Chapter 6

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        Zenigata paced impatiently as he waited for (Aunt’s Name) to return to office. A few things about this caper didn’t sit right with him. For the first time ever Lupin had sent two contradicting notes, and went back on his word. It was very out of character for Lupin to do this and the inspector was stumped. One thing for sure was that Lupin was going to get his treasure from the (Last Name) family, one way or another.
                   Zenigata had considered that maybe one of the notes were from an imposter Lupin. Afterall someone has gone around once or twice impersonating the thief. He quickly ruled it out remembering that he came both instances he left the note. Zenigata looked down at the cream tiled flooring pensively as he paused in thought.
                   "Oh it's you." A woman's voice called out in disdain.
                   "Inspector Zenigata ICP… Oh it's you." Zenigata sighed in annoyance. "Look lady, I'm waiting for (A/N) (L/N) . I have no time to hash out any complaints right now." He waved her away.
                   "You're looking at her." She crossed her arms. "You really dropped the ball on that bank robbery. I can't believe you're still here."
                   "You've gotta be kidding me! You're her? Wait a minute it's not like you were any help either!" Zenigata got louder and the bank patrons and employees turned to look at the commotion. Zenigata coughed lowly to adjust his voice and volume. "I have to question you concerning not only the bank robbery but the attempted robbery at the (L/N) mansion. If you could please spare some time…"
                     (A/N) groaned in annoyance. "Oui. Follow me to my office."
                    Zenigata nodded in response and followed her down the back hall. He glanced around at the wall at either side of him. Pictures of various CEOs and founders were hung up. Occasionally there was a photo of another location in the city or in another town. (A/N) finally opened the door to her own office. It was fairly plain save for the plant on the desk. No decorations, no family photos, nothing. Zenigata took note of this assuming she was not too close with the (L/N) family.
                     (A/N) walked around and sat down behind the desk. "Alright make it snappy. I am a busy woman."
                     "Do you know anything about the robberies?"
                     "Other than what I heard from you and the news, nothing." She pulled out some paperwork seemingly uninterested with this conversation.
                     "You never received a call from (B/N) and (Y/N)? No information from family?" Zenigatas brow's frowed slightly.
                      "Ha! No. I don't really keep in touch with my family and I'm sure they would want to keep it that way." She sighed "Look I'm not going to be the best of help. Me and my mother were never on the best terms and I can honestly care less about what happens with that money or company or anything really."
                      "I see. One more question and I'll leave you to your work. Did you know about your mothers security box and possibly what kind of contents were in there?"
                     "If anything it was probably jewelry, cash, or some documents for her Fashion business." (A/N) stamped a sheet of paper and placed it in a box.
                     "How about her ex husband? Where was he when all this was going down?"
                     "No idea. I saw him once at the funeral. Probably to pay his respects and he didn't stick around. I haven't spoken to that man since I was a child."
                     "That's all I have to ask. Thank you for your time." Zenigata said. He adjusted his jacket as he stood up from his chair. “I know the two of you weren’t close but, I’m sorry for your loss.” He plopped his tan hat on his head and left through the office door.
                     Zenigata slid into his police car and grabbed the microphone for his police scanner. Before he could report in the scanners a voice cried out through the radio.
                     “We have a shootout. We need back up!” The scanner rang out.
                    “This is Inspector Zenigata of ICPO. Give me your location, and I'm on the way.”
                       (Y/N) sat with her brother and friend on a nearby sidewalk waiting for further instructions on what to do. (Y/N) was already tired of all the questions and she didn't know how much longer she could keep covering for Jigen and his friend.The police seemed to believe her which came as a surprise considering in the past she couldn’t fib to save her life. (B/N) however, could see right through her and so could Fluer. She felt a twinge of guilt in her gut for making her brother and friend worry like this.
               “What were you thinking? wandering away like that!” (B/N) raised his voice enough not quite yelling but loud enough to make (Y/N) flinch a bit. She looked down at the ground to avoid eye contact. No one could make her feel like a child being scolded like (B/N) and her Grandmother. (B/N) continued with “You could have gotten killed.”
             “I know. But I just had to go and take care of some-”
             “(Y/N) please just….” (B/N) sucked in a breath and huffed it out to blow off some steam. “Please, I need to breathe for a minute.”
        “I’m sorry it ended up this way. I have an explanation but I can't talk about it here." (Y/N) said as she finally looked back up at (B/N).
                  He sighed deeply and nodded. "Alright. I'll hear you out." He said softly. He couldn't stay mad at her. Damn her for using those big eyes at him. Despite being the same age, (B/N) always took the elder sibling role. Never intentionally, but out of the two he felt more serious despite knowing his sister had a level head as well. She was just more naturally curious while he was more cautious and timid. He led a quiet and somewhat boring life, but he was safe, comfortable, and around the people he loved. That's all he could really ask for. And here he is now almost losing another person he cared about. He wasn't sure what he would do if he lost someone else he cared for so soon. "Let's just go home first alright." He finally said.
                 (Y/N) nodded in agreement and stood up. "Fleur you don't have to stay with us. You'd probably feel safer going home now."
                 "No way! You're my friend and I want to make sure you're ok." The small woman said. She grabbed (Y/N)'s hand "Plus I want to know the story too."
                 (Y/N) rolled her eyes playfully at her. The three were making their way down the sidewalk when a police car pulled up. Inspector Zenigata climbed out of the vehicle and walked towards them.
                "Mr. and Ms. (L/N). I heard about what happened. I have come to escort you home safely." The inspector said. (Y/N) wanted to protest but (B/N) just said thank you and led the group to the back of the car. The car ride home would be a long and silent ride. (Y/N) thoughts wandered to the events of the day.
                She wondered what those men were after. Who were they targeting? Me or him? And why? It's not like my family's fortune is significant. There's no big treasure or groundbreaking secret…… is there? She wasn't so sure anymore. It would make sense if those men were after Jigen. Maybe they had some beef.
                "I highly recommend you let me set patrols up at your house until we catch Lupin." Inspector Zenigata broke (Y/N) from her thoughts. It would be much harder to get into contact with Lupin this way. She wanted to stop this from happening but she couldn't without seeming suspicious.
                 "It would very much be appreciated, Inspector." (B/N) replied.
                 Meanwhile in another house across Paris in the countryside, Lupin sat hunched over some old documents and photos. There wasn't much furniture around the large house, but there was enough to be comfortable. The walls had various artworks and paintings on them. And the room was littered with statues, treasure, and junk. These were the prizes of his previous escapades and capers. Some had been sold on the black market over the years and others collecting dust. Lupin sometimes even gifted Fujiko a few items from his collection. To him, the treasures were nothing more than trophies of his thievery. A monument to his skill. Some people would call him a thrill seeker. Others would call him a genius. To his friends and colleagues it didn't matter as long as it brought them fortune and a good time.
                 Jigen walked through the door with a few bags of groceries. "I got ingredients for dinner." He walked over to the kitchen and started putting things in their proper place.
                 "Were you able to find anything on the gunmen who interrupted your date?" Lupin asked cheekily.
                  "Tch. It wasn't a date." Jigen walked back out and leaned against the wall. "Those men are part of a mob known as the Dames Blanches."
                 "Like the legend huh?" Lupin put his files and photos away and laughed to himself a little.
                 "You find something?" Jigen flipped his lighter and took a deep huff to start his cigarette. Lupin stood up and took the cigarette away and started smoking it himself. Jigen groaned in annoyance, "Go buy your own damn cigarettes."
                  "You see this picture?" Lupin ignored him, and placed an old newspaper clipping in his hands. The picture was of a wedding with a happy looking couple.
                  "Business philanthropist millionaire marries fashion tycoon (G/N) (Maiden/N). So what?"
                    "I was looking through Grandpa's old files to see if he had anything to explain why (G/N) knew him and why she owed him money. And I found this." Lupin handed Jigen another photo. This time of Arsene Lupin and of the man from the newspaper clipping. "That is the head of Dames Blanches."
                    "So there's a little side business going on over at (G/N) textiles then?" Jigen lit another cigarette.
                     "I don't know for sure but the attack from today did confirm one thing."
                     "And what's that?"
                     "Old (L/N) isn't too happy with our presence or the results of the inheritance." Lupin smirked.
                     "Do you think the twins know anything about this?"
                      "Doubt it. Press about (G/N)'s husband was hush hush. He was only heard about again when they divorced. Considering how the twins reacted so far I'd say they are more clueless than us right now. But that treasure is in the house I guarantee it."
                       "Tch." Jigen scoffed again. "You couldn't even find anything the first time and that place has to be swarming with cops now with Zenigata."
                      "And that's why I have a plan." Lupin shoved everything off the table and placed blueprints of the house on the table. "Goemon and I will be causing a distraction while you put on the charm and convince your girlfriend to help us."
                    "That's a terrible idea!" Jigen protested.
                     "Aw, is my little Jiji getting cold feet?" Lupin cooed "I can show you pointers on how to woo a woman."
                    "Idiot." Jigen put out his cigarette on Lupin's forehead.
                     "Hot! Hot! Ouchie!" Lupin hopped and then held his head while hunching over.
                    "You really believe she's going to trust me enough to show me the treasure that not even she knows the location of?"
                      "She trusted you enough to follow a shady stranger into a restaurant."
                      "You spied on us?"
                      "Fujiko actually did. Then she told me about it. She says you're good at dancing by the way."
                       "Unbelievable." Jigen stalked towards the door.
                       "Where are you going?"
                       "To get some fresh air."
                       "Why are you getting so offended over this girl?" Lupin questioned.
                      "She's just annoying as you are, you're asking me to flirt with her, and Fujiko spied on me. Which by the way I will remind you again that she's up to no good as always." Jigen walked out the door and slammed it. Lupin blinked a few times, staring quizzically as if he didn't understand why Jigen was annoyed. He knew Jigen wasn't really upset about the mission. Something was putting him on edge. Lupin wasn't sure yet, but he had a feeling Dames Blanches had something to do with it. Jigen didn't trust the twins. Neither did Lupin buy their oblivious act. There's more to the puzzle and he was going to figure it out.

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