Chapter Nine

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The Next Day

I woke up and got into my dress.

I was walking, when I walked out into the garden, I walked through the door in the wall that if you didn't know it was there you couldn't find it, I called it the secret garden, there was a massive Oak tree, and lot's of flower's, I brought my boo...

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I was walking, when I walked out into the garden, I walked through the door in the wall that if you didn't know it was there you couldn't find it, I called it the secret garden, there was a massive Oak tree, and lot's of flower's, I brought my book and I sat under the Oak tree and started to read.

4 hour's Later.....

I finished the last part of my book and walked back into the palace, and I was walking to my room, when I walked pasted Edward's Private Office, I heard, he walked talking to Richard, I pressed my ear to the door, "I think Mary's Hiding something, from us Richard" Edward said, "What do you think that letter was and who was it from" Richard said, "Do you think, it was George, is she siding with George" Richard asked, "No I don't think our sister would do that, she fought and bleed for us I don't think she  would, She would never side with the Mad Queen not after what she did, Killing father and killing her little brother Edmund" After i heard Edmund's name I left.

I went for a walk around London, I was walking down the street, and I saw a little girl pointing at me, I smiled and walked over to her, I knelt down to her level "Hello, What's your name" I smiled "I'm Olivia, Your Grace" She said with a very bad curtsy, I pulled out a gold coin and handed it to her, "Well Olivia, go buy yourself something nice" I smiled and she hugged me, "Thank you!" She smiled and ran off.

I stood up and looked down the road, when I saw, a man with his cloak, over his face, wearing a red rose, A Lancastrian, I turned around and started walking back to the palace, when someone dragged me into a alley way, it was the man, he put his hand over my mouth and then took off his hood, It was Henry, I hugged him, "Henry your safe, thank god" I smiled, "All thanks' to you, Mary, without you I would still be in the tower" I smiled at him, "Did you get out all right?" He nodded, "I'm going to wales with my Uncle Jasper" I nodded and I pulled him into a kiss, "I love you Henry Tudor, I don't care if you are Lancastrian ", he looked at me, and smiled, "I love you Mary Plantagenet, I will always keep you safe and I don't care if you are from the house of York".

I smiled "I will tell your mother you are safe, now go before someone see's you" I smiled and kissed him goodbye, as he put his hood back on but before he left he took a ring off of his finger and gave it to me, "I vow took love you forever and to keep you safe" I smiled and put the ring on my middle finger and nodded  he then walked out the alley way.

I smiled at the ring and then walked back to the palace, I walked in the court yard, and saw Margret, I walked up to her, "Lady Margret, I saw your son today, he is safe and going to wales with his Uncle Jasper" I smiled at her but speaking into a...

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I smiled at the ring and then walked back to the palace, I walked in the court yard, and saw Margret, I walked up to her, "Lady Margret, I saw your son today, he is safe and going to wales with his Uncle Jasper" I smiled at her but speaking into a whisper, she hugged me,  "don't worry Margret,  Henry will be alright" I smiled and she took my hand in her's and kissed it, I saw she noticed the ring and smiled, "I thank you Mary Plantagenet, even on the opposite side's off a war you saved my son's life " I smiled and hugged her.

I was walking in the garden's when I saw Edward and Richard coming towards me "Brother's " I smiled, "Come Mary we have to have a chat" Edward said and we walked to his office, "Warwick Married his Daughter Isabelle to Our brother George, he also, Married His other daughter Anne to Edward Of Lancastrian the son  of the Bad Queen, the One that killed our brother and father!" Edward Yelled, "Yes I did hear about that I feel sorry for Anne" I said and pour myself some wine, "But George has nothing to gain from this alliance, maybe if you said he would be welcome home he would come" I said and took a sip, "You got a new ring sister" Richard said I nodded, " A gift," I smiled, "Let me send a letter to George, I know he will come" I smiled, and Edward nodded.

I walked back to my room, and sat at my desk and began to write,

Dear George,

Come home, Edward and our family are willing to welcome you back home as long as you side with us, please George, I can't loose another brother come home and be with you family, I know you want to be King, but you are first my brother, and are you willing for me to hate you, so you can become King, and doing so you would have to kill Richard and Edward, I don't think you could do that, please come home brother.

Your sister Mary Plantagenet

I called one of my handmaiden's "Go yourself, deliver this to my Brother George Plantagenet, hand this to his hand and only his hand" She nodded and left, there was a feast tonight, I put on a new dress.

I walked into the feast and sat down, I was playing with my ring when Richard started to talk to me, "So sister have you sent word to George yet?" I looked up at him, "Yes I sent it an hour ago, it should get to him in a couple of hours" I smiled ...

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I walked into the feast and sat down, I was playing with my ring when Richard started to talk to me, "So sister have you sent word to George yet?" I looked up at him, "Yes I sent it an hour ago, it should get to him in a couple of hours" I smiled and look back at my ring, "You said that ring was a gift, who gifted it to you?" I looked up at him and started at him until, a servant boy came up to me, "My lady, there is a man at the gate's asking for you " I nodded and looked at Richard who also looked confused, I stood up and walked out of the feast and followed the servant boy, I saw a man with his hood over his face I walked up to him, "Hello, you asked for me" I said " Mary Plantagenet?" He asked "Yes?? Do I know you" I asked and went to lift up his hood but he stepped forward and took out a dagger and stabbed me in the stomach, the guard's grabbed him, "Take him to the dungeon's".

I grabbed one of the pole's, and put my hand to the wound, when i looked at my hand it was covered in blood, that's when the servant boy who was a little older than me stepped forward, "My lady Mary are you okay" I turned to him my dress now covered in blood and said, "Help me to my chamber's get a doctor, and tell my brother's I have been stabbed" I said and he nodded.

He helped me into my chamber's and I took off my cloak, and sat in the chair, I took off the front of my dress revealing my wound, the doctor came in and I smiled, he came over and started to clean the wound, when I saw saw the door slam open, and Edward and Richard came in "I'm okay, the man is in the dungeons" I said, Richard came over and took his hand in mine, the Doctor sew up my wound's and put a bandage on it.

I stood up and winced, that's when my handmaiden I sent to George came in, "Your graces, Your brother Duke George will be arriving tomorrow morning" I nodded "Thank you, please retire for the night" I smiled and she left, "What are you going to do to the man who attack me Edward?" I asked, he looked over to me and said " He will be hanged in public for his treason's " I nodded, as they left the room, "Brother's, tomorrow I need to tell you something all three of you after George arrives"  they nodded and left.

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