Chapter Three

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It was queen Elizabeth's Coronation I woke up and put on my Beautiful white gown in the color of the York Rose, i let my hair down my back with a few braid's to keep the hair away from my face, in those braid's where white Rose's.

I was walking down to meet my bother' s and Warwick our side Elizabeth' s chamber's there where so many stair's to walk down, I got to the bottom and walked down and long corridor, when i saw Warwick and my brother's Richard and George "Brother's!" I smiled and they both stood up "Mary you look Beautiful" Isabel Lord Warwick's oldest daughter told me "Thank you, but you are stunning " I smiled and the Queen came out we all did a small curtsy or bow "My new sister" George said, i looked at Richard and i was upset i was his only blood sister, Richard then walked up to Elizabeth "Your as beautiful as a Queen should be" I rolled my eye's I looked at Lord Warwick he didn't like her I knew he looked at me and held out his arm and we walked away.

I whispered to him "I like Elizabeth, but she shouldn't be Queen" We made eye contact, and he nodded, I walked out into the sunrise and the people where shouting my name, I walked up to where some of the commoner's where and i saw a baby "You have a beautiful baby" I smiled and she looked up at me and curtseyed "Your Grace " I smiled at her "Her name is Mary, named after the women who saved us, you" I smiled "Thank you , May I ?" I asked and stretched out my hand's, she put the baby in my arm's, I kissed her forehead and handed her back to her mother,  "Bless you, Mary, Bless you, You saved us Mary" I all they where screaming.

We arrived at Westminster Chapel and The Queen walked in first then Me, Richard and George, They where on either side of me, I looked up to the black box where my Brother would be, I had a bad feeling about how big the crowd was outside.

Elizabeth was crowned Queen and everyone was talking when outside got very quite i looked at George and Richard who also noticed, I walked over to the window's and I looked out and everyone by 20 people where left 10 where Lancastrian's and the other 10 where innocent people.

George and Richard looked as well and then Richard ran and told Edward, Edward made his gaurd's stay with the Queen, "We need wepond's and this is a chapel" Richard said, "Stay here" I said and ran down the stair's to the basement as got a bow and four sword's I came back and they looked shocked "What would you do without me ".

Me and Edward went to the main door while Richard and George, went around the side, "Let's do this" I smiled, we came out and we started fighting them I had Killed 3 Edward 2 George 2 Richard 2 and  I was looking around for the last one and I heard people scream in the chapel I ran back to  the entrance the last guy was about to throw his sword at Elizabeth, I notched an Arrow and fired it straight into his heart, he dropped to the floor, and i ran over i kicked his sword away and check for a pulse he was dead.

I walked up to Elizabeth " Are you alright" I asked her and she nodded, She hugged me and then Edward, Richard and George all ran in Edward hugged his wife while i walked over to my other brother's, "Are you too alright?" I asked "Never better sister" George said and kissed my forehead, I looked to Richard and he nodded  "I'm glad " Out the corner of my eye i saw a flash of red I grabbed my bow and shot one arrow right between Richard and George, They looked shocked and then I ran over to see a  Lancastrian Boy about my age , I had hit him in the shoulder, I ran outside down the step's and over to him "What is your name " I asked kneeling down beside him "Henry, Henry Tudor" I smiled and then heard my brother's coming "Run henry, go before they catch you" He nodded and kissed my hand then ran off, I grabbed another arrow and put it into one o the already dead Lancastrian men, "What happened?" Richard asked "He wasn't dead he was getting up" I smiled but i felt bad for lying to my brother's but the boy, well he was only a boy.

Edward and Elizabeth with my brother's and the whole court, where celebrating Elizabeth being Queen, I was in the rose garden, with a red rose in my hand, I heard someone coming i turned to see Margret, the boy I spared mother, she walked next to me with a red rose in her hand "I got a letter from my son today, Duchess Mary, you saved his life even though he was Lancastrian" She said "He- he didn't deserve the torture my sibling's would do to him " I smiled and she hugged me " Thank you, you saved my boy's life, when i couldn't " I smiled and her, I took her hand's and switched the roses I gave her the Plantagenet White and took the Lancastrian Red.

"Goodnight Margret " I smiled and walked off i twirled the red rose around in my hand it made me think of Henry.

The Next Day...

I was leaving my chamber's and I walked to the court Yard and saw George and Warwick, whispering, I looked around and saw Richard talking to some of the Lord's, I looked around and saw Margret, I walked over to her "Good Morning, Lady Margret" she...

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I was leaving my chamber's and I walked to the court Yard and saw George and Warwick, whispering, I looked around and saw Richard talking to some of the Lord's, I looked around and saw Margret, I walked over to her "Good Morning, Lady Margret" she did a small curtsy "Morning Duchess Mary" I saw pain in her eye's when she looked at the children, "Margret, I'm going to talk to my brother the King, about letting Henry, your son come to court for this summer," I smiled and she looked at me and said "I would be most grateful Mary, I thank you and god bless you" I smiled and walked off.

I walked to Edward's Private Study, I knocked on his door and he yelled "Come In" I opened the door and did a small curtsy "Mary, sister, how can i help you" I walked over to his desk "Edward, Do you remember Henry, Henry Tudor, Lady Margret's son, second in line of  the Lancastrian succession" I asked he nodded "I would like for him to come to court this summer " I smiled at him "No Mary" I looked at him "Edward, if Margret of Anjou son, Edward Of Lancastrian die's he would be prince of Wales in there eye's, so why not invite him here make friend's and keep a close eye on him " I smiled all of that was a lie, I just wanted him safe and to formally meet him.

"Okay Mary, Tell Henry's Mother and you may go yourself if you like " I smiled and kissed his check and I ran out the room, I ran to Margert to see her still in the court yard i ran and hugged her   "Margret, I am to Bring your son Henry to court for the summer" I smile and she hugged me I hugged her back "Mary, I you don't mind if i write you a letter for you to bring him when you bring him back to court" I nodded and she ran off, I smiled and picked up a red rose from the bench and smelt it, Richard and George came over "What's happening sister?" I looked up and smiled to them " I am to go and bring Henry Tudor to court for the summer, Brother" I smiled and walked off, before they could say anything.

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