I love you because...

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Tony Stark: " I love you because you always push me to be a better person. You support all my ideas and ambitions and only want me to succeed. You appreciate and take the time to understand my craziness and push for a better change everyday"

Steve Rogers: "I love you because you call me out when I'm wrong and put me in my place. You are not afraid to stand up to me and let me know when I'm not in the right head space. You are my anchor, my compass, you are always trying to steer me onto the right path"

Thor Odinson: "I love you because you see the good in everyone. You are so kind and genuine towards everyone you meet. You don't like to hold grudges or turn to hatred because you believe that has no place in your heart. You are so quick to help someone in need, no questions asked. A true goddess with a pure heart"

Loki Laufeyson: "I love you because for the first time in my life you are someone who see's me as a man trying to find his place in the world. You don't view me as a monster or a villain but a lost boy trying to find the right path. Your intentions of loving me are pure and not trying to get something out of it. You don't question my intentions because you can look in my soul and see the real me"

Peter Parker: "I love you because you are my biggest supporter. Whether I'm Spider-Man or just plain Peter Parker there you are always cheering me on. Every science fair, after every mission I know I can rely on you to be there for me. I don't want to say my own personal cheerleader but then again I kinda like that. And I'll always be yours"

Natasha Romanoff: "I love you because of the strength you hold. You have been through so much pain in your life and it would've been so easy to give up but you didn't. You continued to walk through all the hard parts of life with your head held high and always looking for a better future. You were dealt a bad deal but you always remain optimistic"

Wanda Maximoff: "I love you because you are very adventurous. You always take me out to explore new things and new cultures. I love spending time with you and teaching me new things. You never back down from something new"

Pietro Maximoff: "I love you because you care for my family. You welcomed us with open arms and embraced us. You never had second doubts about our intentions and advocated for us to stay. You care for Wanda just as much as I care for her. Family is everything to you"

Bucky Barnes: "I love you because you are my sanctuary. When I'm losing my mind you are there to always bring me back. You never questioned me as either Bucky or winter solider. You knew I didn't need fixing but someone to help guide me back. I love you for never giving up on me"

Sam Wilson: "I love you because you're the life of the party. You make everything a good time and bring out the best in everyone. You're so open to meeting new people and accepting them into your life. Everywhere I go I want you to be with me because joy and fun always follow you"

Scott Lang: "I love you because I just love you. You're the most amazing person I've ever met in my life and you just make me happy. You care for me and my family and do your best to make everyone happy. You're funny and smart, just all around a good person"

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