Chapter Seven

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The Next month...

Christmas Time 

After getting ready, I went to Henry Tudor's room, I knocked on the door and saw him with his shirt of "Put a shirt on Henry" I laughed as I walked in his room, and sat on his bed he laughed and pulled his shirt on and then his waist coat, "So what are we doing today" he asked then i heard the  horn I had heard rumor's of Edward forgiving George and Warwick, and them coming for Christmas but I wasn't sure if i could forgive them, I had to kill again reminding me of a time i did not want to remember.

"Let's go see my  traitor brother " I smiled and he laughed and we joined hand's and ran down the corridor, I let go of his hand and we walked into the court yard and I saw Warwick, George, Isabelle, Anne and the Countess, When George saw me he ran and tried to hug me but i ducked under his arm and hugged Richard 

I totally ignored George and Warwick and his family, "How are you Edward " I smiled at him and he rolled his eye's "Mary, George is sorry" I looked at him confused "Who's George? I once had a brother called George, then he died" I said and walked back over to Henry and he was trying to with hold a laugh and we walked through the corridor till we got to the garden's, we where sitting under a old oak tree, Laughing Henry was dancing horribly and as he finished I clapped and he sat next to me.

We both stood when we saw Three Guards coming over "On Order Of The King Edward, we are taking Henry Tudor to the Tower" I grabbed his hand "NO!" i yelled as one guard grabbed me and the other two grabbed Henry "Don't worry Mary I will be okay" I had a tear slipping from my eye, they took him away and I ran to my room, I found a letter on my bed.


Henry Tudor has fast army's willing to fight for him, that is why Edward Locked him in the tower.

Loyal Watchman

I cried for what felt like forever, but tonight there was a feast celebrating baby number two for Edward, 

A knock came from my door I walked to Open it and saw Edward I looked him dead in the eye and said "I guess, I will go find Richard he can walk me in as he is my only brother" and shoved past him and walked to the hall i found Richard outside "Bro...

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A knock came from my door I walked to Open it and saw Edward I looked him dead in the eye and said "I guess, I will go find Richard he can walk me in as he is my only brother" and shoved past him and walked to the hall i found Richard outside "Brother dear, walk me in" I smiled he nodded we walked in and I smiled, I sat in between Little Mary and Richard, I saw Edward and George walk in I ignored them both, I was talking to Richard "So Brother, how have you been " I smiled and Richard turned to me and said "Good sister, How about you" He asked "Horrid, My bestfriend was put in the tower of London today, and I only have one brother" I smiled, at him and he swallowed a big lump in his throat, I stood up and walked over to the side of the ball room and walked through a curtain, onto a balcony, I was staring at the stars when i heard someone walk in, I knew it was Edward, "Mary, I'm sorry" He said "No your not, Henry is my friend, my only friend, and after all i have done for YOU, I was in battle standing side by side, helped you take the throne, I saved you from Warwick and George by killing more innocent men that i swore i would never do again, I have had countless attempts on my life, because of you Edward!" I was crying, he pulled me into a hug, and i cried into his shoulder, I heard the curtain move again and I saw George, i hugged him.

The Next Day...

I got a basket and filled it with some baked good's some clothes and I went to the Tower of London.

The Guard's took me to his room, I walked in and found him still asleep he was shivering, I pulled out the Blanket i had packed and covered it with him and sat next to him he woke up and smiled at me "I'm so sorry henry i i didn't bring you to court" I felt a tear leave my eye and he sat up and pulled me into his chest, " I bought you some food and other thing's " I smiled he kissed my forehead "It's not your fault it's your bother's don't worry my dear Mary " I smiled.

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