19: rejection

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   " Do you think she will be okay?" Aera asked Jay and Sunghoon anxiously. They just nodded as a response, trying to sleep because they were tired after everything happened today. The place was warm, so it made them felt more sleepy meanwhile Aera, her eyes didn't feel sleepy at all. She was the one who went through a lot of things today but all she felt was hungry.

Aera rubbed her stomach as it was going to groan. Sunghoon noticed her strange action and looked at her, asking her if she was okay causing Jay became worried too.

" I'm good."

" Are you sure?"

Aera nodded as a response to Sunghoon and quickly stood up when Jake was helping Yebin to walk. Aera noticed that Yebin was wearing a crepe bandage on her leg making her felt more worried.

" You make me worried about you," Aera said to Yebin causing her laughed.

" It's okay. The doctor told me to walk with crutches. It will be okay soon."

" I hope you will recover in a short time."
Yebin smiled as a response.

" Thanks to Jake. It will be bad if he didn't help me." Yebin looked at Jake and smiled like an idiot.

Jake didn't give any reaction.
Jay walked towards Yebin and messed her hair,
" Stop being naughty."

Yebin nodded, " I will be careful next time."
She said and locked her arm with Jake tightly when Jay approached her. Jay saw that and stopped, looking away with feeling disappointed. Sunghoon came after paying for the bills and wrapped his arm around Aera, right in front of his friends.

" Let's go home."

Aera nodded,

" Yebin, you can go home with Jay. Both of you lived in the same neighborhood, right?" Sunghoon asked Yebin.

Jake waited for Yebin to respond and gave a signal to Jay to take her but Yebin didn't want to let go of him.

" I want to go home with Jake.."

Aera looked at Jay who seems quite sad to hear that.

" Just go to Jay. Our houses are in different directions." Jake said to Yebin and slowly pushed her to Jay but she refused.

" I want to go home with you."

" Yebin, Jake is already tired for-" Sunghoon was cut off by Yebin.

" I believe in Jake.." Yebin said while avoiding everyone's gaze on her.

" Aera is living in the same neighborhood with Jake, right?" Jay spoke up and wanted to continue his words but Sunghoon stopped him.

Aera chuckled,
" It's okay. I will take a taxi."

" Do you want me to send you off?" Sunghoon asked her curiously but she shook her head.

" Don't burden yourself. You lived in a different neighborhood like mine." Aera smiled.

At the same time, her stomach groaned causing everyone surprised. Aera was embarrassed, wanted to hide bad as it was loud.

" Someone is hungry." Sunghoon teased Aera.

" Let's eat. I will pay." Jay offered himself and waited for Yebin to reply

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