His/Her Favorite Thing About You

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Tony Stark: Your ambition. You never give up and are always motivated to do more. You work hard always no matter how big or small the job is. It can also be your down fall because you try so hard to succeed and when things don't go the way you plan you can be very hard on yourself but that's why Tony is there to remind you no matter what you are perfect to him.

Steve Rogers: Your smile. He was a sucker for a girl with a pretty smile. He tries his best to always make you laugh or be happy because he can't resist seeing your smile. When your sad he likes to work his charm and tell you, "Can I please see that beautiful smile? I always want to see my girl happy"

Thor Odinson: Your big heart. From the first interaction he knew you had a good soul and cared for all beings and creatures. You took care of him when he was hurt and took your mothers place so she could rest. Although, he has seen people try to take advantage of you because of your kindness; he however never wants you to change because it's what makes you, you.

Loki Laufeyson: Your hands. They're so warm and soft to the touch. His are cold and rough, telling the stories of his pain and suffering but when you hold them he feels like a genuine person who is loved. You know how much he adores hand holding, even if he won't admit it, so you always make an excuse.

Peter Parker: Your sense of humor. You two constantly make each other laugh with stupid jokes and horrible impressions. You enjoy making him laugh with your nonsense jokes because his laugh was just to cute and the way his nose scrunches up and his eyes close. Peter knows whenever he's down or frustrated you are always there to lift his spirts and he appreciates the effort you put into it.

Natasha Romanoff: Your scars. You both share the same scars, both physical and emotional, because you both have been through the same trauma. You can relate to each other and know that you are both stronger because of the things you've been through. They show you've been through a horrible past but have come out a better person on the other end because of it.

Wanda Maximoff: Your artistic skills. Whenever you get the chance you love to draw Wanda. Every drawing just captures her beauty in a new light. Wanda is beyond amazed of your skill and appreciates the effort you put in your work and just swoons how most of them are of her. She always tells you she's never known someone with such talent and always tells you that you are a gift.

Pietro Maximoff: Your powers. He always ask you to read people's minds and tell him what their thinking. He appreciates how powerful you are and worships the ground you walk on. He does hate it when you do read his mind, he claims that its unfair but then you two just laugh about it later.

Bucky Barnes: Your eyes. He truly believes in the saying 'eyes are the windows to ones soul'. When he's having an episode and he can't get control he looks deeply into your eyes and finds comfort. They are so kind and innocent, is what he describes them as. He always tells you that he could just spend all day staring at them and never get tired of their beauty and comfort they bring him.

Sam Wilson: Your sarcasm. You are not afraid to unload all the sarcasm that lives inside you. It's how you and Sam bond. Teasing and unloading sarcasm is your guy's thing

Scott Lang: Your motherly instinct. You adore Cassie just as if she was your own child and always try to include her in any activity you and Scott participate in. You also understand and communicate that you are in no way replacing her mom and that you lover her and her family.

T'challa Udaku: Your mind. You have the need to always search for knowledge and learn about anything new and interesting. It just keeps on running. Her finds it adorable when you just spit out random facts out of nowhere.

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