What Comes Next

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A/N: And here it is! The next chapter of Let It Be Slytherin. As always, SORRY I'M LATE. The world is crazy and life is crazy, but I promise I'm working on this fic. Slow and steady wins the race right??? haha. I mean fast and steady is preferable buuuut yeah.

Next, THANK YOU to all you wonderful people who commented, voted, or add this story to their reading list. You're amazing and inspiring and you always make my day !! ❤️ 

Finally, a note about James. So I know he's been a total jerk so far, but just so you know, there are good things coming 😏 Okay yeah he totally sucks right now but everyone has to start somewhere right? I've always thought it so interesting how a jerk like James was loved by so many, married Lily, and ended being such an emblem for the light. It's interesting (and kind of sad) how much you can get away with if you're attractive and charismatic. So that's what this fic explores a little. The many faces of James Potter and how he got to be the person he is when he marries Lily. 

And then of course, it's fun to explore Snape, Lily, and Harry. And all of the Marauders. JK Rowling wrote such cool interesting complex characters, I love writing about them 😍

Anyways, that's all for now! Thanks for reading and hope you enjoy this chapter :) 

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Harry cringed a little as he stood outside the hospital wing, shoulders steeled, holding a croissant sandwich wrapped in a napkin in his palm.

Was he really here? Was he really doing this?

The hospital wing doorway towered before him and Harry shifted his weight from left to right to calm his nerves.

He had been hiding behind anger for the last few hours, but slowly it ebbed away as the reality of what had happened that day set in.

Harry had stood up to James.

His father.

Harry had imagined this moment for his entire life. Him getting to know James. He had imagined a million times over how incredible it would be. How could his dad would be. How popular, charismatic, kind, and Gryffindor his father was.

Now though, Harry's entire paradigm turned upside down for now he knew.

Snape had been right all along.

James was bully.

And here Harry stood, an unexpected casualty in his wake.

Harry hated bullies. His mind flashed back to primary school. To boys bigger than him with cooler clothes mocking him because he didn't have a lunch. Kids he could still name ten years later, their faces forever looming over him like a bad dream.

And while Harry didn't think he could ever forgive Snape for killing Dumbledore, Snape was to James as Harry was to those muggles. That was something Harry could understand.

The hospital wing at this time of day was quiet and for the most part, empty. Harry walked straight into the foyer, glancing around for Snape and praying Lestrange was either highly sedated or gone.

Harry found Severus Snape lying on a bed, staring emotionlessly up at the ceiling with eyes that clearly did not know anyone was watching. His boils had calmed down, leaving only red lumps scattered about his body and he lay with a stillness matched only by his bedspread.

Harry glanced down at the sandwich in his hand one more time. It was too late to turn back now. He slowly stepped in Snape's direction.

At the soft sound of footsteps, Snape jerkily jolted up to a sitting position and froze, eyeing Harry suspiciously, like he was a dog who might have rabies.

Let It Be Slytherin ⟶ A Harry Potter Time Travel FicWhere stories live. Discover now