Welcome to the Slug Club

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A/N: Here's the next chapter of LIBS!!! Hope you enjoy, and as always a huge THANK YOU to everyone who has read, voted, or commented on this fic so far. Love you all! <3 <3 

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Welcome to the Slug Club

The Slug Club was a party of very important people for very important people. And it started at 7 o'clock.

Throughout the castle, students buzzed with excitement, putting on dress robes special for the occasion, applying lipstick, talking about their dates, or (for the unlucky) pretending didn't care that they weren't invited.

Gryffindor Tower saw James Potter standing in his dormitory, a full length gold mirror in front of him. He was recently showered, with the smell of aftershave fresh on his skin, his dark hair perfectly combed back and set with gel, wearing maroon robes with genuine silver tassels his mother had paid way too much money for.

James was no stranger to a fancy occasion, and he cocked his head as he considered what watch would go best with his maroon dress robes. Usually, he enjoyed these type of events. Socializing came easy to him, as James Potter dominated all markets with a currency of like-ability. Tonight was different though. Too much was on his mind for him to enjoy himself.

Sirius was missing. And he couldn't stop thinking about Lily. And he had to pick up his date in ten minutes.

His date.

James winced a little as he thought it, the ghost of Lily glaring down at him in his thoughts.

He'd ask Ellie Delacroix to go with him. The Delacroix's were one of the oldest light families, and her father was a lifestlye business tycoon. She was used to all the butkissing required at this type of function. Like James, she had done it her whole life. She was plenty charming and certainly beautiful. Her hair cascaded down like a beam of light and her warm eyes smiled at every turn.

But she wasn't Lily.

James swallowed, feeling a pit in his stomach for a moment and feeling irritated that he couldn't go on this stupid date with this beautiful girl and have a wonderful time, like he'd done a million times before Lily.

James stiffly chose his phoenix cuff links and glanced at the Marauders. Remus had been ready ten minutes ago, and perched on his bed reading what James guessed was one of his mystery novels. Peter was still trying to find his dress shoes. Who James really wanted to talk to was Sirius, who was nowhere to be seen. He'd been at Quidditch tryouts this morning, but he'd been aggressive (more than usual anyway) and had left the minute they'd ended. James, as captain, had been forced to stay.

Remus had mentioned Sirius wasn't going to the Slug Club, but that didn't make any sense to James. Why wouldn't he be going? So what if he didn't have an invitation? That had never stopped him before. He could have had a date in ten seconds if he wanted to. James could have distracted the entry people and snuck him in.

"Anyone heard from Padfoot?" James asked the group.

Remus glanced up from his book. "I haven't seen him since last night."

Without looking up from rummaging through his drawers, Peter said, "He probably found a girl and is drowning his sorrows with her. I'm sure he'll show up soon."

James studied them for a moment, before nodding and adjusting his tie.

After a moment, Remus glanced at the clock then looked longingly at his book. "Damn it. That came quick. Why did I get a date again?"

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 15, 2021 ⏰

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