Bringing it up to get me in trouble but that wasn't a problem when he had a boyfriend Edmund disapproved of

"Don't know where's yours" I said with a smirk and he went red and walked away I quickly turned to Edmund and prepared myself to ask this question "hey umm Ed" I asked

"Hmm" he answered looking in his locker

"Umm can Dawson come over after school" I asked quickly and his head snapped up

"What why" he asked with his eyes narrowed

"Well we have a project that we need to work on" I said looking down and he sighed

"Fine but y'all have to stay in the kitchen or the living room" he demanded and I nodded

"Thx Ed see you after school" and I smiled and walked to my theater class that Dawson was also in "hey Dawson" I smiled and he smiled back

"Hey what's up"

"My brother said u could come after school to work on the project" I said smiling and he smiled to

"Ok great" he said and went back to looking on his computer

"What you lookin at" I said putting my head on his shoulder to see

"New jazz shoes for the upcoming audition" he answered

"Omg I forgot all about that I need to get some soon" I laughed and he smiled

"Ok everyone look up here" out teacher demanded and we glanced up at her "ok everyone I need all the girls to get a guy partner to practice the choreography with" she said and I smiled at Dawson and he smile back both of us telepathically agreeing to be partners when a random guy walked up to me

"He Emma right Edmunds sister right?" He asked

"Oh yeah what's up?"

"Want to be my partner" he asked

"Oh I'm sorry I'm partnering with Dawson" I said kindly and looked at Dawson disgustingly

"Really him you could do better" he scoffed

"Excuse me!!" Dawson said emerging out of his seat
(I just realized I never showed y'all Dawson's here you go)

"Excuse me!!" Dawson said emerging out of his seat (I just realized I never showed y'all Dawson's here you go)

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"Dawson no!!"I said pushing him back down
"Look it's not going to happen so just go!!" I said to the boy

"Whatever you weren't that hot anyways" he scoffed and Dawson tried to get back up but I pushed him back down

We all learned the choreography and practiced when the bell rang we collected our stuff and walked out laughing and talking

"Hey we can practice the dance to when we get to my house" I suggest as we walked outside the school

"Ok sure" he smiled and we finally made it out and saw Edmunds jet black car waiting we walked over and saw all my brothers waiting

"Finally" Ethan said "wasn't what is he doing we" he asked gesturing to Dawson

"He is coming to help with her project" Edmund said and they all looked skeptical but went with it and that's when I realized

"Wait were am I going to sit there are only five seats" I explained

"Oh yeah" Eli said thinking

"I'll just sit in Dawson's lap" I said nonchalant

"Nope you can sit in Evans" Edmund explained

"What!!" Evan and I yelled

"Yep now get in" he demanded and we all obliged

Finally after a 20 minute ride of my back hurting we got home and all got out me and Dawson made our way to the living room and started on math first after 30 minutes of math we decided to change to the dance choreography

He spun me and put me into the splits than he gracefully flipped me up and I landed in his arms finally at the last dip we fought each other's eyes his were a beautiful silvery blue like the ocean but better I could feel both of our faces coming closer until finally the gap was closed by our lips being but together moving in a beautiful synch we finally pulled away after a few seconds when we heard Edmund yelling

"DINNERS READY COME ON EVERYONE!" He screamed and we both chuckled Dawson pulled me out of the dip and bowed while I giggled and curtsied

We walked into the kitchen and sat down we all started eating talking a tiny bit "oh hey Eli can Dawson borrow one of your shirts we were practicing our dance for theater and he's all sweaty and I mean I know your two years older than him but he's all buff and your well scrawny so can he?" I asked with a innocent smile and he rolled his eyes

"Sure whatever come on Dawson" he said and they walked upstairs and I helped Ed with the dishes while the twins went to take showers 10 minutes later Eli and Dawson walked down

"You know this guy is kinda cool" Eli said patting his back and Edmund sent Eli a glare

"Ok Dawson you should be getting home" Edmund said when there was a knock on the door Eli opens it and Ben walked in

"Hurry and get your stuff D" he said to Dawson who went into the living room to grab his stuff "hi babe" Ben said to Eli and gave him a pec on the lips

"Hey!! Enough!!" Edmund said in a stern voice and I chuckled when Dawson came back out

"Ready?" Ben asked him and he nodded Ben walked out the door and Dawson was about to but right before he did he grabbed my hand pulled me to him and pecked my lips

"Oh you little!!" Edmund said running after him but Dawson slammed the door before he could get to him

"I am going to kill him" Eli said under his breath

"Agreed" Edmund said and I laughed and I kissed both there cheeks

"Goodnight" I said walking up the stairs

"Night" they said still annoyed

I walked up to my room took a shower and changed and immediately fell asleep with happy thoughts.

My life with my annoying overprotective brothers (discontinued)Where stories live. Discover now