06: project

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" Why are we doing the same project with them?" Jay annoyed and brushed his hair out of his face before continue writing some information while Aera was just looking at him and too scared to talk as he seems frustrated over something.

" Jay, are you okay...?"

Jay nodded, " This gives me pressure. We are way more different compared to them."

Aera faked a laugh,
" It's okay. We can do better than them."

Jay sighed and threw away his pen as he was getting mad for no reason.
" I hate history."

" Let's do this at my house."

Aera widens her eyes as she was surprised by his words. Jay stood up and grabbed his bag,
" Pack your things. Let's go to my house together."

" But Jay, we can discuss it-"

" I don't have any idea right now," Jay said and waited for Aera. She just hummed as a response to him, slowly walked towards her seat while avoiding Sunghoon and Yebin's gaze on hers.

" Goodbye Yebin and Sunghoon."

" Where are you going? We need to discuss here." Sunghoon interrupted, seem pissed off for no reason.

Aera pointed her finger to Jay,
" Jay wants to discuss this at his house."

" Tell him that I didn't allow to."

" Aera, let's go," Jay spoke up.

Aera bowed to Sunghoon, grabbed her bag, and walked towards Jay carefully.

Yebin looked at Sunghoon as he seems mad after watching Aera and Jay left the classroom together.

" So, you're the one who was writing the letter to Aera." Yebin teased him causing he looked at her nervously.

" Focus on our work, Yebin."


" Jay, please wait for me," Aera said to Jay as he was getting off of the car fast and went straight to the door without waiting for Aera. She followed him and bowed to his maids and guards there as a sign of respect.
She titled her head, amazed to see his huge house.

" Aera, come faster."

Aera nodded and walked again but this time her leg was getting weak and fell on the ground again causing Jay to stop.

" I'm sorry. My leg is still-"

Jay suddenly walked towards her and carried her on his back without hesitation causing Aera to scream in surprise.

" Why are you so heavy?"

Aera coughed as she was embarrassed at his words.
" Then, I will walk by myself..." Aera replied to him and patted his shoulder to let her go but Jay was still carrying her.

" Jay, I will walk by myself.."

She patted his shoulder but he just ignored her.

" Jay, let go of me-"

Jay suddenly spun her around causing her screamed in surprise. At the same time, Jay laughed at his action toward her. Aera immediately hit Jay on his back hard, angry for making her felt dizzy.

" I feel dizzy."

Jay laughed.

" Hold me tighter."

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