46: let me accompany you till the end

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there is a problem with this chapter earlier.
so I already fixed it.



"Who are you searching for?"

Aera ignored Caesoo and mind her own business. There were a lot of customers in the cafe but she just pretended like she didn't see them and walked around the place, searching for the guy that reminded her of Jake like crazy. Caesoo realized her strange action and quickly held her hand but Aera got pissed off, pushing Caesoo away from her.

"Let go of me. I need to meet him."

"Aera, stop this."

"You didn't believe me, right? So, go away."
Aera replied rudely and widen her eyes when she saw the man in the street. Without wasting her time, she took off her apron and walked out of the cafe, leaving Caesoo and her manager hanging.

"Song Aera!"

Caesoo grabbed her phone, calling for

Sunghoon and Jay real quick before something bad happen to Aera.



"Jake, where are you?"

Aera shouted causing everyone to throw a glance at her weirdly. At this point, her behavior was completely strange as everyone thought that she was a crazy woman.

She fell on the hard ground, crying in sobbing while calling for Jake.

"Aera, let's go."


"Aera, please?"

Aera cried more and let Sunghoon held her hand. He carried her on his back and went towards his car.

"Take a rest at your home."

"What if Jake will come to the cafe?"

"Aera, can you stop?"

Aera looked at Sunghoon with teary eyes,
"How could you tell me to stop..." Sunghoon sighed and leaned his body closer to her, he put her in his embrace and patted her back,

"I'm sorry. I'm wrong."

"I'm sorry, okay?" Sunghoon wiped her tears and hugged her again.


"Why are we here?"

"Let's have fun." Sunghoon interlocked his fingers with her and walked through the hallway, looking at every store with amazement.
Aera was silent, just looking at the place, and had no interest to buy anything.

"Do you want blood sausages?"

"It's okay, Sunghoon." He smiled at her and went to the store, buy a lot of food for Aera although she refused to eat them.

"It's delicious."He ate it and gave another one to Aera, waiting for her to taste it too.
"Aera, eat okay?" Aera finally nodded and ate the food.

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