Chapter 4

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    (Y/N) and (B/N) sat in silence in the cab as it drove down the busy roads. The siblings haven't said much to each other since the robbery the day before. (Y/N) still upset she wasn't able to get the key back. (B/N) had said nothing else seemed to have been taken, but it still didn't put her at ease. Lupin the Third wasn't world renowned for nothing. He was looking for whatever that key unlocked.
    "So tell me who's this new business partner you're setting me up with?" (B/N) asked, finally breaking the silence.
    "Actually you know her already. It's Fluer Bonheur from the design department."
    "Fluer huh? That certainly rings a bell."
    "The three of us went to college together. Or at least me and her did since we were in the same field at one point."
    "That's right, I remember her now. You aren't just trying to get her into a high position since she's your friend right?"
    "Of course not, that would be insulting to her work."
    "Alright alright just making sure." (B/N) laughed a little.
    "Even if you don't want to work with her there's a lot of people within the company that can help you with the fashion bit."
    "So like the whole job?"
    "Looks it's not all just glamour and art all day. They need a numbers guy like you who knows how to do financing and scheduling."
    "If you're sure about this. So why don't you want to take over?" (B/N) asked.
    "No I worked so hard for so long to be an art historian and appraisalist. It just seems like all of it would go to waste if I stopped now to take over a company I don't know how to run much less completely change my medium for." (Y/N) looked out the window and sighed. "I guess it's not fair to shove this on your plate either huh?"
    "Honestly this would be a step up from being an office worker. I'm just worried about letting everyone down."
    "Just do what you feel is right to do." (Y/N) took her brother's hand and gave it a light squeeze "I'll support you either way."
    "Merci. It means a lot (Y/N)."

    Meanwhile in a bar Lupin and Jigen both sat at the counter waiting for drinks. Jigen groaned slightly as Lupin cheered on a football team on the television.
    "You know Lupin, you were extremely sloppy yesterday. Not only did that woman catch you in the act, but now Zenigata is going to be even more up our asses now that he knows we're actually here."
    "You trust that I can pull this off Jigen?"
    "Well after yesterday's performance not particularly." Jigen sighed as their drinks were placed in front of them. "Lupin, I don't have a good feeling about this job. It's all too fishy."
    "You say that about every job." Lupin took a swig of his drink. "You have to understand that this is something I have to do. I have to know why (G/N) (L/N) wanted the Lupin family to have half her fortune. You can leave if you want Jigen but I'm going to see this through to the end."
    "Good grief you think I'm just gonna sit here while get all the fun to yourself?"
    "What's with the sudden change of heart Jigen?" Lupin grinned widely at his friend.
    "Someone needs to make sure your ass doesn't get caught."
    Lupin just giggled and patted Jigen on the back "I think it's time for plan B." Lupin reached into his pocket pulling out the key he stole.
    "What's that key for? I thought you were looking for a box with that crest on it."
    "I didn't get the chance to find it but I have a feeling this key goes to our box. If you look closely the same leaf crest is engraved on this key. That or multiple things in the house bear it. " Lupin passed the key to Jigen for inspection. Jigen tipped his hat up to get a better look at it. The leaf design on the bow had a green gem in it similar to the one on the pendant. "So that saves us the trouble of trying to find the key but we still need to find the box which means going back."
    "That's right. The question now though is where on earth (G/N) hid the box. It wasn't in her room." Lupin scratched his head in thought.
    Jigen handed the key back to Lupin and took a swig of his own beer and lit a cigarette. "Tell me if you come up with an idea."

    Across the street a short woman with long blonde hair sat at a table in front of a small cafe. The morning traffic started to disperse. She started playing with a napkin when someone placed their hands on her shoulders. The woman jumped slightly while (Y/N) walked around giggling. "I hope I didn't make you wait too long Fleur."
    "(Y/N) my friend I hope you are doing well." Fleur hugged her friend tightly. "Where's (B/N)?"
    "Right here." (B/N) did a little wave from behind (Y/N).
    "I'm so happy to see you guys. It feels like ages!"
    "I know. It's been too long." (Y/N) said.
    "Shall we get something to eat?" (B/N) clapped his hands together "I'm starving."
    As he walked inside and (Y/N) followed Fluer took a hold of her hand. "Hey. How are the two of you holding up?"
    (Y/N) sighed "It's been difficult. The money is missing, some thief wants it, and of course (A/N) won't speak to us."
    "I'm sorry. Is there anything I can do to help?"
    "You being here is a huge help. Thank you for asking, and thank you for coming. I really mean that."
    "Hey, we're practically sisters at this point. I'll always be here if you need anything." Fluer hugged (Y/N). (Y/N) smiled as she hugged the shorter woman back. As she looked up, across the street her eyes lit up with curiosity and annoyance.
    Son of a bitch out here in the open?
    Right across the street a familiar man with his hat tipped down let a line of smoke leave his mouth. (Y/N) brow furrowed slightly.
     "(Y/N) what's with that look? What do you see?"
    "I think I see the plumber from yesterday at that bar over there."
    Fluer followed her line of sight. "I don't see any plumber at all."
    "No he's not in his work clothes. I just- I'm sorry I'll be back. You guys can start without me." (Y/N) walked into the street quickly dodging traffic.
    "(Y/N) be careful!" Fluer watched in concern for a moment before walking inside once (Y/N) fully got across the street.

    Jigen waited outside for Lupin to get done flirting with the bartender. He groaned when he looked at his watch. Maybe I should just head back to the hotel room. Damn idiot knows we have to lay low.
    "I have to say I think I like you better in a suit and tie than the overalls Mon Loup."
    Jigen sucked in a breath "Doll?" This is just great. Might as well just call the police on myself.
    "Mmmmm you aren't on nick name terms with me anymore." (Y/N) crossed her arms. "You are either dumb or brave being out here in the open. Either way you have a lot of nerve showing yourself."
    "Why don't you call the police then?" Jigen grimaced slightly.
    "Because I actually have some questions and you'd run if I did."
    "What makes you think I'd answer doll?"
    "I told you not to call me that."
    "Then what do I call you?"
    "Miss (L/N). But I bet you already knew that."
    Jigen chuckled lightly before tossing his cigarette on the ground and ground it with his shoe. "So what is it, Miss (L/N)?"
    "I know something your friend Lupin might want to know before he tears up my home looking for money or treasure."
    "Alright fine I'll humor you. But not out here. Let's walk and find a quiet spot."
    "How do I know you aren't going to kidnap me?"
    "You'll just have to trust me if you want your questions answered."
    (Y/N) tapped her chin, considering her options. No turning back now. "Alright Joseph. But if you try anything I'll scream."
    "Woman I'm not going to kidnap you. And it's Jigen."
    "We'll see about that." (Y/N) huffed "After you then Mr. Jigen."
    "Just Jigen is fine. Come on. I'm starving and bar food isn't exactly filling." Jigen started walking down the block. (Y/N) took a look back at the cafe across the street where her friend and brother were waiting. "Well are you coming or not?"
    (Y/N) quickly caught up and the two walked side by side. "Sorry."
    "Hey did uh? My sister say anything about going somewhere?" (B/N) asked.
    Fluer stared out the window and watched the two walk away "Well she just walked away with some guy from the bar. She said she knew him I think."
    "Huh. Well I guess we should start without her then." (B/N) read the menu for food "Did she say who?"
    "Some plumber I think."
    "What!?" (B/N) shouted and stood up. Everyone else in the restaurant looked their way to see the commotion. "Dear God Fluer, where did they go?"
    "Wow wait what's going on (B/N)?"

    "So Fujicakes. About our job." Lupin slid onto the booth seat of the table he and Fujiko picked out in the back of the bar. "You know I usually don't like working jobs for people I don't know or even meet. I made an exception because it seemed easy and we got to keep everything but now I'm thinking it's too easy."
    "I'm sorry Lupin but I don't even know our employer. I've tried looking into everything about them but they are a mystery to even me. But as you said it was an easy job so I don't see the issue now that it's over. And nothing bad has happened so far."
    Lupin pulled a note from his jacket "This was left me in the safety deposit box." He handed it to Fujiko who inspected it very carefully and opened it.
    "Dearest (Y/N) and (B/N). My time is coming soon and I want you to know I love you very much." Fujiko started to read.
    "Skip down to the second paragraph."
    "I have a lot of secrets I've kept from you. My biggest regret is not telling the two of you sooner. With that being said half the (L/N) fortune belongs to the heir of the Lupin family." Fujikos eyes widened. "Lupin, you're an heir to the (L/N) fortune?"
    "Keep reading." Lupin pressed his fingers together in thought.
    "It may not make sense now but all the answers will be revealed once you find the money. I've hidden it to keep the money safe. I hope you understand I can't tell you where it is either. I will leave clues for you to follow. The first clue is in a box bearing the same mark as the pendant."
    "I already have the key and the pendant to the box. So the only question now is where." Lupin slipped the note back into his inner jacket pocket. "My family is connected to this one somehow and I'm going to find out how." He ginned widely.
    "Does this mean whoever hired us wanted you to see the note?" Fujiko asked.
    "That's a good question Fujicakes. And one I intend to find the answer to."

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