Chapter 8

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The house for the most part was quiet, save for the inspector outside. (B/N) anxiously hovered over his desk looking over some numbers. He tapped the pencil against his head in rhythm and clicked his tongue. The numbers were starting to blur into each other as his mind wandered to his frightened sister from earlier that day. He silently cursed himself for not being there for her. His spine shuddered at the thought of losing her in that shoot out.

"Can't sleep?" Fleur asked from the door of his temporary office space in the library.

"No. Not after today. I thought we wouldn't have to worry about anything else after the break in. (Y/N) has been in danger twice this week. And I wasn't there both times. I was safe and sound behind a desk!" he balled the sheet of paper he was working on and threw it into a garbage bin. "What kind of man am I? No, what kind of brother am I if I can't even protect my own sister?"

"You should get some rest. The police are here now and will guard this house for the night." Fleur walked closer to him with a tray of tea. "Here a little bit of this will help soothe your mind."

"Thank you, Fleur. I don't know what I would have done if you didn't stay."

"The two of you are like siblings to me. I'm not going to leave you two alone."

The two of them could now hear the inspector stalk towards the room. "The perimeter is secure now Mr. Blanchet. No one is getting in or out." Zenigata smiled cheekily.

"Thank you Inspector for everything." (B/N) stood up as acknowledgement.

"Myself and some officers will be patrolling the halls as well so please just continue on with your evening."

"Very good detective. Just let my sister rest. It's been a long day for her."

"Very well. Just call for me if you see something suspicious." Zenigata tipped his hat before leaving.

"For an aloof man he really takes this job seriously." Fleur commented.

"Let's just hope that he catches those bastards who started this." (B/N) took a tea cup from the tray and sipped from it.

Meanwhile in the hall the Inspector snickered to himself and pulled a walkie talkie from his coat "Jigen are you there? Jigen, do you read me?"

Radio silence.

"That's not like him." Lupin commented, slipping the walkie talkie back into his coat so he could continue his facade.

Now this is when the plan starts to go south now, and it starts a few minutes ago when Jigen drops his walkie talkie on the climb up to (Y/N)'s window.

Jigen cursed when his own walkie talkie fell and broke into bits on the ground. Luckily the police were still making a racket in the front courtyard. Jigen continued to scale the wall going forward with the plan. He couldn't understand why (Y/N)'s behavior threw him off so much. She was a liability and yet Lupin was welcoming her into their plans. Of course Jigen had to babysit too. He grumbled to himself as he reached the top just as Fleur was walking out of the bedroom.

This singular event, not to the knowledge of Jigen, would set off a chain of events in the Blanchet home that would make escaping messy and sloppy. You see the real Zenigata was still outside patrolling the area and assigning teams of cops to different locations around the house. It would be him stumbling upon the broken radio parts that would alert him to the presence of Lupin.

Now we go back to the hallways, where Lupin and Goemon (also disguised as a cop) were patrolling the hallways, easily passing the other unsuspecting officers. Lupin wanted to get a better look at the late Mrs. Blanchet bedroom and look for anything that would connect her or the twins to the underground Dames Blanches group. After All the fortune could be in the hands of Dames Blanchet and this whole mission would be fruitless if not confirmed.

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