Chapter Eight

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Elizabeth has had two other daughter's, Elizabeth, Mary and Cecily. Edward had gone to survey Land's and Queen Elizabeth and the three girl's had gone to Join them.

I just walked back into the Castle after seeing Henry, he had been in the tower for over a month and I went to see him nearly everyday, I walked down the corridor and looked out the window and saw George and Warwick leaving the castle, I was wondering why, Then i got a letter from Richard who was with Edward, That there was a rebellion it was in Warwick's land's i was wondering if he was King making again, I walked down the corridor's until i saw one of the guard's slapping little Mary, I ran down the corridor "What do you think you are doing!" I yelled, and he threw Mary against the wall and pinned me to the wall holding my neck, "Who the fuck are you, Whore!" He spat, I kneed him in the crotch and he punched me in the face, I fell over, and sat up then we walked over and I pulled out the dagger I had attached to my ankle, and stabbed him he fell to the ground dead, I coughed up some blood but I pulled my self up and over to Mary, I shook her she had blood on her face "Mary!" I screamed no respond, I Picked her up in my arm's and ran to the Maester, I flung the door open and put her on the bed "Help her, I found one of the Guard's beating her, I'm not sure why " I screamed tear's running down my face, he checked for a pulse and he shook his head, I cried "Write to the King and   tell him one of his guard's Killed Little Mary" I said and he nodded and ran out the room.

I covered Little Mary, with a blanket, and I left to my room, I just sat on my Window seat and stared out the window, i told my Hand maiden not to allow anyone in my room.

It had been two day's I slept, ate , and dressed, then sat looking out my window, Until I heard "I don't care I am the King!" I knew Edward and my brother's where outside, they burst into my room I didn't even turn to look at them, I could tell Richard and Edward was there not George I had my suspicion's that he was with Warwick, I heard they where sailing to France to go to the Mad Queen, even though she killed our youngest brother and Father.

"Mary.... I'm so sorry" Is all Edward said, I turned to look at him, "Your Guard, beat her to death, then tried to kill me, It is your fault" I said and walked straight out.

I walked to the Balcony that looked over the sea, I knew I couldn't be mad forever but for now I could be, I wished I wasn't in this family anyone in this family get hurt or Killed. That's when I looked below to see a man in a cloak waving I couldn't see his face, he was standing next to my big Oak tree, I saw him place a letter on the floor, and run off.

I heard my brother's Edward and Richard outside arguing, I pushed past them, and ran down the corridor, down the spiral staircase and into the garden, I ran to the Oak tree, and looked around and saw no one then i picked up the letter , and opened it.


Your Brother George has betrayed you again, Warwick and George are sailing to Calais to Marry Anne Neville to Edward Of Lancaster, and they now fight for Henry VI. Protect Elizabeth, as you know she is with child again her 4th. I am worried for your safety, your own Brother's are betraying you, trust no one. 

Loyal Watch man

As I read the letter a single tear rolled down my cheek, I couldn't believe it  I looked up to the Balcony and I saw Edward and Richard looking at me, I hid the letter and ran back inside, I was walking the corridor, when i saw both Edward and Richard coming towards me, I turned around and that's when i heard Edward Yell "Mary!" I turned around and put a smile on "Yes, dear Brother" I smiled and he said "What was that Letter?" I looked at him with a confused look "What letter? Sweet Brother" I smiled, he put his hand out, as if telling me to give it to him, instead I high fived his hand.

I walked to the tower to visit, Henry, When I got there I bought him some food and I told him about the letter's, and George and he was pretty shocked.

I undid the front of my dress to reveal my corset, "Mary.." Is all he said I laughed then pulled out the Key's and did it back up "Really Henry.." We both burst out laughing, I hid the Key's under his pillow and walked closer I pulled him into a hug and whispered in his ear, "These Key's unlock a secret passage under your bed, get out when I'm not here, I love you Henry Tudor, don't get caught " I smiled and I looked him in the eye's and he kissed me, "I love you too, I will always Keep you safe, Mary".

I was back at the castle I was hoping Henry had gotten out but only time would tell.

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